Islamic Dictonary by Halawi Media

aadaabaabid (pi ubbaad)
worshipper, devotee A person devoted to worshipping Allah.
aabiqrunaway slave
A slave who runs away from his master for no legitemate reason.
aadpeople of Ad
A people of the Arabian Peninsula to whom Allah sent the Prophet
aadaab sg. adabmanners, rules of conduct
Good morals and manners are mentioned by the Prophet (PBUH) as criteria of superiority of a believer over others. A Muslim is supposed to observe the laws of Islam in every aspect of his life, including the daily conduct of affairs (be that social, economic, political...).
The first human being created by Allah. His mate was Eve. (See the Quran, 2: 30-38 for references to his creation, sin, repentance...) ..
aadlljust, fair
aakhirThe Last
A Divine Attribute of Allah. The One after Whom no one and nothing exists, because He is the Only Everlasting Being.
aakhirahthe Hereafter
Belief in life in the Hereafter (in the physical and spiritual senses) is one of the six corner-stones of
aakil ar-ribadevourer of usury
Anyone who lends people money with interest / usury is guilty of devouring it, which means he purchases his food with money earned in that manner.
aalam al-barzakhintermediate state
aal imraanfamily of Imran
In Chapter 3 of the Quran, this refers to the family of Maryam (Mary), the mother of iisaa (Jesus) (PBUH).
aal al-baytfamily of the Prophet (PBUH) iterally, the members of the household.
The term is used to refer to the wives of the Prophet (PBUH), his offspring and Muslim uncles and cousins, who were forbidden to accept
aal muhammadfamily of Muhammad See aal al-bayt.
aalaa yuutiito decide or make iilaa
See iilaa for the special sense of deciding to desert ones wife in bed.
aalam al-ghaybthe unseen world Literally, the world of the unseen, including the fixture
and the Hereafter, which is known only to Allah.
aalam ash-shahaadahthe visible world
The present material world, as opposed to the Hereafter or the fixture, for example, which are not visible or known to us. The opposite of aalam al-ghayb
aalim pl. ulamaascholar In Islamic texts, the term
usually refers to a scholar specializing in religious fields of knowledge.
aam al-buuuthYear of Deputations
The ninth year of the Hijrah is called the Year of Deputations, because deputations came from all over Arabia to the Prophet (PBUH) at Medina to declare their conversion to Islam and to learn about it.
aam al-fillYear of the Elephant
The year 570 AD, when the Abyssinian viceroy in Yemen decided to invade Makkah and destroy the Kabah with an army that had elephants, but they were all miraculously destroyed. (See the Quran, 105). It was in this year that the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was born.
aamana yuminto believe
When the verb is used in an unqualified manner in the Quran it refers to believing in Allah.
aamil pl. ummaalgovernor
In classical use, the governor appointed by the caliph to rule a certain area in his name ..
aaqib al--the Last -
The reference is to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) being the last Prophet and Messenger of Allah.
aaqilahblood money payers
Relatives, such as ancestors or descendants who are responsible (with the murderer) for paying the blood money to the family of the murdered victim.
Legally, this means someone who is sound of mind; therefore, he is responsible for his actions.
Something given on loan to somebody.
aariyyahloaned object
Something borrowed from someone. Naturally, It should be reiurned intact as much as possible.
aas in pl.usaahsinner, rebellious
The term means sinner if he is rebellious against Divine commands; otherwise, it means a persistently disobedient person.
aashuuraatenth of Muharram
The tenth day of the first month of Islamic calendar. It is sunnah to fast this day, with one day before or after it. On this day also al-Husayn (grandson of the Prophet {PBUH}) was martyred at Karbilaa in Iraq.
aataa yutii az-zakaahgive alms, pay the poor dues
In the Quran we are told that all types of creation are signs from Allah for man to ponder upon, hence reach the conclusion of His greatness.
aayah 2 pl.aayaatverse
A verse from the Quran (part of a
aayah 3 pi.aayaatproof evidence
aayat al-kursiyVerse of the Throne
This refers to verse 256 of Chapter 2 of the Holy Quran. It consists of ten sentences about Allah, giving some of His Attributes. The Prophet (PBUH) strongly recommen- ded reciting it after regular
Prophet Abrahams father.
abaaha yubiihto permit or make lawful
This is usually contrasted with
abd1male slave, bondsman
A slave was a man captured in a just war or the son of a bondswoman.
abd2 pi. ibaadservant
In the context of mans relationship to Allah, the word is usually translated servant.
ablagha yublighto mature, to become of age
To reach the age of puberty.
ablagha 2 yublighto convey
To convey a message.
abraarrighteous people
abtala yubtilto invalidate
To make something or some action invalid, such as laughing which makes
adaa iperformance
Performing a religious rite, such as formal prayers and pilgrimage to Mecca.
adaa 2payment
Paying back a loan or debt.
adaalahjustice, integrity
In the science of hadeeth, the term means the integrity (of the narrator).
adab pi.aadaabrule of behaviour / etiquette
addaa yuaddiitodo
In the case of
addaba yuaddibto teach manners
adhaabpunishment, torture
adhaab al-qabrtorture of the grave
The torture sinners and unbelievers suffer in their graves, starting with the punishment upon giving the wrong answers to the questions put by
adhaancall to prayer
The call to any of the five daily prayers.
adi adhdhana yuadhdhinto call to prayer To say the
adhkaar sg. dhikrverbal prayers, invocations
Any prayers in which one glorifies, praises or seeks Allahs forgiveness.
adiyah mathuurahtraditional prayers
Often this refers to the prayers that are reported in the traditions of the Prophet Muhammad (PHUH).
adiprevention from marriage
Preventing a woman from marriage by various means either by the guardian or a former husband.
ad al--The Ever Just
A Divine Attribute of Allah. The One Who is never unfair in His decisions.
adi pl. uduulman of integrity
As an adjective, the term is used in the science of hadeeth in describing narrators, and in describing witnesses too, to mean a person of integrity, Allah-fearing and honest.
adljustice, fair dealing
The Quran teaches Muslims to be just in dealing even with enemies. (5: 2 and 8).
afaada yufiid min arafaatto move from Arafah
To flow or move away from Arafah / at the end of the ninth day (after sunset) of the month of pilgrimage.
afiifchaste, dignjfied
The term covers both chastity and self-respect, in the sense that a person does not commit illicit sexual intercourses and does not debase himself in other ways.
aflaha yflihuto be successful, to prosper
This word expresses the meaning of success in its most comprehensive sense, both in this world and the Hereafter. (See the Quran, 23:1 and9:9).
aftara yuft irto break one s fast
To have breakfast or to break ones fast by eating or drinking, for example.
afuww al--The Supreme Pardoner
A Dinvine Attribute of Allah. The One Who not only forgives but also erases all sins from the records of His servants.
ahaadiith sg. hadiithprophetic traditions
For a definition see
ahbaas sg. hubsendowments
ahd pl. uhuudcovenant, solemn promise
ahdatha i yuhdithto make
ahdatha 2 yuhdithto innovate
To do something in the religion that was not taught or observed by the Prophet (PBUH).
ahkaam sg. hukmrulings
There are degrees and types of rulings in Islam, according to which every act is judged: obligatory, strongly recommended, plausible, not recommended (implausible), forbidden.
ahi aiahwaalibertines
People who follow their whims in their words and actions.
ahi adh-dhimmahproteges of Islamic state
Christians and Jews who live in peace in an Islamic State and pay the
ahi ai-baytHousehold of Muhammad
Members of the household of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). See
ahi ai-fatrahpeople of the interval
People who lived in a period during which no particular messenger from Allah was sent to them.
ahi ai-kabaairmajor sinners
People who commit major sins. (See kabiirah (pl,kabaair)
ahi al-kahfpeople of the cave
The young people referred to in the Quran 18:9-22. They miraculously spent about 300 years asleep in the cave where they had saught reftige earlier.
ahi al-kitaabPeople of the Book
This refers to Jews and/or Chrisitans. It means the people with (originally) revealed scriptures.
ahi ai-qibiahMuslims (people of the qiblah)
The people who pray towards the Kabah.
ahi ar-raymen of opinion
Scholars, like Abu Hanifah, who give weight to analogy and logical deductions as a source of Islamic law. They are contrasted with
ahmadmost praise worthy
This is one of the names of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)). His coming was foretold by Jesus (PBUH) by this name. (See the Quran, 61: 6).
ahsana-iiaahu azaaakumSincere condolences!
One form of prayer said to a bereaved person, asking Allah to console him.
ahsana yuhsinuto be chaste
To protect oneself from illicit sexual relations. (See
aimmat ai-hadiithleading scholars of hadeeth
Scholars who are upright, have strong memory and are well versed in matters of the text and science of prophetic traditions.
ajal pl. aajaalappointed time
This term applies to any appointed time. It is sometimes used to refer to the end of one s life (death).
ajnabiyy pl. ajaanibstranger
The terms refers to someone who is not
ajr pl.ujuurwage, reward
In its general sense the word means wage or payment made for service rendered. But in the spiritual sense it refers to reward from Allah.
ajr al-- wath-thawaabrewards and compensations
Rewards and compensations given by Allah to a Muslim for any good deed, including refraining from a sinful act.
akh min ar-radaa ahfoster-brother
We may also hear
akhlaaq sg. khuluqmorals, moral values
Good conduct is an essential part of the religion. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is reported to have said,
akhlafa yukhlifto forswear, break a promise
Breaking a promise is considered by the Prophet (PBUH) one of the four signs of a
akt ar-ribaadevouring usury
alaamaat an-nubuwwahsigns of prophethood
Signs that prove that someone is a true Prophet of Allah.
alaamaat as-saaahsigns of the Hour
Signs of the approach of the Day of Judgement, one of the greatest being the suns rising from the West.
alayhi as-salaah was-salaamPeace and blessings be upon him
An expression usually said upon the mention of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) or his name, out of reverence. Sometimes, it is shortened to
alayhi as-salaamPeace be upon him
An expression a Muslim says upon the mention of any Prophet of Allah or hearing reference to him. It is often abbreviated as (PBUH).
alum al--The Omniscient
A Divine Attribute of Allah. The One Who knows everything, past, present or future, open or secret.
aliyy al--The Ever-Exalted
A Dinvine Attribute of Allah. The One Who is Exalted above everyone and everything.
allaahGod / Allah
In Arabic there are two words for god in English:
allaahu akbarAllah is Greater /the Greatest
This expression means both greater in the comparative form and greatest, in the superlative form. It is said to remind one that no one is greater than Allah; therefore, we should not fear any but Him.
allaahummaO Allah /Allah!
Usually, this expression is used in supplications, such as
amaan al--security
A pledge given to someone (especially from the enemy camp) for his! her safety and security.
amaanah 1honesty, trustworthiness
An important quality of a good believer who should be honest and trustworthy.
amaanah 2 plamaanaattrust, responsibility
Something one is entrusted with to keep and preserve, which could be material or moral ! religious.
amah pl. imaaslave girl, bondswoman
amai pl. amaaiAnything one does.
Sometimes, it includes even words said by a person.
amat allaahfemale person, servant ofAllah
Literally, it means the slave girl or bondswoman of Allah. It is the feminine counterpart of
amiir al-muminiinprince / leader of the faithful
This was the term coined by Caliph Umar ibn al-Khattab, the second Righteous Caliph, to refer to himself and other caliphs (successors to the Prophet Muhammad {PBUH}).
amma yaummto lead
To lead worshippers in a congregational prayer.
amr pl. awaamirorder, command, decree
This noun is derived from the verb
amr bil-maruufenjoyning what is right
This means both teaching and enjoining what is good and right. The complementary act to this is
amwaal sg. maalwealth, possessions
anbiyaa nabiyyprophets
ansaar sg. ansaariyysupporters
See anSaariyy.
ansaariyy pl. ansaarsupporter
One of the residents of Medina who welcomed the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his immigrant companions. The term is contrasted with
aqaaid sg. aqiidaharticles offaith, theology
The general meaning of the word is beliefs or articles of faith, but it is also used short for
aqaama yuqiim as-salaahto perform the salat, announce readiness r To perform the regular formal
prayer. It is also used to mean saying the
aqd ai-qiraanjoining in wedlock, marriage
Performing a marriage ceremony. It could mean marriage.
aqd an-nikaahjoining in wedlock, marriage
Performing a marriage ceremony. It could mean marriage.
aqiidah pl. agaaidfaith, belief
Something that one has a firm belief in; it is often used to refer to the religion.
Celebrating the birth of a new baby, usually by slaughtering a sheep and distributing its meat or making a meal with it for a group of people.
aql pl. uquulsanity
In legal terms, this refers to the ability to reason and think.
aql2mind, reason
The capacity that enables one to think.
aqsama yuqsimto take an oath, swear by Allah
Even when the word
aqtaa yuqtito grant land
To grant a piece of land, usually by a Muslim ruler.
arafah / arafaatplain of Arafah
The plain near Makkah where pilgrims spend the ninth day of the month of pilgrimage. Stay in Arafah is one of the maj or rites, without which pilgrimage is considered null.
araja yarujto ascend
To go up to heaven.
arhaam sg. rahimwombs, blood relatives
In religious texts, the second meaning is probably more frequently intended.
arkaan al-iimaanpillars offaith
There are six pillars or corner-stones of faith in Islam: belief in Allah, theangels, the revealed scriptures, Allahs messengers, the Hereafter (including physical resurrection and life after death) and predestination. Five of these are mentioned in the Quran (2:177).
arkaan al-islaampillars of Islam
There are five pillars or corner-stones of Islam, mentioned by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH): testifing that there is no deity except Allah and that Muhammad is His messenger, performing the five daily prayers, paying the poor dues, fasting Ramadan and pilgrimage to Makkah (for those who can afford it).
A person who claims to know the unseen and the future. It is forbidden for a Muslim to resort to such people for consultation.
arsh pl. uruushthrone
asaa yasiito disobey, to sin
asabahpaternal male relatives / agnates
Some writers have defined this term as
Unfair partisanship and prejudice are forbidden by Islam, because a Muslim should be fair and just even to enemies.
asbaat sg. sibtgrandsons, Israelite tribes
In the Quran, the word is used in both senses: children of Prophet Jacob (Quran 2:136) Israelite tribes (7: 160). In Islamic writings, we also have the expression
ashaab al-aykahpeople of the Thicket
The reference is to the people of Prophet Shuayb. (See, e.g., the Quran, 15:78; 26:176-190.) ..
ashaab al-fijipeople of the elephant
The army led by the Abyssinian king Abrahah to destroy the Kaaba in 570 G.E. (See reference in the Quran, Chapter 105.) ..
ashaab al-jan nahpeople of Paradise
Reference is usually to the believers. The exception is the phrase found in chapter 68 of the Quran, verse 17, where it means owners of the garden / farm.
ashaab al-kahfpeople of the cave
ashaab an-naarpeople of Hell
Reference is usually to disbelievers.
ashaab as-suffahpeople of the suffah
ashaab rasuuli-llaahcompanions ofAllah s
Messenger Muslims who met the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) are technically known as his companions. They are the best generation of Islam, and a good Muslim should show them due respect and reverence.
the disbelievers The term is probably based on the fact that disbelievers will receive their records of deeds in their left hands on the Day of Judgement. (See the Quran, 56: 4 1-56).
ashaab al-yamiinthe believers
The term is probably based on the fact that believers will receive their records of deeds in their right hands on the Day of Judgement. (See the Quran, 56: 27-38).
asharah al-- al- mubashsharuunthe Ten Promised Paradise
The ten companions of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) who were given the tidings of being among the dwellers of Paradise in the Hereafter.
ashhur at-- al-h urumthe sacred months
The four months of
ashhur al-hajjmonths ofpilgrimage
The months of
ashraka yushrikto ascribe partners
To worship others Allah, or ascribe attributes to them. includes the claim need intermediaries us and Allah.
asiibpalm branch
palm branch A palm branch stripped of its leaves. The Arabs sometimes used to write on it.
askara yuskirto intoxicate
To negatively affect ones capacity of discrimination and thinking.
asi usuul 1principle
Principles sor foundations upon which other issues (
asi usuul 2lineage
For a person,his father and grand fathers.
asmaa allaah al-husnaaMost Beautifull Names of Allah
These are the ninety-nine names or Divine Attributes of Allah, such as
asmaa ar-rijaalbiographical dictionary
A special type of Islamic writing where the names of people of spcial interest (e.g.,
asr al--afternoon
The time when the shadow of anything is twice its length.
astaghfiru-ilaahI ask Allah for forgiveness
This is the shortest form of
athar al--traditions
Sometimes, this word is used to refer to unverified traditions of the Prophet (PBUH) or sayings of his companions.
auudhu bi-llaahI seek refuge with Allah
We may hear this expression in exclamations to express denial of wrong doing.
awaamir al-- wan-nawaahiiinjunctions and prohibitions
Teachings regarding what is required and what is forbidden in the religion.
awaamir wa nawwahiiinjunctions and prohibitions
Teachings of the religion regarding what to do or not to do.
awhaa yuuhiito reveal, inspire
Usually, this refers to Allah when He sends a message to a messenger of His. Very often, this is done through Archangel Gabriel. In other cases, the word may mean to prompt someone, for example, to do something.
awliyaa sg. waliyysaints, guardians, proteges...
See the different meanings of
awrah pl. awraatprivate part
The term normally means the part of the body that should not be exposed to others by a Muslim. For a male, the minimum is the area between the navel and the knees. For an adult female, the whole body with the exception of the face and hands should be covered in the presence of strangers.
aws al--the Aws tribe
One of the two major tribes that lived in Medina at the time of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The other being
awsaa yuusiito bequeath
According to Islamic law, shares of legal heirs (e.g., fore children, parents, spouse...) are not subject to the will, but are specified by the Quran. One of the purposes of the will is the allocation of no more than one third of the legacy for others, if one so desires, such as charity or endowments.
awtara yuutirto pray witr
To pray an odd number of
A person who always repents and seeks Allahs forgiveness.
awwal al--The First
A Divine Attribute of Allah. The One before Whom no one and nothing ever existed.
awwala yuawwiluto interpret.
ayaan sg. aynobjects
Concrete objects of any nature.
aymaan sg. yamlinOaths
ayn al-yaqiincertainty of confirmation
The level of certainty that one reaches when he sees signs that confirm his belief in the truth of something.
ayyaam al-biiddays of luminous nights
The middle days of the lunar month, which are luminous due to the full moon. Specifically, they refer to the 13th -15th, which a Muslim is recommended to fast.
ayyaam an-nahrsacrifice days
The days on which a Muslim (pilgrim or not) may slaughter his sacrifice, starting with the Feast of Sacrifice (iid al aDHaa) and the next 3 days.
ayyaam at-tashriiqtashreeq days
One of the meanings of
ayyim pi. ayaamaasingle (male or female)
(See the Quran, 24: 32). Another common meaning for this word is widow /widower.
One of the prophets mentioned in the Quf an. He is usually cited for his exemplary patience and endurance of difficulties. (See the Quran, 38: 41-44).
azaltime immemorial
This is usually contrasted with
aziimah pl. azaaimspell, incantation
Linguistically, the word means will or determination. As a term it means a spell or incantation.
aziim al--The Ever-Magnficent
A Divine Attribute of Allah. The One Who is Great and ever glorified by others.
aziiz al--The Ever-Mighty
A Divine Attribute of Allah. The One Who is Most Powerful and High.
azlaam sg. zalamlot arrows
Arrow like pieces of wood that were used by Arabs for casting lots, especially in gambling. (See the Quran 5:3.) ..
azl1stripping from authority
Removing a person from a position of authority, such as governorship or position of a judge.
azl2coitus interruptus
The deliberate withdrawal of the penis from the vagina before ejaculation. In the hadeeth we find reference to this practice by early Muslims, who were not forbidden of doing it.
Objects worshipped by pagans.
azzama allaahu ajrakumMay Allah multiply your
reward! An expression normally said to a relation of a deceased person to show condolences.
baaghii pl. bughaahrebel
Someone who revolts against a legitimate ruler.
baainfinally divorced
A woman who is divorced for the third and final time. She may not go back to her former husband except after the fulfillment of certain conditions. See
baaith al--The Resurrector
A Divine Attribute meaning the One Who resurrects the dead. (See the Quran 2: 56.) The word also means the One Who sends messengers things.(See the Quran 16:36.) ..
baaqii al--The Everlasting
A Divine Attribute meaning the One Who survives everybody and everything.
baarak-allah fiik umAllah bless you.
baaraka yubaarikto bless
baari al--the Creator
A Divine Atribute meaning the One Who has created everyone and everything. The term should be compared to the words
baasit al--The Expander
A Divine Attribute meaning the One Who expands everything, including His favours and provisions bestowed on His creation by increasing them. (See, e.g., the Quran 13:26.) ..
baatha yabathto resurrect, bring back to life
baatha 2 yabathto send
To send a message or messenger.
As an adjective the word means invalid, as opposed to
baatil 2falsehood
In this sense the term is contrasted with
baatin al--The Hidden
A Divine Attribute meaning the One Who cannot seen by anyone.
badii al--The Originator
A Divine Attribute meaning the One Who makes a new creation.
baghiyy pl. baghaayaaprostitute
Naturally, Islam forbids any sexual relations outside marriage. Clear punishments have been stated in Islamic law for prostitution.
baghytransgression, infringement
Doing injustice to others or simply transgressing.
It could also mean conveying a message.
balagha yablughto become of age.
ballagha yuballigh ar-risaalahto convey the message
baqii al--Medina Cemetry
The cemetry of Medina, near the Prophet s mosque. It is sometimes referred to as jannat al-baqii
baraa al--disavowal
The term is found in the context of a Muslims relationship with disbelievers. It is contrasted with
baraaahinnocence, freedom from
In the Quran this word is found at the beginning of Chapter 9 to mean freedom from obligation.
Often, the term is used to refer to plentifulness.
barr al--The Benign
A Divine Attribute meaning the One Who is kind and good to others. (See the Quran 52:28.) ..
barru n pi.abraarrighteous
barzakhbarrier, interval between lives
In Islamic theology, the term refers to the interval between death and resurrection, or between life in this world and life in the Hereafter.
bashiirbrin ger of glad tidings
One of the tasks of the Prophet was to bring glad tidings to the believers. This term is contrasted with
basiirah pl. basaairinsight
The capacity to gain an accurate and good intuitive understanding of affairs.
basiir al--The All-Seeing
A Divine Attribute of Allah. The One Whose Sight encompasses everything.
bath al--the Resurrection
Resurrecting the dead.
batuul al--the pious and chaste one
This term is often used to refer to Maryam / Mary (mother of the Prophet Jesus).
bay as-salampostponed delivery sale
A sale agreement in which the seller promises to deliver the goods at a later date.
bayahoath of allegiance, pledge
Giving an oath of allegiance to someone. The verb is baayaa (yubaayi).
bayat ar-ridwaanP/edge of (Divine) Pleasure
This refers to the pledge Muslims gave to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) at Hudaybiyah, near Makkali to fight the disbeliving Makkahns if asked to. We find reference to this in the Quran(48: 10 and 18).
bayat al-aqabah al-uulaaFirst Aqabah Pledge
The pledge made by twelve people from Yathrib (Medina) to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) at a place near Makkah to accept the teachings of Islam.The Prophet (PBUH) sent with them the first Muslim missionary, Musab ibn umayr.
bayat at-aqabah ath-thaaniyahSecond Aqabah Pledge
The pledge made by seventy- three Yathribite people, including two women, to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), at a place near Makkah, to defend him as they would their own selves and families if he migrated to their town, Yathrib (Medina).
baynuunah kubraamajor / absolute finality
The divorce after which a woman may not go back to her former husband, unless she manies another man, consummates her marriage, then gets separated by bayt divorce or death of the second husband. A new marriage contract is required.
baynuunah sughraaminor / relative finality
The case in which a divroced woman may not return to her former husband except with a new marriage contract.
bayt at-- at-atiiqthe old House
The word
bayt a -- at-haraamthe Sacred House
The Sacred Kabah. The mosque around it is known as
bayt al-- al-mamuurOft-frequented House
According to Islamic traditions, this is a house in the seventh Heaven around which thousands of angels circumambulate. It is parallel to the Ka bah on Earth.
bayt pl. buyuut allaahhouse ofAllah
Any mosque or house of worship.
bayt al-maalpublic treasury
This is short for
bayt al-maqdisJerusalem
Before instructions were given to the Prophet (PBUH) to face the Kabah in his prayers, he used to face Jerusalem; hence, it is called the first of the two
bayt an-nubuwwahhousehold of the Prophet
bayt at-taaahhusband s residence
In modern legal terms, the residence where the court decides a wile should stay with her husband.
bayyinah bayyinaatclear evidence
bithat an-riabiyythe Prophet s messengership
The time at which the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) received the first revelation of the Quran, brought to him by Archangel Gabriel while Muhammad was in retreat at the Cave of Hiraa in Makkah. He was forty years old (around the year 609 AD).
bi-idhnil-laahwith Allah s permission
This expression is used when we promise or express the intention to do something in the future. It is similar to
bismillaahIn the Name ofAllah
It is
bismillaahi-rrahmaani-rrahimIn the Name of Allah, the
Beneficent, the Merciful This is the full form of
buhtaanfalsehood, slander
Reaching the age of physical maturation. For males, the growth of pubic hair and ejaculation (of semen). For girls, this means starting menstruating. (The word originally means reaching).
butlaaninvalidation, invalidity
An example is the invalidation of the prayer if one talks or laughs while praying.
daabbatu-l-ardThe Reptile of Earth
The name of a monster that will appear in the final days of this world. Its rise is one of the clear signs of the approach of Doomsday.
daaiyah pl. duaahpreacher of Islam
Someone who preaches or calls to Islam, especially among non-Muslims. But it could also mean a person who preaches religion to Muslims as well.
daallu n pl. daalluunastray, in error
Someone is termed
daamin1guarantor, liable person
A person who guarantees a borrower, for example, or someone who is liable for indemnities.
daamin 2guarantor
The person who takes the responsibility of making sure that the guaranteed person will do what is required of him.
daaniq dawaaniqDaniq
A small fraction of a
daar ad-- al-aakhirahabode of the Hereafter
The term could also refer to the life Hereafter.
daar al-ahdAbode of Treaty
Non-Muslim territories that have a peace treaty with the Islamic State.
daar al-baqaa / al-khuluudAbode of Eternity
The reference here is to the Hereafter, as opposed to this world where life is temporary.
daar al-fanaavanishing world
This world where life is temporary, as opposed to life in the Hereafter which is eternal.
daar al-ghuruurA bode of Delusion
This world where things are ephemeral and may not be real. Man is constantly being exposed to delusions and temptations.
daar al-harbAbode of War
daar al-ibtllaa Hostile territories, under un- Islamic rule.
daar al-hijrahplace of migration
The town of al-Madinah al- Munawwarah (Medina) to which the Prophet (PBUH) migrated from Makkah after thirteen years of preaching and frustration.
daar al-islaamAbode of Islam
Territories under Islamic rule and sovereignty.
daar al-ibtilaaabode of tests and turb ulations
The reference is to life in this world, where one is being constantly tested with favours and afflictions by Allah. A true believer will show gratitude for the favours and patience and acceptance in the face of afflictions.
daar al-khilaafahthe seat of caliphate
The seat of the ruling caliph, capital of the state.
daar al-khuldabode of eternal life
The life Hereafter is so called, because life there has no end.
daar al-kufrAbode of Unbelievers
Territories that are under the control of Non-Muslims.
daar an-naiim al-muqiimabode of eternal pleasure
The reference is to Paradise where a believer enjoys unlimited types of pleasure endlessly.
daar as-salaamabode ofpeace
The reference is to Paradise. But the term has been used by Muslims to name some places, taking the expression in its literal sense.
daarr ad--The Harm Inflictor
A Divine Attribute of Allah. The One Who inflicts harm if He so wishes, and nothing may befall people against His Will.
The Prophet David who fought Goliath and killed him. He was also a king of the Israelites.(For examples of his story, see the Quran, 38: 17-26: 251).
daaa 1 yaduuto pray, supplicate
Often, the verb in this sense is followed by the word Allah.
daaa 2 yaduuto call, invite
As a religious term, to invite people to Islam or to Allah.
Burying a deceased person.
A follower of material atheism who denies the existence of Allah.
dahriyyah ad--atheism
The philosophy that denies of Allah, in material the existence believing only beings.
dajjaal ad--the false messiah
He is called
dalaalahaberration, going astray
dalaalaberration, going astray
Not following the right path set by the religion.
daliil1proof evidence
Something that proves the truth of a claim.
A person who guides people in doing something.
dalla yadillto go astray
To follow a path other than the one set for people by Allah.
damaansecurity, guarantee
damm fidyahexpiation blood
An animal offering made in expiation for a sin or a religious error, such as missing some pilgrimage rite, or doing something a pilgrim should not do.
dam an-nifaaslochia
Blood discharge after child birth, which is considered as impure as menstruation. A Muslim woman should not pray, fast or touch the Quran. until the bleeding completely stops, and she bathes.
daraa yadra ila-ilaahfervently pray to Allah
Pray with utmost humility and submission to Allah.
darar pl. adraarharm, damage
As a religion of peace, Islam makes it mandatory upon its followers not to cause harm to others.
dariih pl. adrihahtomb
Usually, the term refers to tombs of special people, like famous pious men (
darrah pl. daraairco-wife
Other wife of a man with more than one wife.
daruuraat ad-- tubiih al- mahzuuraatnecessity knows no laws
Necessity makes illegal things legal. For example, if one is literally dying of hunger he may eat forbidden food to protect his life.
daruurah pl. daruuratnecessity
Normally, absolute necessity (such as a matter of life or death), which in Islam may make forbidden things, such as eating carcasses, permissible.
daruuraat ad-- al-khamsthe five essentials
The five basic necessary things for a human being: life, religion, mind, honour, possessions. We can say that these represent the minimum human rights. One of the main purposes of Islamic law is to protect these rights.
dawahcall, invitation
Calling people to Allah or to Islam, or any religion.
dawah pl. daawaat adiyahsupplication, prayer
Verbal prayers addressed to Allah.
dawah pl. dawaatinvitation
Ari inviation to a meal or a ceremony.
dawah ilaa allahcall to Allah, propagation of Islam
Calling people to the way chosen for them by their Creator; i.e. propagation of Islam and its teachings.
dayn pi duyuundebt
Money borrowed from someone or owed to him for some reason or another.
dayyaan ad--the Judge
The One Who judges peoples actions and rewards or punishes them.
dhaakirrememberer ofAllah
A person who remembers Allah by glorifying Him and reciting
dhaat adh--entity, person
We often find this term along with or contrasted with
dhaat al-baynbetween people
Often, we find this term in expressions like
dhaat al-laahAllahs Entity
The term refers to Allahs Entity, as opposed to His Attributes (
dhabiih adh--sacrifice
The word actually means the slaughtered one. It is used to refer to Isbmael son of Prophet Abraham. The allusion is to their story in which Abraham was about to sacrifice his son Ishmael in obedience to Allahs command. (See the Quran 37: 100-109.) ..
dhabiihah dhabaaihslaughtered animal
dhanb pl. dhunuuhsin
Anything that violates the teachings of the religion.
dhariiah pl. dharaaipretext
Originally, it means medium or means to something. Technically, it referes to an execuse for doing something. (See
dhawuu al-qurbaarelatives, kinsfolk
People related to a person.
dhawuu ai-arhaam dhuu ar-rahimrelatives, kinsfolk
dhikr pi. adhkaarremembrance (ofAllah)
Any form of verbal prayers in which Allahs name is mentioned, including recitation of the Qui an, is considered
dhimmiyy pi. ahi adh- dhimmahprotected citizen
A Chrisitian or Jewish citizen of an Islamic State.
dhiraa pl. adhru /adhriahcubit
The length of the forearm.
dhuu al-fiqaar aflZul-fiqaar
The name of the sword of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Some say it is the name of the sword of Ali ibn Abi Taleb (RAA).
dhuu ai-hijjahZul-Hijjah
The twelfth month of the Islamic calendar, known as the month of pilgrimage.
dhuu al-jalaal wa ai-ikramThe Majestic and Generous
A Divine Attribute of Allah. The Lord of Majesty and Generosity. Some people have translated this attribute as the Mighty and Glorious.
dhuu al-kifiZut-Kifi
A prophet of the Arabs whose story, we are told, is like that of Ezekiel. A brief mention of his name is given in the Quran (38: 48).
dhuuan-nuunJonah, Jonas
Literally, this means of the whale. It is a nickname given to the Prophet
dhuu an-nuuraynman of two lights
This is used to refer to the third righteous caliph
dhuu at-qarnaynZul- Qarnayn
The name of a man of Allah about whom we read a short story in the Quran (Chapter 18: 83-98). Some scholars have identified him with Alexander the Great.
dhuu al-qidahZul-Qi dah
The eleventh month of the Islamic calendar.
dhuu rahim pl. dhawuu rahimrelative
A kinsmsan or blood relation.3 ..
diinaar pl. danaanlirDinar
A golden coin used by Muslims throughout history. At the present time, it is a currency name used in some Arab countries (Bahrain, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Tunisia).
diin pl. adyaanreligion
Religious way of life or teachings.
diiwaan pl. dawaawiinrecord, department
Literally, it means official record. The term was used in Islamic history to mean, among others, something like a government Department or Ministry For example
diraarreciprocal harming
Causing harm to each other. In the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH):
dirham daraahimdirham
A silver coin used by Muslims for many centuries. The word comes from Greek drachma. In terms of weight itis said to be 1/12 ofaan
diyah pl. diyaatblood money
Money paid by the killer to the family of a person killed, intentionally or by mistake.
duaa pl. adiyahsupplication, verbal prayer,
Praying to Allah.
duaa al-istiftaahopening prayer
The prayer said after making the first
duaa al-qunuutsupplication of submissivenss
Usually, this refers to the supplications one says in
dubur as-salaahafter the prayer
Some say it means at the end of the prayer, before finishing it. Supplications are recommended at this time, since this is one of those occasions when supplications are more apt to be answered by Allah.
dunyaa1this world
Life in this world, as opposed to the Hereafter.
dunyaa2worldly affairs
Affairs related to worldly matters, as opposed to
Related to worldly affairs.
dunyawuyy 2worldly, secular
Something that belongs to life in the present world, as opposed to
fal hasangood omen
As a religion of optimism, Islam encourages its followers to believe in good omens, but not be detracted by bad ones.
faahishafornication, adultery
Often the word comes with the verb
faahishah pl. fawahishshameful or vile deed
faajir pl. fujjaarlibertine, immoral
A licentious person who does not respect any rule of morality or decency.
faaruuq al--the prudent
A nickname given to Umar ibn al-Khattab (RAA) the second righteous caliph. The word actually means someone who discriminates good from evil or right from wrong.
Not acceptable, due to unfulfillment of some prerequisites.
faasiqsinner, untrustworthy
A corrupt person whose testimony may not be accepted in an Islamic court of law.
faata yafuutto be missed
In Arabic to say that one missed something, we would say X was missed by him. So
faatihah al--the Opening Chapter
faatihat al-kitaabthe Opening Chapter
Literally, the Opener of the Book, meaning the first chapter of the Quran. Often called
faatimiyyuun al--the Fatimites
An Islamic dynasty that claims to be descendants of Fatimah (daughter of the Prophet (PBUH).
fadillah pl. fadaailvirtue
A good quality.
fadl1distinction, preference
In the well known Farewell Speech of the Prophet (PBUH), he said:
fadi 2 pl. afdaalfavour, blessing
A common expression in which we hear this word is
fadi 3 pl. fuduulsurplus, excess
Beyond ones needs.
fahshaaabomination, shameful deeds
fair al--dawn
The time of the appearance of the first true light in the East, usually about an hour and a half before sunrise in normal zones.
fajr al-- al-kaadhibfalse dawn
The appearance of some light in the east before dawn. It does not spread like the real dawn.
fajr al-- as-saadiqreal dawn
The true break of daylight.
fakku raqabahmanumission, freeing a slave
Setting a slave free is considered one of the very highly recommended acts of devotion. Sometimes, it is a
falaahsuccess, prosperity
The most frequent use of this word is in the adhaan (call to prayer) in the expression:
faqiih fuqahaajurist
A scholar that specializes in the study of Islamic law.
faqqaha yufaqqihto teach
To teach someone or give him the ability to understand especially religious matters. Naturally, the doer in the second instance is Allah.
far al-insaandescendant
A son or daughter or a descendant of them. This is opposite to
faraaid sg. fariidahinheritance
shares See
A common expression in which we find this word is
fard1mandatory, obligatory
Required by the religion.
fard2 pl. furuuoobligatory act / deed
Something a Muslim should do or observe, such as the five daily prayers and the fast of Ramadan.
fard3 pl. faraaidInheritance share
Obligatory share of inheritance. The distribution of the inheritance has been specified in the Quran, and should not be subject to a will. There is a science in Islam for this called
fard aynindividual obligation
An act that has to be done by every Muslim, such as praying five times a day.
fard lifaayahcommunity obligation
Something that the whole community is responsible for. If some members do it, that would suffice. If none does it then the whole community is at fault and has sinned. An example is funeral prayer; someone has to do it.
fariidah1mandatory, obligatory
Required by the religion.
fariidah 2(pl. faraaiD)
obligatory act See
farj pl. furuuj}genitalia
Sex organ of a man or a woman, though it is normally used for females in common usage.
farraja allaahu kurbataMay Allah relieve X of his / her difficulties
This prayer is often said when we hear of someone being in a difficult state. (See
farsakh pl. farasikhfarsakh
A linear measurement which is roughly equivalent to 5544 meters.
Doing bad things.
fasaad al-amalinvalidity of a deed
fatanafasada (yufsud)
to be corrupt or invalid To become bad for a person or invalid for things or actions.
fasakha yafsakhto cancel, annul
faskhcancellation, annulment
Cancelling a contract (including that of marriage) or considering it void.
faskh al-aqdcancelling an agreement
Cancelling an agreement or considering a contract null and void.
fatana yaftinto tempt
To tempt one to do something wrong.
fatana2 yaftinto test or try with affliction
This sense is found only in the context of Allah testing believers with afflictions. (See the Quran, 29: 2).
fatana3 yaftinpersecute
To persecute someone (by burning, e.g.) because of his religious beliefs. (See the Quran, 85:10).
fath khaybarConquest of Khaybar
Victorious entry of the citadel of Khaybar, north of Medina, by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his companions.
fathmakkahCapture of Makkah
Victorious entry of Makkah by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his companions in the eighth year of Hijrah.
fattaah al--The Supreme Opener
A Divine Attribute of Allah. The One Who opens the doors of His treasures, mercy and victory for His servants. The word could also mean the Supreme Judge.
In Ramadan, the meal one takes after sunset.
fatwaalegal opinion
The opinion given by a religious scholar on an issue.
fawaat ar-rakahmissing a rak ah
In congregational worship, a person has missed a
fawwada yufawwid amrahuto confide one s cause to
Very often we hear the expression:
faygains from enemy
Things won from the enemy of Muslims without a fight, as opposed to
fidyah 1ransom
Money paid to liberate a war captive.
fidyah2expiation, atonemtent
fii sabiili -llaahfor the cause of Allah
Literally, this means in the way of Allah. Usually the expression means anything done for the sake of Allah, more specifically
il-manshati wal-makrahunder all conditions
We find this expression in examples such as remembering Allah or duties towards Him under all conditions. This means that one does not forget Allah whether he is happy or unhappy.
fiqhIslamic jurisprudence
Fiqh or
firaash pl. furushconjugal bed
The word is used sometimes to refer to the owner of conjugal bed, the husband. For example, in the hadeeth the illecit child legally belongs to the husband of the mother (
In the Quran, reference is made to the Pharoah who had encounters with the Prophet Moses. He is considered a typical example of tyranny and disbelief ..
flrinj al-- /al-firinjahEuropeans
In Islamic history, this term was used to refer to Europeans.
firqah pl. firaqsect
A group of people who share a sub-set of beliefs and practices of a certain religion.
fls-saraai wad-darraunder all conditions
We find this expression in examples such as remembering Allah or duties towards Him under all conditions. This means that one does not forget Allah whether he is happy or unhappy.
fisqsinfulness, moral depravity
Doing forbidden things.
Stopping breast-feeding of a baby, normally at the age of two.
fitan sg. fitnahtrial, temptation,
fitnah 1religious persecution
The term is found in the Quran in this sense, among other senses. (See, e.g., 2: 192 and 193).
fitnah2allurement, temptation
Temptation or a source of temptation that may distract a believer from his duties or might lead one to sin. (See the Quran, 8: 28).
fitflah 3 pl. titan iaffliction, test
A good or bad thing that happens to a person, which is normally considered a test of a Muslim s faith. (See the Quran, 21: 35).
fitnah 3 pl. fitandissention, sedition
(See the Quran, 9: 47 and 48).
fitrahnatural disposition, nature
depravation This term could also mean transgression.
furqaan al--the Criterion
One of the attributes or names of the Quran, being the Criterion by which peoples actions and things are to be judged.
fruruu farbranches
The word is used in both its physical and metaphorical senses. As a term, it is often contrasted with
furuu 2 sg. fardescendants
Sons, daughters and sons descendants.
fusuuqwickedness, lewdness
futuuh aat sg. fathvictorious battles
This term is used in Islamic history to refer to the various battles in which Muslims conquered non-Muslim lands.
ghaafll pl ghaafuluununaware, heedless
Generally, someone who is unaware of things around him / her. But it is also used to refer to someone who neglects his duties towards Ws Creator and/or does not remember Allah. (See
ghaalaa yughaaliilo exaggerate
To be excessive in something, be it a belief or an act.
ghaar hiraaCave of Hiraa
The cave in
ghaar thawrCave of Thawr
The cave in which the Prophet (PBUH) hid during his migration from Makkah to Medina with his friend Abu Bah. (See the Quran, 9: 40).
ghaarim pl. ghaarimuunperson in debt
Person in debt, whether because of borrowing or because he has to pay blood money, for example. Such a person deserves to receive alms and charity.
ghaaz in pl, ghuzaahfighter for the Cause of Allah
A participant in a holy war against the enemies of Islam in a land of the unbelievers.
or deception in a transaction, such as selling something deficient, without the buyers consent. The buyer is called
ghadd al-basarlowering the gaze
Not gazing at somebody. Believers are required to lower their gaze especially in the presence of the opposite sex, out of modesty.( See the Quran, 24: 30-3 1).
ghadtbetrayal, treachery
An example, is killing someone from behind or without warning.
ghaffaar al--The Most Forgiving
A Divine Attribute of Allah. The One Whose forgiveness has no limits.
ghaflahinattention, oblivion
Inadvertent negligence, or a state of forgetting about Allah and that He is watching us.
ghafuur al--The Ever-Forgiving
A Divine Attribute of Allah. The One Who keeps forgiving the repenting sinners, and Whose forgiveness knows no limits.
ghaniimah pl. ghanaaimspoils of war
What is won from the enemy in a legitimate war.
ghaniyy al--The Self-Sufficient
A Divine Attribute of Allah. The One Who has no need for anyone or anything.
ghargharat al-mawtgargle of death
The time when the soul departs the body. At this time repentance from disbelief is not accepted from an unbeliever.
ghasbiile gal seizure
To take something, oflen a piece of property, by force.
ghayb pl. ghuyuubunseen thing
Something that we cannot see, be it in the past, present or future, but especially the future.
ghaybat al-imaamoccultation of the imam
The Shiite belief of the temporary disappearance of the twelfth imam, to appear in the later days.
Uncontrolled temper or extreme annoyance of something / someone.
ghazwahbattle, campaign
The term normally refers to a campaign or battle which was under the leadership of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). This is contrasted with
ghazwat at-ahzaabBattle of the Clans
A reference is given in the Quran to this Battle in the Chapter that has the name
ghazwat badrthe Battle of Badr
The first battle in Islamic history between the Prophet (PBUH) and the Muslims (about 300) against the polytheists of Makkah (more than 1000), and the Muslims came out victorious, with many leaders of Quraish killed or captivated. The Battle started on the 17th of Ramadan, second year of Hij rah.
ghazwat banii an-nadiirCampaign against Ban ii an-
NaDiir The campaign against the Jewish tribe at Medina who conspired with the pagans against the Prophet (PBUH) and the Muslims, violating a treaty to the opposite effect. They were expelled from Medina.
ghazwat banni qaynuqaaCampaign against Ban ii
Qaynuqaa Banuu Qaynuqaa was the last Jewish tribe to be expelled from Medina because of their constant harrassment of the Muslims and their violation of the peaceftil coexistence agreement with the Prophet of Islam. They settled in a place on the Northern borders of Arabia.
ghazwat banii qurayzahCampaign against Banii Qurayzah
The campaign against the Jewish tribe that had agreed to defend Medina with the Muslims against outsiders, but when the city was besieged and the Muslims were busy fighting, this tribe decided to side with the enemy against their former allies. Upon the withdrawal of the
ghazwat hunaynBattle of Hunayn
The Battle that took place at Hunayn (near Makkah) between the Muslims led by the Prophet (PBUH) and the polytheists in the eighth year of Hijrah. For the first time, the Muslim army was larger than that of their enemy, but they were ambushed and routed in the beginning. But they were victorious in the end. (See the Quran, 9: 25-26).
ghazwat al-khandaqBattle of the Trench
The Baule that took place in the fifth year of Hijrah. It is called so because for the first time in Arabian history a trench was dug by the Muslims, at the suggestion of Salman al-Farisi, to protect Medina from the attacking polytheists. It is also called the Battle of the Clans, because the Quraish of Makkah managed to many clans with them to fight the Muslims.
ghazwat khaybarCamapaign of Khay bar
The campaign that took place against Khaybar, the stronghold of Jewish tribes in North Arabia, which had become a hornets nest of the enemies of Islam. The forts of Khaybar were reduced one by one in the seventh year of the Hijrah.
ghazwat mutahIhe Expedition of Mu tah
The Expedition sent by the Prophet (PBUH) to the North West of Arabia in the eighth year of Hijrah, to fight Byzantines who had killed the Muslim emissary to their governor. This is probably the only campaign given the name of
ghazwat tabuukThe Tabouk Campaign
The Campaign that was made during the summer of the ninth year of Hijrah to the southern borders of the Syrian Region under the leadership of the Prophet (PBUH). It ended peacefully, because the enemy forces did not show up.
Saying something bad about a Muslim in his absence, even if it is true. This is forbidden by the Quran. (See 49: 12). It is a greater sin if what is said is false, because then it becomes an act of aggression.
ghinaa an-nafscontentment
Literally, richness of the self, meaning self independence or sufficiency.
ghufraanfor givness
Similar in meaning to
People who believe in or call to extreme views especially in religious matters.
ghuluulstealing from spoils
Taking anything from the spoils of war before they are officially distributed by the person in charge. It is considered a great crime. (See the Quran, 3:151) .
ghuluwwextremism, excessiveness
Extremism and excessiveness even in religious matters is frowned upon by Islam, which is a religion of moderation.
The production of a sound with the air escaping through the nose, as we do when we pronounce the In! and iml. Normally, the vowel that precedes these nasal consonants is nasalized. Compare, e.g., the pronunciation of the vowel Ial in at and ant.
ghusiwashing the body
Washing the whole body, including the head. This is required in the case of a major ritual impurity (
haaidmenstruating female
A menstruating female is not supposed to pray, fast or touch the Quran. She may, however, recite it from memory. Sexual intercourse is also forbidden during menstruation.
The good son of Adam who was killed by his brother Cain (Seethe Quran, 5:31).
haadii al--The Supreme Guide
A Divine Attribute of Allah. The Only and True Provider of guidance.
A woman who breastfeeds somebody elses baby. (See
haafiz al-quraanmemorizer of the Quran
This term is used in the Muslim World to refer to a person who has memorized the Quran and can recite it from memory. Sometimes, we hear the word HaafiZ alone to refer to such a person.
haafiz ii-farjihchaste
Literally, it means someone who protects his genital (from sinful acts).
haafiz li-huduudi-llahobservant ofAllah s limits
An Allah fearing person who obeys His commands.
The second wife of the Prophet Abraham (PBUH) and mother of the Prophet Ishamael. She is the one who accompanied the Prophet Abraham to Makkah and was, with her son, the first settlers there. Her walking between
haajj pl. hujjaajpilgrim
A pilgrim to Makkah.
haala yahuul al-hawlone year passed
Tn the payment of alms, we always see the stipulation of the passage of one full lunar year (354 days).
Unlike other women, the waiting period (
haamil pl. hamalah al- quraanmemorizer of the Quran
A person who knows the Quran by heart. This expression is less frequently used than
haanithoath breaker, perjurer
Someone who does not fulfil what he / she has sworn to Allah to do.
The brother of the Prophet Moses. He was sent by Allah along with Moses to Pharoah at the request of Moses, who said that Aaron was more articulate than him. (See the Quran, e.g. 28: 34-35).
haaruut wa maaruutHaroot and Maroot
Names of two angels in Babylonia who are associated with magic. (See the Quran, 2: 102) ..
A member of the Hashemite tribe of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) or a descendant of that tribe.
hadaa yahdiito guide
To show someone the right way.
hadaanahch lid custody
Taking care of a child: upbringing, feeding, clothing...
hadar al--sojourn, residence
Residing in a certain place or staying for a long period, as opposed to a person on travel (
hadath akbarmajor ritual impurity
Major ritual impurity means that a Muslim should have a shower or wash the whole body, including the head, before he / she can pray or touch the Quran. This type of impurity may be caused by Hadd having sex, ejaculation, wet dream, menstruation or post- natal bleeding.
hadath asgharminor impurity
Minor ritual impurity means that one cannot pray or touch the Quran (according to some views) except after having ablution (
hadd 1 pl. huduudlimit set by Allah
Limit set in the Quran which should not be transgressed by a Muslim, or an act prohibited by Allah.
hadd 2 pi. huduudspecified punishment
Punishment specified in the Quran for a major crime, such as murder, stealing or fornication.
hadd .ir
penalty for slander The penalty specified for accusing a Muslim, male or female, of fornication, without producing four witnesses. (See the Quran, 24: 4).
haddatha yuhaddithto narrate a hadeeth
To report or narrate a prophetic tradition.
hadiithprophetic tradition
A report about the Prophet Muhammad (PI3UH) saying or doing something, or reacting to something (approving or disapproving of it). The authenticity of the report (hadeeth) depends on the reliability of the narrator(s).
hadiith al-ifkstory of the Slander
The slanderous rumour that was fabricated by some hypocrites about Aishah, the wife of the Prophet (PBUH), claiming that she committed adultery. The Quran declared her iimocence of this slander, and Allah warns the Muslims of repeating it. (See the Quran, 24: 11-20).
hadiith aziizdear hadeeth
This is a Prophetic tradition narrated by two people and heard from two others.
hadiithdaiifweak hadeeth
This means that there is doubt about the narrator suffering from bad memory or lack of integrity. So the texts authenticity becomes questionable.
hadiith ghariibstrange hadeeth
A hadeeth is considered strange if its text is unfamiliar, being reported by a single narrator, for example.
hadiith hasangood hadeeth
The reference is to the degree of reliability of transmission of the text, not the text itself
hadlith maqluucut hadeeth
A tradition whose chain of narrators stop at the second generation (
hadiith marfuuattributed hadeeth
A hadeeth attributed to the Prophet (PBUH), but not proven to have a continuous chain of transmitters up to him.
hadiith mashhuurfamous hadeeth
A Prophetic tradition reported by a few people but not less than two.
hadlith mawduufabricated hadeeth
A tradition fabricated by the narrator and falsely ascribing it to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Naturally, this is a grave sin.
hadiith mawquufstopped hadeeth
A tradition ascribed to a companion of the Prophet (PBUH).
hadiith munqatidiscontinued hadeeth
A tradition that has a discontinuous chain of transmitters (e.g., a second generation narrator is missing before the name of the Companion of the Prophet (PBUH).) ..
hadiith mursalmursal hadeeth
A hadeeth attributed to the Prophet (PBUH) by a second generation narrator without mentioning the name of the first generation narrator (the companion of the Prophet (PBUH).
hadlith mutawaatirfrequently reported hadeeth
A hadeeth that has been reported by many narrators and with different chains of transmission.
hadiith muttasilcontinuous hadeeth
hadiith qudsiyyDivine hadeeth
A hadeeth whose text is attributed by the Prophet to Allah. So we read:
hadiith sahiihsound hadeeth
A hadeeth whose transmission satisfies the conditions set by specialists, such as having a continuous chain of well-known narrators of high moral calibre and strong memories.
hadrrelatively fast recitation
The mode of reciting the Quran in a manner faster than usual, but without neglecting any of the rules of correct enunciation (
hady unoffering
An animal designated to be offered for sacrifice by a pilgrim.
hafiz al--The Ever-Protecting / Guarding
A Divine Attribute of Allah. The True Protector of His creation.
hajar al-- al-aswadThe Black Stone
The blessed stone in the Kabah nearest to the door, from which the circumambulating (
hajara yahjurdeclare legal incompetence
To declare legal incompetence of a person. Naturally, this can only be done by a court of law.
hajbblocking inheritance
Preventing someone from inheriting. In Islamic law, the presence of a closer relative to the deceased, for example, may block a further relation from inheriting.
hajjpilgrimage to Makkah
lt is the fifth corner-stone of Islam which should be performed by everyable, adult Muslim once in his / her life time. It has to be performed in a very specific manner, at the time specified in the month of pilgrimage (
hajjasgharlesser pilgrimage
This refers to the
hajj al-baytpilgrimage to Makkah
Literally, the expression means going to the House (of Allah), the Kabah for pilgrimage. It is used to mean performing the pilgrimage to Makkah, according to the rules of Hajj.
hajj al-ifraadHajj performed alone
Performing Hajj only, not preceded by or coupled with
hajj al-qiraancoupled with Umra
Performing both
hajj at-tamattuHaft of enjoyment
hajjmabruurpure pilgrimage
A pilgrimage in which the pilgrim observes all the rules of proper pilgrimage, including the rituals and conduct.
hajrdeclaring legal incompetence
Declaring legal incompetence of an adult. So he may not, for example, carry out any transactions, such as selling or buying, donating. . .etc.
hajr az-zawjahdesertion of wife
To desert ones wife, usually by sleeping away from her, or not sleeping with her in the same bed.
hakaimSupreme Judge / Ruler
A Divine Attribute of Allah.The Absolute Ruler, Whose judgement no one can dispute or disregard.
hakiim al--The All-Wise
A Divine Attribute of Allah.The One Whose wisdom has no limits.
halaalpermissible, lawful
In Islam everything is considered lawful unless it is explicitly or implicitly forbidden by the religion.
halafa yahlifto swear, take an oath
A Muslim should never swear except to or by Allah.
halifswearing, taking an oath
haliim al--The Ever-Forbearing
A Divine Attribute of Allah.The One Who is always Tolerant of His servants mistakes, and is never hasty in punishing them for their sins.
hallala yuha tilto say:
Removing the hair from any part of the body with a blade or the like, asopposed to
halq al-aa nahshaving pubic hair
It is sunnah (recommended practice of the Prophet Muhammad {PBUH}) to remove pubic hair by shaving or other means.
hamdu al-- li-llaahPraise the Lord, Thank Allah
This is the expression often said by a Muslim to express his gratitude to Allah for all His favours of health, provisions etc. Therefore, it is used to mean
hamida yahmadto praise or thank
The verb has both meanings. This is true of its derivatives: Harnd, muHammad, Hamiid, maHmuud, aHmad. . .etc.
hamiid al--The Ever-Praiseworthy
A Divine Attribute of Allah. The One Most Worthy of praise and thanks for His unlimited favours.
hanafiyy pl. ahnaafHanafi
Follower of Imam Abu Hanifah al-Numan school of Islamic law, which is one of the four major Sunni schools.
hanatha yahnathtoforeswear, break an oath
hanbaliyy hanaabilahHanbali
Follower of Iman Ahmad ibn Hanbal, founder of one the four major Sunni schools of Islamic law.
haniif pl. hunafaaupright
Many verses are found in the Quran that describe the Prophet Abraham (PBUH) as being
haniifiyyah al--Hanfism, uprightness
In Islamic history the term often refers to the religion
haqgHaqq (al--)
The Supreme Truth A Divine Attribute of Allah. The One Whose existence and reality cannot be denied or doubted.
haqq1true, truth
This word could be used as an adjective to mean true (not false), real or inevitable. It can be used as a noun to mean truth.
haqq 2 pl. huquuqright, due
Such as the right a parent has over his children.
haqq huquuq al-insaanhuman s right
This is often used in contrast to
haqq allaahAllahs right
This is often used in contrast to
haqq al-yaqiinabsolute certainty
Certainty that comes after experiencing something.
unlawful Something forbidden in the Quran or the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
haraam 2sacred
This meaning is found in expressions like
harakah pl. harakaatvowel
haram al--the Sacntuary
This word is often used to refer to either the holy mosque of Makkah or the Prophet s mosque at Medina Technically, the word means a sanctuary; hence it could refer to the whole area surrounding both mosques within whose boundary no hunting is permitted.
harbiyyhostile unbeliever
A disbeliever in Islam who is in a state of war with Muslims.
had pl. huruufletter /sound
In Arabic grammar books the word is used for both the written form of the sound and the sound itself, since there is a high degree of fit between sounds and their written representations.
harrafa yuharrifto misinterpret, misrepresent
To deliberately give wrong meaning or representation of a sacred text.
harrama yuharrimmake unlawful or sacred
The verb is used in both senses in the Quran; its meaning depends on the context.
hasanah pl. hasanaatmerit
The reward recorded for one on doing a good thing or abstaining from something wrong or bad. It is the opposite of
In the science of hadeeth, this term is used to describe the text of the hadeeth that has specific qualities, such as logical acceptability.
hasbiy-allaahu wa nirna al- waklitAllah is sufficient for me, and He is the Best Trustee
This expression, mentioned in the Quran (3: 173), is said when a Muslim is in difficulty or under a threat, to seek Divine help and support.
hashr al--the
Gathering, Assembling The resurrection and gathering of all creatures on the Day of Judgement.
hasiib al--The Supreme Reckoner/ the
Most Sufficient One A Divine Attribute: The One Who keeps good account (the Quran 33:39) or Who is Sufficient as a Protector, for instance (the Quran 9:129).
hatiim al--Hateem
The half circular wall that encloses Hijr Ismael (the open area that complements the Kabah and is considered part of it). One should, therefore, walk outside it during the Tawaaf (circumambulation).
hatk al-irddisgracing
Causing someone to be dishonoured, such as by raping a woman.
hawaa al--whims and desires
Ones desires and whims. This expression is commonly found in the expression
hawaariyy pl. hawaariyyuundisciple
Often, this term is used to refer to the disciples of the Prophet Jesus (PBUH).
hawd al-- al-mawruudthe frequented basin
The reference is to the special basin of water / river which the Prophet (PBUH) has been promised by Allah in the Hereafter. Some scholars say that it is the River Kawthar mentioned in Chapter 108 of the Quran.
hawl1lunar year
We often find the expression
hawl 2power, ability
hawwaa 1Eve
Name of the mother of mankind and wife of Adam.
hayaa 2modesty, shyness
The opposite of vulgarity and boldness.
hayaa 2fear of shame
The sense which makes one avoid wrong acts and words; it is similar to the fear of Allah.
hayaat al-- ad-dunyaathis life
Life in this world which is a transient and temporary one. It is the life where one should prepare for the Hereafter by doing good deeds and avoiding bad ones.
haydmenstruation, menses
Regular monthly bleeding by females.
hayy al--The Ever-Living
A Divine Attribute of Allah. The One Whose life has no beginning nor an end.
hayy ala-falaahhurry to success
This is part of the
hayy alas-salaahHurry to the prayer
One of the utterances of the call to prayer, reminding believers that it is time to pray.
In Islam, mourning should not exceed three days except for the widow whose mourning period is four lunar months and ten days, during which period she has to observe certain restrictions in appearance and movements.
hldaayahgii idance
Showing the right way.
hifz al-ahd 4upholding a pledge
Fulfilling an obligation, a promise or an agreement.
hifz al-farjbeing chaste
Literally, this means guarding ones genitals against committing illegal sex.
hifz al-lisaanguarding the tongue
Guarding ones tongue against saying anything wrong or bad.
hijaabveil, covering the body
According to Islamic teachings, an adult Muslim female should cover her whole body, with the exception of the face and hands (probably) in the presence of
hijaamahcupping, blood letting
A medical practice that was common in Muslim coutries was making small cuts in certain parts of the body and using a cupping glass to let the bad blood out.
hijjat al-wadaafarewell pilgrimage
The pilgrimage performed by the Prophet (PBUH) in the tenth year of Hijra, during which he gave a comprehensive sermon known as
hijr ismaaiillshmael s enclosure
The enclosure adj acent to one side ofthe Kabah ofwhich it is considered to be a part. Therefore, the person making
In Islam,
hijriyy / hijriyyahof Hijra
Related to the hijrah (migration of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) from Makkah to Medina in 622 AD. (See
hikmah pl. hikamrationale
Reason for a certain injunction, for example. Naturally, when we talk about religious injunctions we may give possible explanations or reasons.
hikmahwisdom / discretion
permissible It is a less common alternative to the word
hill al--outside the sanctuary
Beyond the boundaries of Makkah or Medina, where certain restrictions are to be observed, such as hunting, which is forbidden in these two cities. This word is contrasted with
hilmclemency, forbearance
Lenience and toleration of others wrong doings against one.
himaa al--sanctuary, protected area
hinth al-yamlinforeswearing breaking an oath
Not doing something one has sworn to Allah to do.
hiqq huquqfour year camel
A male camel that has reached its fourth year. A female is called Hiqqah.
hiraabahhighway robbery
Highway robbery is considered a major crime for which one may lose a hand and a leg or even receive the penalty of death.
hisaab 1accountability
The Day of Judgement is also called
hisaab 2calculation
hisbah al--inspection
Checking that people are behaving according to the rules of the religion, including the inspection of weights and measures used by tradesmen and merchants.
hizb pl. ahzaabsub -part
In its general sense the word means a party or group of people, but it is used as a technical term to mean half of the
Name of a male idol that was stationed in the Kabah before the advent of Islam.
hubs pl ahbaasendowment
The buildings endowed for specific purposes or groups of people.
The right path or showing it to someone.
hujrah al-- an-nabawiyyahThe Prophet s Chamber
The enclosure where we find the tombs of the Prophet (PBUH) and his friends, Abu Bakr and Umar. Originally, this was one of the rooms in which the Prophet (PBUH) used to live.
hukm pl. ahkaamruling
hukm al-- ash-shariyylegal decision
The legal decision in Islam regarding an issue.
hulum al--puberty, physical maturity
The belief that God incarnates in a human body, such as Jesus or Ali ibn Abi Taleb or saints, which is an obvious contradiction to the Quranic teachings about Allah and His Majesty. (See, for example, the Quran 6: 103 and 42: 11.) ..
huquuq az-zawjiyyah3fr
nuptial rights The rights a spouse has over his or her partner, or the duties of the spouse.
hurmah pl. hurumaatsanctity, sacred thing
Either sacredness or the thing that is made sacred by the religion.
hujjah 1 pl. hujajconclusive evidence, execuse
This word originally comes from the verb Haajj a which means to argue or ask for proof of the opponents claim. In some contexts the word is also used to mean excuse.
When used to refer to a person, the word means authority in a certain field of learning.
husn al-khuluq j1good manners / conduct
The word
husn al-muaasharahgood companionship
Living with mates in a fair and good way.
husnaa al--the best
Very often this word is used in the phrase
huudHusnayayn (al--)
the two best things This refers to the two alternative outcomes a Muslim fighter for the cause of Allah gets in the battlefield: victory over the enemy or martyrdom (hence entering paradise in the Hereafter).
hoodName of a prophet that was
sent to a tribe in the Arabian Peninsula. (See the Quran, 26: 123-40).
ibaadaat sg. ibaadahworship practices
Any act of worship, such as praying and fasting.
ibaad allaahservants of Allah
Male people. Sometimes, it may include both male and female people.
in Islam includes any act of the tongue (such as remembering Allah or saying a good word) or the body (such as praying or helping someone) with the purpose of seeking Divine pleasure. Therefore, charity can be a good deed or even a kind word.
ibaadat al-awthaanidol worship
Worshipping idols or inanimate deities, such as statues of different persons. See
ibaahahpermitting, making lawful
ibaaqrunning away
The running away of a slave for no legitimate reason.
The name of Satan mentioned in the context of the story of the creation of Adam and Eve in the Quran. (See, for example, 15: 30-40).
ibnmaryamSon of Mary
Obviously, the reference is to Jesus (PBUH) whose full name is
ibn as-sabiilway-fare r
In the Quran this term refers to the person on travel and needs help. He is one of the eight categories of people who deserve charity and to whom alms (zakaat) may be given. (See the Quran, 8:60).
The name of the patriarch (father) of the prophets. He had two sons: Isharnael and Isaac. It was he and his son Ishmael who built the Kabah In Makkah. He is frequently mentioned in the Quran.
iddah pl. idadwaiting period
The period after which divorced woman or a widow may marry again. (See
iddat at-talaaqdivorce waiting period
The time that a divorced woman has to wait before she can remarry. It is either three menstrual periods, three lunar months or the duration of pregnancy, if she is pregnant. (See the Quran. 2: 228 and 65: 4).
iddat al-wafaahwidow s waiting period
The time a widowed woman has to spend before she can remarry. For a non-pregnant woman, it is four lunar months and ten days. (See the Quran, 2: 234).
idghaam bighayri ghunnahunnasalized /full assimilation
When the /n/ sound is followed by /r/ or /1/ it is fully assimilated to it; i.e., it becomes /r/ or /1/, losing its own characteristics. For example, (min rabbihirn) is pronounced (mir-rabbihim).
idghaam bighunnahnasalized assimilation
When the inl sound is followed by iy!, In!, Im! or iw! (as in man yarnal) it is assimilated to it; i.e., it becomes like it, while the air still comes from the nose. The above example is pronounced ma(n)-yyamal.
The term may refer to actual permission or consent, such as in the case of the woman s indication of consent to many someone. In the
idraak 1catching, do in time
Catching the
idraak 2maturing, coming of age
Reaching the age of puberty, which is the age of legal and religious responsibility in Islam. Another term is
A prophet of Allah mentioned in the Quran (See 19: 56-7).
jfkserious lie, slander
A common phrase we have in Islamic history is
fraad allaah bi-liibaadahworshipping Allah alone
Worshipping Allah alone means that ones prayers or any form of worship should be made directly to Allah and for Him, since Islam strongly rejects the idea of intermediaries between Allah and man or taking partners with Allah..
ifshaa as-salaamgreeting
by saying
iftaagiving fatwaa (legal opinion)
Giving the Islamic legal position on an issue, normally by a religious scholar or authority.
iftaarbreaking the fast
Breakfast or not fasting.
lftaraa yaftariiIo fabricate, lie
To make a false claim or story.
lftiraashsitting on left foot
In salat (formal prayer), this means sitting on ones left foot, while the right foot is in an upright position.
iphtaaba yaghtaabIo backbite
To say something bad about someone in his absence, which is strongly condemned by the Quran. (See 49: 12).
ightasala yaghtasilto wash one s body
To wash the whole body, including the head.
ightisaalbathing, having a shower
Washing the whole body, including the head, with the intention of purification. The sunnah is for one to make ablution then wash the whole body, starting from the head.
ihdaad/ hidaadmourning
Showing sorrow over a deceased person by observing certain actions or customs. In Islam one should not do that for more than three days, except for the widow who should observe it for four lunar months and ten days. (See
ihraamritual consecration
A state in which a pilgrim to Makkah observes certain rules, such as wearing the
ihsaan 1consummated marriage
In the punishment for adultery, this is one of the major requirements for
ihsaan 2being married
The concept is used in the passive participle form
ihsaan 3benefaction
Doing good or favours to others or showing them kindness.
ihsaan 4acting in the best way
The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) defined this word by saying,
The inability to perform
Monopolizing necessary food stuff is forbidden by Islam.
ihtilaamwet dream, nocturnal emission
Having a dream that causes sexual arousal and ejaculation. This requires
ihtisaabfor the sake ofAllah
Doing something good without expecting reward from a human being.
ihyaa al-lyalnight vigil
Staying awake at night in devotions. Literally, the expression means enlivening the night.
ihyaa al-mawaatcultivation of virgin land
According to some schools of Islamic law, the term means preparing a lot of unowned land for use, such as residence, stables, or cultivation, by fencing or digging a well. By doing this the person can claim ownership of the lot.
iid al-adhaaFeast of Sacrfice
The feast that occurs on the tenth day of the month of pilgrimage. On this day and the next three days one may slaughter his sacrifice or animal offering.
iid al-fitrFeast of Breaking the Fast
The feast which marks the end of Ramadan, the month of fasting.
iijaaboffer, proposition
Usually, this refers to a guardian offering his trustee (e.g., daughter) in marriage to someone, saying something like:
iilaavowing continence
A man taking an oath not to sleep with his wife. According to Islamic law, if he insists on doing so after the passage of four months the wife may seek divorce from him. (See the Qu? an, 2: 226).
iimaa fis-sataah35t.aii
miming in prayer Signalling the motions of the formal prayer (Salaah) with ones head, or even eyes, instead of going through the actual movements, bowing and prostration, for example. This is permissible if one cannot move his body to perform the prayer.
limaanfaith, belief
Firm conviction and belief in someone or something.
iisaa ibn maryamJesus son of Mary
The Prophet Jesus (PBUH). There are many references in the Quran to his miraculous birth (3: 45-47; 19: 16-30), miracles (3: 49), and attempted crucifixion (4: 157), among other things.
iitaa az-zakaahalms-giving
Paying alms or what some call the poor dues. This is one of the five pillars of Islam. (See
iithaaraltruism, selflessness
Giving preference for others over oneself, which is a highly commended act. (See the Quran 59:9.) ..
ijaazmiraculous nature; inimitability
Very often we have the expression
The agreement of Muslim scholars over a certain issue. lt is considered one of the main sources of Islamic jurisprudence.
ijtihaadinformed reasoning
Reasoning carried out by a Muslim, based on his knowledge of the Quran and teachings of the Prophet (PBUH), in a matter not specified by either.
ikhlaassincerity, loyalty
This word is used in Islamic theology in the sense of devoting ones worship to Allah alone and believing in His absolute oneness. Chapter 112 is called
Forcing someone to do something. A Muslims wrong act under duress or through compulsion is considered invalid.
ilaahAllah, deity
iihaadatheism, disbelief
In the Quran (e.g. 22: 25) it refers to wrongful partiality or blasphemy. But in general use it means denying the existence of Allah.
Normally, this refers to Divine inspiration.
illah pl. ilalreason, cause
The reason behind a certain injuction or ruling.
ilm al-faraaidscience of inheritance shares
The science which studies methods of distributing the inheritance and calculating the shares of different heirs according to Quranic injunctions.
ilm al-fiqhscience ofjurisprudence
The field of knowledge that deals with issues related to worship matters as well as transactions.
ilm al-firaasahphysiognomy
The word firaasah has many meanings usually related to keenness of the mind, such discernment, having a keen eye.. .etc. As a field of knowledge (more an art than a science) it means the ability of judging character by the study of physical features.
ilm al-hadiithscience of hadeeth
The science which studies the principles of authenticating the hadeeth text, such as the evaluation of the narrators, chain of narration and methods of transmission.
ilm ai-kalaamdialectic theology
The study of theology in terms of logic and philosophy.
ilm ai-yaqiincertainly of knowledge
The certainty one reaches through observation and logical deduction.
ilm at-tajwiidscience qf Quranic recitation
The science which studies the rules of correct recitation of the Quran, including enunication of sounds, elongation of vowels and assimilation of the inl consonant.
ilm at-tawhiidtheology
The study of issues related to Allah, His attributes, and other matters of belief, such as the belief in the Hereafter, the unseen. . . etc.
The denial of religious authority in our lives.
imaam pi aimmahleading scholar
The term is used to refer to a leading scholar or a founder of a school of Islamic law, usually in religious subjects, like imaam Bukhaari or imaam Abu Haniifah.. . etc.
imaam 2 pi aimmahleader, head
Someone who leads the congregational worship or is head of the Muslim community.
imaam al-muslimiinleader of the Muslims
Often, this term refers to the caliph or the ruler.
imaam raatibregular imam / leader
The person who regularly leads congregational prayer in a mosque, whether officially appointed or not.
imaamahImamate, leadership
Very often, the term refers to religious leadership. (See
imaamah pl. amaaimturban
A piece of cloth wound around the top of the head. Wearing it is a sunnah of the Prophet (PBUH).
imaamiyyahmaamiyyah Shiites
lmsaakkeeping, withholding
This comes from the verb
The Book originally revealed to the Prophet Jesus (PBUH). Now it is found in many forms, which Muslims consider to be distorted or altered.
innaa iillaahi wa innaa ilayhi raajiuunTo Allah we belong and to Him we shall return.
A man who cannot perform sexual intercourse especially due to inability to reach erection of his organ.
inniin 2impotent
The husbands impotence is considered a legitimate ground for the wife to seek divorce.
inshaa allaahAllah Willing
1f Allah wills (it). A Muslim is advised to say this expression whenever he talks about doing something in the future, out of humility and recognition of Divine Will being above all wills and circumstances.
requires major ablution (ghusi), regardless of its cause.
inzaargrant of respite
Giving Someone the chance to fulfill ar obligation at a later time or date.
Allowing a party in a transaction to cancel the deal.
iqaam as-salaahperforming salat (formal
prayer) This is the second of the five pillars of Islam. It means observing the five daily prayers.
iqaamah al--readiness call
The call which announces that the imam is ready for congregational worship. Its text is similar to the
iqaamat al-haddcarrying out the Hadd
The labialization of the In! sound; i.e., making it iml. when it is followed by the ib! sound. (e.g., min bad becomes mim-bad).
Acknowledging someone elses right over something or simply of being right.
Confessing to something or a belief ..
iqraar 3approving
Indicating approval of an action or saying by somebody else, or at least not expressing disapproval.
iqtdried yogurt
Yogurt paste that is dried in the sun. It is one of the categories of food that may be given in
iqtadaa yaqtadiito emulate
To follow someone as a model for his actions, such as emulating the Prophet (PBUH) or following the imam in congregational worship.
iqtaraa yaqtaricast lots
See iqtiraa
Following someones actions.
iqtiraacasting lots
Casting lots to randomly choose or be chosen.
iqtisaasseeking retaliation (qiSaaS)
Seeking retaliation, such as the killing of a murderer.
iraadahintention or will
In the expression
iraafahsoothsaying, divination
The practice of fortune telling and claiming knowledge of the unseen.
The name of a nation that used to live in the Arabian Peninsula long before the advent of Islam. They are also known as aad. (See the Quf an, 84: 6-7).
1rd pl. araadhonour
Though this word is used often to refer to honour in the sex related matters, it covers ones name and the reputation of his family as well.
irdaabreast feeding
Technically, this means suckling a baby, as opposed to
irtadda yartaddto apostasize
To reject Islam after having accepted it. According to Islamic law, a person who does so deserves capital punishment.
Rejecting the faith of Islam after having accepted it. (See
isaabat at-laynevil eye effect
Being affected by an evil eye, usually of someone jealous of the affected person (al- maHsuud). (See reference to this in the Quran 113:5.) ..
isbaagh al-wuduucareful ablution
Properly washing every required member of the body in the ablution.
isbaalletting fall
Making (
The second son of the Prophet Abraham (PBUH), born to him after Ishmael. (See the Quran, 37: 101- 112). He is the father of the Prophet Jacob.
lshtarata yashtarilto stipulate, set conditions
iSIaaH dhaat al-bayn peace making Bringing peace and reconciliation between fighting parties, which is a The Super Name The Special Name of Allah which comprehends all His Attributes.
The first son born to the Prophet Abraham (PBUH). His mother was Hager. It was Ishamel who helped Abraham to build the Ka bah in Makkah, and it was he who was offered for sacrifice, not Isaac, as claimed by some people. (See the Quran, 37: 100-112). The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is a descendant of the Prophet Abraham (PBUH) through his son Ishmael.
ismah 1infallibility
Protection provided by Allah against sinning, which is normaly given to prophets and messengers of Allah.
ismah 2right to divorce
A term used in modern times to mean the right to divorce, which is normally in the hands of the husband, but the wife may ask for it in the marriage contract.
isnaad m-hadiithciting chain of narrators
Giving the names of the persons involved in trasmitting a certain prophetic tradition up to the Prophet(PBUH).
Normally this refers to natural abortion. induced abortion is forbidden by Islam, except under specified conditions such as saving the life of the mother.
israanight journey
The night journey of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) from Makkah to Jerusalem. (See the Quran, 17: 1). Both the night journey and the ascension (
israafwasting, extravagance
Using or spending more than necessary, which is condemned by Islam.
israafiilIsrafe el
The angel who will blow / sound
istaaadha yastiiidhto seek refuge
Usually, this verb is used in the expression
istadhana yastadhinto ask permission
istakbara yastakbirto show arrogance
This verb means that a person assumed a position of
istarjaa yastiarji(fr) efrd
to seek Divine solace To say
istataaba yastatlibto ask sb. to repent
istiaadhah al--seeking refuge
Often this means seeking refuge in Allah from Satan by reciting:
istibraaascertaining purity
Making sure that one is clean from impurities like urine or stool. It is also used to mean ascertaining that a woman is not pregnant.
istidhaanasking permission
Asking permission to enter a house or room, by knocking and announcing oneself and waiting for permission.
A term used in the science of exegesis for those sentences which require certain proofs.
istiftaaseeking legal opinion on
religious matters Asking a knowledgeable person about the position of Islam on a certain issue or what to do with regards to something.
Asking Allah for forgiveness. The simplest prayer is
istihaadahfalse menstruation
Vaginal bleeding other than regular menses.
istihbaabrecommending sth.
Literally, the word means liking. Technically, it means considering something commendable or plausible, but not required.
istihdaadremoving pubic hair
This could be done through plucking or shaving. It is one of the hygienic practices to be observed by a Muslim.
life Anything on the part of the new born baby medicating that it is alive, at the time of birth.
istihsaanconsidering sth. better
istihyaashyness, bashfulness
See also
istiilaadimpregnating a slave
The masters impregnating his own slave girl. Upon the birth of the child she becomes
istijmaarcleansing with pebbles
Cleansing the private parts (after the call of nature) with pebbles or any other object, such as toilet paper. Bones are to be avoided.
istikbaararrogance, being arrogant
This is the verbal noun from
istikhaarahseeking Divine guidance
Seeking Divine guidance in an important matter. The usual procedure is praying two
istikhlaafappointing a successor / truste e
Appoint someone to be successor. In the Quranic context, the word would be best translated as appointing a trustee or vicegerent.
istilaahtechnical term
A word or expression used by specialists with a specific meaning (technical term).
is forbidden in Islam, and if ejaculation occurs one has to have
istinbaatdeduction, inference
The process of deriving certain rules or meanings from a text.
istinjaacleaning private parts
Washing the private parts of the body to remove the urine or stool.
istinshaaqsniffing water
Sniffing water and squeezing it out of the nose in order to cleanse the nostrils, in the process of ablution.
Living according to the teachings of Islam, carefi.illy observing its injunctions and prohibitions in oness actions. (See the Quran 41: 30.) ..
istiqaamah 2righteousness
Literally, this means living a straight life, following the teachings of Islam.
istiqbaal al-qiblahfacing the Ka bah
Facing the Kabah is required in formal prayers (
Dying for the Cause of Allah, such as while fighting the enemies of the faith. istislaam submission, surrender In the Islamic religious context this refers to submitting totally to Allahs Will.
istisqaapraying for rain
istitabahasking sb. to repent
To tell someboy that he or she should repent from some sinful act, such as neglecting formal prayers (
itanaqa yataniq al-islaamembrace Islam
To convert to Islam.
itamar yatamirto make umrah (lesser pilgrimage)
Raising the rear part of the tongue while producing a certain sound. (See
ithm pl. aathaamsin, wrong doing
Any act that violates the teachings of Islam.
ithnaa ashriyyahTwelvers
A sub-sect of the Shiites who believe in twelve
itidaadbeing in waiting period
To be in the waiting period before getting married again, such as the duration of pregnancy of a divorced woman.
itikaafretreat (in mosque)
Staying (usually, a few days) in a mosque for devotions, and going out only for necessary things.
itminaan fis-salaahproper performance ofprayer
One of the conditions to be observed while performing the prayer is the observance of propriety in the sense of standing, bowing, prostrating, and sitting in a slow, respectful manner, remembering that one is in the presence of the Almighty Allah.
itqraqabahmanumission of a slave
Setting a slave free, which is a very highly recommended act of charity. Sometimes, it is required in expiation of certain sins.
ittaqaa yattaqilto seek protection (from hell fire)
Many Muslims have translated the word into
iyaadat al-mariidvisiting the sick
Visiting a sick Muslim is a recommended act of charity.
izaar pj. uzurloin-cloth
A piece of cloth worn around the loins to cover the lower part of the body. It is like a skirt, worn by men.
izah pl. izaatsermon, exhortation
A religious talk given in preaching.
izhaarclear enunciation
The clear enunciation of the ini or imi sounds in the recitation of the Quran, which is done when these consonants are followed by certain sounds, such as
izraaiilIzraa eel
The name of the angel of death, according to popular Islamic traditions.
jaabii pl. jubaahlax collector
The person in charge of collecting taxes and alms on behalf of the government.
jaahara yujaahirto publicize
This term is often used with wrong acts and sinning to mean doing them in public or announcing them by the sinner. \ ..
jaahiliyyah al--dark ignorance, pre-Islamic era
The time of ignorance is used to refer to the historical era in Arabia before Islam. The term is sometimes used to refer to any un-Islamic practices.
The opposite of
The tyrant king of the disbelievers who was killed by the Prophet David. (See the Quran, 2: 250-251).
jaami at--The Gatherer
A Divine Attribute of Allah. The One Who brings all beings and things (including the opposites) together.
jaami jawaamicentral mosque
The word is short for al- masjid al-jaami (the mosque that brings people together). It is often used to refer to a mosque where Friday services are held, since in many Muslim countries not all mosques are used for that purpose.
jaaza yajuuzto be permissible
Not be forbidden.
jaann sg. jinniyyJinn
Beings created from fire, and not normally visible to humans. It is believed that they may assume different visible forms. The message of Islam is directed to them just as it is to human beings. (See the Quran, 72; 46: 29-32; 55: 15).
jaariyah pl. jawaariiyoung girl, bondswoman
The word was used for both meanings: a young girl or a bondswoman. But nowadays it is often used in the second sense, literally or figuratively.
jaar un junubfar neighbour
A neighbour who is not next door. It could also mean a neighbour who is a relative.
jabbaar al--The Highest Potentate
A Divine Attribute of Allah. The One Who makes everyone and everything obey His will.
jabriyyah al--predeterminism / predeterminists
The denial of all forms of free will, or the followers of such a belief ..
jadha ad-danone year old sheep
A sheep that has completed one year of age. Jadha is also used with goats with same meaning.
jadha al-ibilour year old camel
A camel that has completed four years of age.
jahada1 yajhadto reject, deny
In the context of religious precepts and rituals, the word means to reject them or deny their importance.
jahada2 yalhadto show ingratitude
With reference to favours, the verb means to deny them and be ungrateful.
jahrreciting aloud
Reciting the Quranic verses aloud in the standing position in the
jahriyyah salaah --loud prayers
The term refers to the mode of reciting the Quran in the standing position of the Salaah. The prayers during which this is done aloud is called
jaldah pl. jaldaatlash
In the punishment by flogging, usually the number of lashes is determined by the kind of crime, such as 80 or loo lashes.
jaliil al--The Ever-Majestic
A Divine Attribute of Allah. The One Whose Majesty is incomprable.
jamaaahgroup, congregation
We find this word in expressions like
jamaaah uduulmen of integrity
Good Muslim men who observe their religious duties and have moral integrity.
jamaraat sg. jamrahstoning sites
The sites where a pilgrim throws seven pebbles at each pillaT (symbolizing Satan). There are three such sites at Mina, near Makkah: the major, the middle and the minor.
Combining two prayers (noon and afternoon or sunset and late evening) by performing them at the time of either.
jam salaatayncombining two prayers
jam takhiirdelayed combining
In the context of the
jam taqdiimadvanced combining
In the context of the
jamhuur al--the majority
Usually, this means the majority of scholars.
jamrah pl. jamaraat /jimaarstoning pillar
The pillar which people believe to symbolize Satan at Mina. There are three pillars which a pilgrim has to stone as a part of the Hajj ritual. The stoning means throwing seven pebbles, one by one, at the pillar while saying
jamrah al-- as-sughraathe small stoning pillar
The third of the pillars pilgrims have to stone (by throwing seven pebbles, one by one, as a part of the Hajj rituals.
jamrah al-- al-wustaathe middle stoning pillar
The second of the pillars pilgrims have to stone (by throwing seven pebbles, one by one, at) as a part of the Hajj rituals.
jamrat alaqabahAqabah stoning pillar
The largest of the three pillars pilgrims have to stone by throwing seven pebbles, one by one, at them.
janaabahstate ofmajor impurity
The state of ritual impurity as a result of having sex or a wet dream. A Muslim is not supposed to pray or touch the Quran or even recite it until he / she has
janaazah janaaizThe word is used to refer to a
funeral procession too.
jannah pl. jannaatgarden, paradise
Originally, the word means a garden. But it is often used to refer to the Garden of Eden or Paradise.
jannah / jannaat adnGarden(s) of Eden
Some Quran exegesists say that
jarh al-- wat-tadiildiscrediting and endorsement
A procedure in the science of hadeeth authentication in which the transmitters or reporters of the text are evaluated on the basis of their merits of piety, memory and general moral integrity.
permissibility See
jazaarepayment, requital
Good or bad repayment (reward or punishment).
jazaa yajiziito give one his due
The verb is neutral in the sense that what one is given could be good (
jazaakum / jazaak altaahu khayra nMay Allah reward you.
An expression usually said to express gratitude. A common mistake is saying:
jazuurslaughtered camel
Usually, we see
jibaayahcollecting taxes
The process of collecting taxes and alms.
According to Islamic teachings, Gabriel was the angel who used to bring down the revelations from Allah to His messengers.
Something worshipped by polytheists.
jihaadself-exertion, striving, holy war
The term means exerting a great effort, but it has come to mean exerting a great effort in the Cause of Allah, more specifically in the form of fighting.
jihaad an-nafsfighting the tempting self
The term refers to controlling oneself by forcing it to do righteous deeds and shun wrong ones.
jilbaab pl. jalaabiibovergarment
For women, this garment normally regular garments dresses.
jimaacopulation, sex act
refers to a worn over such as Copulation leads to
jinnah sg. jinniyyjinn
jizyahprotection tax
The head tax paid by non-Muslim citizens to Islamic state which is responsible for their protection.
jugl pl. juuulpayment, wage
juhfah al--Juhfah
Name of the place where people coming from west the Red Sea to start their status of
In formal prayers, this is the position in which a person bends his knees and sits on his legs, with the right foot in vertical position, its toes touching the ground. This is similar to genuflection except that ones buttocks rest fully on the legs.
jumah al-Friday
Friday is a special day in Islam. We are told by the Prophet (PBUH) that Adam was created on this day and entered Paradise on this day.
jumaadaa al-uulaaJumada the First
The name of the fifth month of the Islamic calendar.
jumaadaa ath-thaaniyahJumada the Second
The name of the sixth month of the Islamic calendar.
junaahsin, wrong
This word is usually found with the negative particle
junubIn a state of major ritual Impurity
juzi pl. ajzaapart
The Holy Quran is divided into 30 ajzaa ( roughly equal parts), each consisting of two
kaafir pl. kuffaar/kaafiruununbeliever
Someone who does not believe in Islam and its teachings.
kaahin pl. kuhhaan/ kahanahdiviner, soothsayer
A person who claims knowledge of the future.
kaatib pl. kuttaab al-wahyrevelation scribe
A companion of the Prophet (PBUH) who used to write the Quranic revelations as dictated by the Prophet (PBUH).
kaazim al-ghayzsuppressor of anger
Someone who controls his tempter and does not allow rage to take control of him. Controlling ones temper is a highly recommended act.
kabah al--kabah
The cubic building in the centre of the Holy Mosque of Makkah, originally built by the Prophet Abraham and his son Ishmael. It is the first house of Allah ever known to mankind.
kabbara ykabbiruto say
kabiirah pl. kabaairmajor sin
Any sin that is punishable by Hadd
kabiir al--The Ever Great
A Divine Attribute of Allah. The One Whose greatness surpasses that of every other being.
kadhaba yakdhibto lie
Not to tell the truth. Lying is strongly condemned in Islam, and it its considered a sign of hypocrisy.
kadhdhaba yukadhdhibto disbelieve, belie
To reject the truth of something.
kadhib 1telling lies
Not telling the truth.
Opposite of truth.
kafaalat an-nafsguarantee of person
Taking the responsibility of making sure that the bailed person will be present when so required.
kafaalat ad-daynguarantee of debt
This means the guarantor is responsible for making sure that debt is paid back one way or another.
kafan pl. akfaanshroud
The cloth used to enshroud the corpse of a person.
kafara yakfurto disbelieve
To disbelieve or announce the rejection of faith in Allah or any of His commandments.
kaffaarah pl. kaffaaraatatonement, expiation
An act (specified by Islam) carried out by a Muslim for committing a wrong (such as involuntary man- slaughter) or not observing an obligation (such as not observing the fast during Ramadan by certain excused people). It includes, among others, feeding a number of poor people or fasting a number of days.
kaffara1 yukaffirto declare sb. unbeliever
To declare that someone is an unbeliever or has disbelieved, because of a certain deed or words said by him, such as denying the oneness of Allah or denying the necessity of performing the five daily prayers.
kaffara2 yukaffirto atone, expiate
To do something in order to atone for a sin or for not doing something one swore to Allah to do. (See
Soothsaying is considered a form of polytheism, since the soothsayer claims knowledge of the unseen. A Muslim is forbidden from visiting a soothsayer or believing his words.
kalaam allaahWords of Allah, the Qur an
The Quran is considered the exact words of Allah revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) through Archangel Gabriel.
kaliim allaahSpeaker to Allah
Literally, this means the one spoken to by Allah. It refers in Thlamic writings to Prophet Moses to whom Allah spoke at Mount Sinai. (See the Quran 4:164.) ..
kalimat ash-shahaadahDeclaration of Faith
karaahahreprehensibility, aversion
Considering something reprehensible or distasteful.
karaamah pl. karaamaatextraordinary act
This term literally means a sign of honour and refers to supernatural acts (like walking on water). It is used in conjunction with saints or men of Allah other than the prophets. for whom the word
kariim al--The Most Generous
A Divine Attribute of Allah. The One Whose bounties and favours know no limits.
karrama allaahu wajhahuMay Allah honour his face
This expression is often used instead of
kataba yaktub allaahAllah enjoined, ordained
This is one of the senses of the word as used in the Quran and other Islamic texts. We may find this verb in the passive form
kataba 2 yaktub ahaahAllah destined, foreordained
In the Quran we find verses where this verb (active and passive forms) is used in the sense of predestination.
katama yaktum al-haqqto conceal the truth
To withhold information in order to hide the truth. The Quran warns us not to do that (See the Quran, 2:42).
katm/kitmaan ash-shahaadahconcealing testimory
Not giving testimony, when asked to give it. This is considered a sin, as we can see from the Quran (2: 283).
kawthar al--River ofAbundance
The river promised by Allah to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in the Hereafter. (See Chapter 108 of the Quran).
kazm al-ghayzcontrolling temper
Literally, this means suppressing rage. This act is considered one of the qualities of a good believer. In the hadeeth we are advised to change our position (from standing to sitting) and even make ablution as a measure to fight loss of temper.
khaafid al--The Supreme Debaser
A Divine Attribute of Allah. The One Who debases and brings humiliation to sinners.
khaalaat tukhaalito seek khul
A woman may seek separation from her husband through the procedure known as
khaaliq al--The Creator
A Divine Attribute of Allah. The One Who created everything and everyone from nothing.
khaashihumble, submissive
An attribute of the good believer is to be humble and submissive in his prayers. (See the Qur an, 23: 2).
khaatam al-anbiyaa/ an- nabiyyiinSeal of the Prophets
The reference is to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) who has been the last and most important in a chain of prophets and messengers sent by Allah. So there would be no prophet after him. (See the Quran, 33: 40).
khaatam an-nubuwwahseal ofprophecy
A special seal-like mark between the shoulders of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
khaatib pl. khutlaabsuitor
A man who is asking for someones hand.
khaatibahe male matchmaker
A woman who helps in selecting future grooms and brides for people.
khabar al-aahaaduniquely reported
A tradition that has been reported by a single narrator, as opposed to
khabar mutawaatirwell attested report
A report or tradition reported by a large number of transmitters.
khabiir al--The Ever-Cognizant
A Divine Attribute of Allah. The One Who is knowledgeable of the most secret of things and affairs.
khabiithbad, wicked, impure
Sometimes, the word is used to refer to Satan.
khalaf al--succeeding generation(s)
The generations that came later.
khaliifah pl. khulafaacaliph, successor
Originally, someone who succeeded the Prophet (PBUH). Later, it came to be used to refer to all the heads of the Islamic State, until the last Ottoman ruler.
khaliifah 2 pl. khulafaavice gerent, viceroy
In the Quf an, the term is used to refer to a vicegerent, someone who rules on earth, so to speak, on behalf of Allah. So Adam was made a
khaliifah al-- ar-raashidthe righteous caliph
The righteous successor to the Prophet (PBUH), Abu Bakr al-Siddiiq or any of his three successors. (See
khaliil allaahfriend ofAllah
This was a title given to the Prophet Abraham. The terni
khalqphysical form. looks
The structure and form of the various parts of the body. It could also mean the general appearance of a person.
khalwah pl. khalaawiisecluded place
Sometimes, the term is used to refer to a (secluded) area in a mosque, for example, where religious teaching takes place.
khalwah pl. khalawaatbeing alone, solitude
The term could mean being alone with oneself or with someone. For example, it is forbidden in Islam for a man to be in
khamr pl. khumuutwine, alcoholic drink
Any alcoholic drink that may cause intoxication is called
kharaajland tax
Land tax paid to the Muslim treasury which was paid by non-Muslims.
khashyat allaahfear of Allah
Reverence to Allah and fear of His punishment.
khasiyy pl khisyaneunuch, castrate
A man whose testicles have been removed.
khatiiah pl. khataayaaSin
Something forbidden by the religion.
A female who has been engaged, but not married yet. According to Islamic law, her fiance is considered a stranger in all regards. She even has to observe the !!HijaabI (veiling) with him.
khatm an-nubuwwah 1sealing ofprophethood
Indicating that Muhammad (PBUH) is the last prophet and messenger of Allah. No prophet of messenger would ever come afier him, and anyone who claims prophecy has to be false. (See the Qur an 33:40.) Besides the Quran there are many authentic prophetic traditions that emphasize this point.
khatm an-nubuwwah 2finality ofprophethood
Allah s sending the last and final prophet and messenger to this world.
khatm al-qu?aanfinishing the Quran
Finishing the recitation or reading of the whole Quran. Many pious Muslims observe the practice of reading the whole Quran in a specific number of days, weeks or months.
khawaarij al--Kharjjites (the rebels)
A fanatic group of Muslims who believed that the Caliph Ali ibn Abi Taleb and Muaawiyah as well others were all unbelievers, and should be killed. They were responsible for the assassination of the fourth Righteous Caliph Ali (RAA).
khawaatiim al-amaalthe last deeds / actions
The last thing one does in this life, for example.
khawaatiim as-suurahconcluding verses
The last verses of a chapter in the Quran, such as the last two or three verses of Chapter 2, which are highly recommended to be recited by a Muslim at dawn and sunset.
khayr al-quruunthe best generation(s)
Quruun literally means centuries, but the
khayr i pl. khayraatgood deed or thing
khayr2better, superior
The word means both good and better. The expression
khazraj al--Khazraj
One of the two main Arab tribes of Medina at the time of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
khidr al--the Khidr
Muslim scholars say that this is the name of the pious man of knowledge referred to in the Chapter of the Cave in the Quran from whom the Prophet Moses sought to learn. (See the Quran, 18: 66- 83).
Succession in heading the Muslim community, as a ruler. Originally, it meant succeeding the Prophet (PBUH) in heading the Muslim community. The first
khimaar pl. khumurveil, head cover
Any scarf like piece of cloth used to cover the whole head and neck and may also be used to cover the bosom of a woman. (See the Qu?an, 24:31).
or removing the foreskin of the penis is required by Islam for all males.
khitbahbetrothal, asking to mary
Asking for someones hand in marriage.
khiyaanahtreachery, infidelity
This involves deception breach of agreements and promises and failing a trust as well as infidelity.
khiyaant al-ahdl al-amaanahbreach of a trust
In the
khubth al-- wa al-khabaaithevil male and female spirits
The Prophet (PBUH) instructed Muslims to seek refuge in Allah from these spirits whenever they enter a bathroom.
khuff pl. akhfaaflight boot
This was like a sock made of leather, similar to boots.
The arrangement in which the wife seeks divorce through making a deal with her husband, such as returning his dower and paying for the wedding expenses.
khulafaa al-- ar-raashiduunThe Righteous Caliphs
The four heads of the Muslim community who succeeded the Porphet Muhammad (PBUH): Abu Bakr aS- rSiddiiq, umar ibn al- Khattaab, uthmaan ibn affaan and ali ibn abii Taalib.
khuluqmanners, morality
The term is a comprehensive one that covers the moral and behavioural aspects of a person. It is reported that the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) whenever he looked in a mirror he used to pray:
khunthaa pl. khanaathiihermaphrodite, bisexual
A person whose gender cannot be determined due to having both male and female sexual organs or neither of them.
khushuusubmissiveness, humility
The attitude one should show when praying or supplicating.
khusuuflunar eclipse
khutbah pl. khulabsermon, speech
khutbat al-iidEid sermon
The sermon given on the day of the Feast of Breaking the Fast, or of Sacrifice. Unlike Friday, the sermon is given after the prayer.
khutbat al-haajahwedding sermon
khutbat al-jumuahFriday sermon
The sermon given by the imam on Friday congregational service. The service consists of a two-part sermon, followed by two prayers ..
khutbat an-nikaahwedding sermon
A sermon given on the occasion of a wedding ceremony. Sometimes, it is called
khutbat al-wadaaThe Farewell Sermon
The sermon given by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) on the ninth day of the month of pilgrimage at Arafah to the largest crowd of pilgrims ever seen until then. It was a comprehensive speech, declaring, among many other issues, oneness of mankind and their equality in the sight of Allah.
kibrarrogance, haughtiness
The feeling that one is superior to others; hence, they do not deserve his respect nor his accepting their advice.
kibriyaagreatness, self-respect
Greatness and self-respect. For Allah, this includes majesty. (See the Quran, 45: 37).
kitaabiyy pl. ahi al-kitaabmember of the people of the Scripture
A Christian or Jew, who are called in the Quran
kltaabiyyahChristian or Jewish woman
According to Islamic law, a Muslim man may marry a chaste
The word means denying Allahs favours or rejecting His authority.
kufrun bawaahclear blasphemy
An act that is definitely contrary to Islamic teachings.
kuswat ai-kabahKabah cover
The cloth used to cover the Kabah. It is made of black silk and decorated with Quranic verses embroidered with gold threads.
laa hawla wa iaa quwwata ii!aa bi-llaahaNo power nor might except from Allah
This expression is a highly recommended form of prayer. It is often said by a Muslim to find solace, especially when faced with difficulties.
laa ilaaha ill-allaahThere is no deity except Allah
This is a negation of the existence of any type of deity with the exception of Allah. It is the motto of Islam.
laat al--Lat
Name of an idol that was worshipped by pagans in Arabia.
lanahcurse, damnation
Dismissing from the mercy of Allah, or depriving one of Divine blessing.
labbayk allaahummaJ dut jfully answer, my Lord
I am responding dutifully to your command or call. This is the expression often repeated by pilgrims.
laghwidle talk
In the case of an oath, this means an oath said unintentionally.
lahd pl. iuhuudgrave
Technically, this is the hollow part of a grave where a corpse is placed.
lahm khinziirpigs meat
Pigs meat as well as any part of a pigs body is considered impure and forbidden for Muslims to eat or even use.
lawh at-hadiithvain talk, futile discourse
Islam discourages its followers from wasting their time in useless things, including vain talk.
lamamminor offences
Unintentional minor offences or mistakes.
lamaza yalmizto slander
To find fault with others or speak ill of them, directly or by insinuation.
rA baby whose parents are unknown.
latiif at--The Ever-Kindly
A Divine Attribute of Allah. The One Who is Kind to His creation, or Who is too Subtle for people to know His identity.
lawh al-- at-mahfuuzDivine-Protected Tablet
The Depository of all the Divine decrees and willed events, ordained by Allah, since the beginning of creation. (See the Quran, 85: 22).
laytat al-qadrthe Night of Power / Esteem
The night of the 27th of Ramadan is believed to be the night called
liaanmutual cursing
libaas al-ihraampilgrim s dress
The special clothing worn by a pilgrim. For men, two sheets of seamless white cloth, one for the upper half of the body (
lukhuf i iikhaaf sg. iukhfahwhite slates
White slates were sometimes used in the early days of Islam for writing.
A sage, pious man to whom reference is made in the QurTan, Chapter 31. luqaTah found object There are certain rules to be observed by a Muslim in handling a found object, be it animate or inanimate, such as announcing about it for a certain period of time before taking it.
Name of the prophet who was a nephew of the Prophet Abraham (PBUH), we are told. He was sent to a people that practiced homosexuality and were severely punished by Allah. (See the Quran, 26: 160-174).
luutiyyhomosexual, sodomite
luwaathomosexuality, sodomy
Homosexuality is considered a major sin in Islam. (See the Quran, 26: 160-74).
maajid al--The Glorious
A Divine Attribute of Allah. The One Who deserves real glorification.
maal pl. amwaal jyt, wealth
lt may be used to mean possessions.
maalik \master, owner
The word comes from the verb
The name of the guard of Hell. ( See the Quran, 43: 77).
The founders of one of the major schools of Islamic law. He was born in and taught at Medina, and is known as a traditionalist. His school of thought (
maalik al-mulkThe Ruler of the Dominion
A Divine Attribute of Allah. Master of the universe or the King of kings.
maalikiyy pl. maalikiyyah \Malikite
Follower of imam Malik.
maalikiyyah sg. maalikiyyMalikites
maanipreventing cause, obstacle
Something that makes another disallowed, such as the state of ritual impurity which prevents a Muslim from praying or touching the Quran.
maani al--The Protector or Withholder
A Divine Attribute of Allah. The One Who protects His servants, or Who withholds what He wills.
maa shaa allaahAllah bless!
Literally, this means
mabruurperfect, well performed
The term is usually used with
Lengthening of a vowel. There are different types of elongation mentioned in the books of tajweed:
madd asliyyintrinsic elongation
The normal elongation of a long vowel. It is considered equivalent to two short vowel lengths. For example, the vowel in Arabic
madd aarid lis-sukuunelongation occasioned by
finality Extra elongation of a long vowel when it comes before a word final consonant. If the said consonant is vocalized (followed by a vowel), then there is no extra elongation. For example,
madd al-farqdiscrimination elongation
The extra elongation of a long vowel in a word initial position in order to distinguish the word in an interrogative mode from the word in a declarative mode, such as
madd al-liinr elongation of a glide
The two glides 1w! and !y/ are made long when they occur before a word final consonant, such as
madd as-shahliaison
elongation Extra elongation of a vowel after the pronominal suffix - hi!u (him) if the ih/ is preceded by a vowel Sd the pronoun is followed by any word. Unless the following word begins with a glottal stop (
madd at-tamyiizdistinguishing elongation
madd fariiyyincidental elongation
The extra elongation of a vowel due to some linguistic factors, such as occurrence before a glottal stop, as in
madd harfiyyletter elongation
The extra elongation of a long vowel in the name of a letter, which is found at the beginning of a
madd harfiyy mukhaffaflight letter elongation
The extra elongation of a long vowel in the name of a letter, which is found at the beginning of a
madd harfiyy muthaqqalheavy letter elongation
This type is called Flarfiyy (related to a letter i sound) because it occurs with the letters / sounds whose names are pronounced in the
macid jaaizoptional elongation
The optional extra elongation of a long vowel, when it is word final and the following word begins with the glottal stop (
madd jaaiz munfasiloptional separated elongation
madd kalimiyyword elongation
The extra elongation of a long vowel which, affecting the pronunciation of a word, such as
madd kalimiyy muthaqqalheavy word elongation
This is called heavy because it occurs before a geminate consonant, and word because it occurs in words, such as the iaa/ in
madd laazimrequired elongation
An obligatory type of extra elongation of a vowel. This includes the two
madd tabiiiyynormal elongation
It is two short vowel length, as in
madd waajib muttasilobligatory, connected elongation
Extra elongation of the vowel which precedes a glottal stop (
madhhab pl. madhaahibschool of thought
A school of thought, usually in matters of Islamic law. There are four major schools of thought recognized by Sunni Muslims: Flanafi, Malki, Shafi and Hanbali.
madhuunjustice of the peace; registrar
This refers to a man who has been authorized to perform religious weddings.
madhuurexcused, excusable
madhyarousal genitalfluid
Fluid that comes out of the penis upon a males being sexually aroused. It is considered ritually impure, and should be removed by washing. It also invalidates the ablution.
madmadahrinsing the mouth
Rinsing the mouth, preferably with tooth brushing, usually during the
maghrib al--sunset
State of menstruation.
mahr pi muhuurdower
mahr al-mithlnormal dower
The dower given to women of a similar social status.
mahram pl. mahaarimunmaritable relation
A relative who cannot be married to a female, such as a father, brother, uncle, etc., as opposed to
mahzuur pi mahzuuraatforbidden act
An act forbidden, especially due to certain circumstances, such as wearing sewn garments for a male in the state of
majiid al--The Ever-Glorious
A Divine Attribute of Allah. The One Who is glorified and honoured the most.
majilis pl. majaalis adh- dhikrmeeting of remembrance
A group of people sifting together to remember Allah in different ways, such as studying the Quran.
majuusiyy pl. majuusMagian
An adherent of Mazdaism, worshipper of fire.
majuusiyyah al--Magianism
The Persian religion of fire worship.
makaarim al-akhlaaqgood morals, good conduct
In the hadeeth, the Prophet (PBUH) says:
makhiilsewn garment
Any piece of garment that is sewn (shirt, trousers...), as opposed to a seamless sheet of cloth. A male pilgrim should not wear such a garment during pilgrimage.
makruuh pl. makruuhaatreprehensible, hateful (act)
An act that is considered reprehensible or hateful, though not forbidden by the religion, such as many distasteful actions.
malaaikah sg. malakangels
malak pl. malaaikahangel
A Muslim believes that these are pure creatures, created of light, who never disobey Allah. Many of them are assigned specific jobs, such as recording the good and bad deeds of people or guarding Paradise or Hell.. .etc. The best known among them are Gabriel, Michael,
malak al-mawtAngel of Death
As a religious term this refers to the Kingdom (of both Heaven and Earth) which belong to Allah Alone. A common expression is
malik al--The King
A Divine Attribute of Allah. The Absolute Ruler of the universe.
maluuncursed, damned
Someone who is being dismissed from or deprived of Divine mercy.
A person who follows the leader in congregational prayer.
manaasik sg. mansakrituals
manhduub pl. manduubaatplausible recommended act
An act that is considered plausible or recommended, but neither required nor reguarly observed by the Prophet (PBUH).
mansuukhabro gated
A decree or commandment that has been abrogated by another more recent one or modified by it.
maqaam al-- al-mahmuudthe honoured status
The special status given by Allah to one person only on the Day of Judgement. All indications point to the fact that this would be the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Many scholars say that the reference in the Quran (17: 79) is to the
maqaam ibraahiimMaqani Ibrahim
The standing post of Abraham is a rock believed to have been used by the Prophet Abraham to stand on during the building of the Kabah. It is now encased in a crystal housing, near the Kabah.The area adjacent to it is also called
maruufkindness, good deed
A good, common practice, including kindness and other good deeds.
masaadir at-tashriisources of Islamic law
The sources upon which the
masaalih mursalahgeneral good
The term has been defined as
masaha yamsahto wipe
To wipe something with a wet hand.
masbuuq al-- fil as-salaahpreceded in prayer
The person who missed part of the congregational prayer.
mash alaa al-khuffaynwiping over footwear
Wiping over a shoe or a heavy stocking. It is permissible for a Muslim who wears a footwear, before making ablution, to wipe its upper part with wet hands instead of washing the feet, for 24 hours as long as he does not remove it. If he is on travel, he may do so for three days.
mashar al-- al-haraamsacred site
A place in Muzdalifah, near Makkah, where pilgrims are supposed to stop during the night preceding the tenth of Dhul-Hijjah and say prayers. (See the Quf an, 2: 298).
mashruupermissible, legitimate
Something allowed by the religion.
mashruuiyyahlegality, lawfulness
The state of something being legal or permissible.
masiih al--the Messiah
Unless specified, this term refers to Jesus son of Mary.
masiih al-- iisaa ib,, maryamJesus son of Mary
Literally, the Messiah Jesus son of Mary.
masiih al-- ad-dajjaalAntichrist, false messiah
In the traditions of the Prophet (PBUH) there are references to a false messiah who comes in the latter days of this world and pretends to be the true messiah, or even as God, in order to mislead people into disbelief ..
A relatively new word for the Islamic word
masiyah pl. maaasiisin
Literally, an act of disobedience to Allah.
masjid al-- al-aqsaaThe Furthest Mosque
The main mosque of Jerusalem, built on the site to which the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) went in his night journey (
masjid al-- al-haraamthe Holy Mosque
The mosque that encloses the Ka bah at Makkah.
masjid al-khayfal-Khayf Mosque
The mosque at Mina.
masjid al-- an-nabawiyythe Prophets Mosque
The mosque at Medina, which was first built by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and where he is buried.
masjid diraarmosque of harm
The mosque that was built by the hypocrites in Medina, during the early days of the Prophet in that town, in order to detract the worshippers from joining the Prophet in their prayers. (See the Qu?an 9: 107) ..
masjid namirahNamirah Mosque
The mosque at Arafah, where the pilgrims perform both noon and afternoon prayers together on the ninth day of Dhul-Hijjah.
masjid qubaathe Mosque of Qubaa
The name of the first mosque ever built in Islamic history, since the Prophet (PBUH), upon his arrival at Medina, first stayed at Qubaa, then moved to Medina proper. (See the Qu?an, 9: 108).
masnuun pl. masnuunaatsunnah practice
Practice observed andlor recommended by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
mass min al-jinn / ash- shytaanpossession (by Satan or a
jinni) The state of being controlled by an evil spirit or j inn. maSuum infallible A person, usually a prophet, protected by Allah from committing wrong acts or sins.
mataa al-i-layaat ad-dunyaaworldly pleasures
The reference is to the temporary pleasures of this life, as opposed to the eternal pleasures ofthe Hereafter.
mataaf al--circumambulation path
The path which is followed by the person that circumambulates (walks around) the Kabah.
This word means something (prayer or saying, for example) that was reported from the past, generally accepted by Muslims. (See athar).
matiin al--The Ever Strong
A Divine Attribute of Allah. The One Whose strength has no limits.
matn al-had iithhadeeth text
The main text of the tradition of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), giving his words, for example.
mawizah pl. mawaaizsermon
A general term used for any type of a talk giving religious advice.
mawaaqiit sg. miiqaatappointed times or places
The term refers to a hadeeth fabricated by someone and falsely ascribed to the Prophet (PBUH).
mawlaa pl. mawaaliilord, master, protector
In the Quran we often find the word in these senses referring to Allah.
mawlaa 2 pi. mawaaliicharge, client
In early Islamic writings we [find this word to mean someone (often, an ex-slave) who is under another persons patronage (often, former master).
mawlaa pl. mawaaliipaternal relatives
According to some scholars, the term
mawlid al-- an-nabawiyyThe Prophet s birthday
The birthday of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is assumed to be most probably on Monday the 12th of Rabi al- Awwal. It was in the year 570 AD.
mawaqiah pl. mawaaqibattle
In Islamic history, the term is used to refer to all baffles, both during the days of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and at other times.
mawquudhahdead through
beating An animal whose meat is normally edible, but dies as a result of beating; hence, its meat becomes forbidden for a Muslim to eat, due to the fact that it is not properly slaughtered. (See the Quran, 5: 3).
maysirgambling, game of chance
Gambling is forbidden by Islam. (See the Quran, 5: 90- 91).
The meat of the animal that dies a natural death. Such meat is forbidden for a Muslim to eat even if it is edible when the animal is properly slaughtered.
mazaamlir daawuudPsalms of David
The book that was revealed to Prophet David (PBUH).
maziamah pl. mazaalimcomplaint
usually made to the regular authorities or higher authorities in some cases.
mihraab pl. mahaariibprayer n itch
An enclave made in a worship place, usually in the front.
The angel who is in charge of dispensing the provisions decreed by Allah for different creatures. The name is given as
miilIslamic mile
It is said that the Islamic mile is equivalent to 1848 meters.
miiqaat pl. mawaaqiitappointed time or place
For the pilgrims,
miithaaq pl. mawaathiiqcovenant, pledge
Fulfilling the covenant (not breaking it) is considered an important quality in believers. (See the Quran 13:20, e.g.) ..
mikhaiah pl. makaahilkohl container
A small container in which
millah pi. mitai(J.La)
religion The term is sometimes contrasted with
The valley next to Makkah where pilgrims stay the eighth and the tenth through the thirteenth days of the month of pilgrimage, Dhul Hijjah.
The tower in a mosque from which the
minbar pl. manaabirpulpit
A pulpit or speaking forum, from where a speech or sermon is delivered.
minsak pl. manaasikpilgrimage rite
A rite or ritual observed when one performs pilgrimage to Makkah.
miqdaar al-maddduration ofa vowel
Literally, the duration of the elongation. Normally, a typical elongation is two short vowel length. A vowel, however, may be four, five or six times long in certain contexts, such as in the case of the vowel being followed by a
miraaj al--The Ascension
The ascension of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) from Jerusalem to the seven Heavens on the night of the 27 of Rajab.
mirwad p. maraawidkohl stick
A thin cylindrical metallic stick which is dipped in the
misbahahprayer beads
Beads strung together in specific numbers, usually 33 or 99, and are used to count how many times one has said a certain prayer, such as
miswaak pl. masawwiiktooth brush
The original tooth brush used by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) more than 1400 years ago, and is still being used by some Muslims, is a tooth brush in the form of a stick taken from a tree known in Arabia as
mithqaal pl. mathaaqiilmithkal
It is said to be,
mithqaal pl. mathaaqiil 2weight
This is the literal sense of the word, and it is used in this sense in the Quran (e.g., 99 7-8).
Literally, the word means someone we have made a solemn promise. Technically, it refers to the people of the Scripture who have been promised protection by the Muslim State. It is similar to the word
The person who calls
muakhkhar as-sadaaqdeferred dower
Often, a part of the dower paid by the groom to his wife is deferred, to be paid upon separation or at the request of the wife.
muakhkhir al--The Supreme Retarder
A Divine Attribute of Allah. The One Who delays things and postpones affairs at His Will.
muallafah al-- quluubuhumnewly won friends
One of the definitions of this term says that they are a group of people whose hearts the Muslim community tries to win to encourage them to accept Islam and show loyalty to it.
A wife in a state of indetermination. She is not treated like a wife, nor is she divorced.
muawwadhataan al--Chapters 113 and 114 of the Holy Quran
The two chapters of the Quran which begin with the words
mubaah pl. mubaahaatpermissible (act)
Something permitted by the religion, or not forbidden by it. The generairule is that things are permissible unless they are explicitly or implicitly forbidden in the Quran or sunnah of the Prophet (PBUH).
mubaahalahmutual supplication
This word comes from the verb
Someone or something that has received Divine blessing; therefore, could be a source of blessing.This word is used in congratulating others, such as
mubaasharahenjoyment by physical contact
This refers to a man enjoying his wifes body through physical contact other than sexual intercourse. The practice is resorted to, for example, during her menstruation.
mubdi at--The Commencer
A Divine Attribute of Allah. The One Who initiated the creation of everything from nothing.
Someone who introduces practices not approved by the religion, and considers them part of the faith.
mubtil pl. mubtilaatnull Wer
Something that nullifies or invalidates an act of worship or the like, such as bleeding which nullifies ones ablution, making it necessary for the person to do the ablution again in order to pray, or laughing aloud while praying, which nullifies ones prayer, making it necessary to do it again.
mudaarabahsilent partnership
Partnership of two people, one with the capital and the other with labour. Profits are divided between them.
A dry measure for grains, roughly equivalent to the amount that fills the two hands cupped together (appr. 1.032 litres).
mudhill al--The Supreme Hum iliator
A Divine Attribute of Allah. The One Who brings humiliation to His enemies and the enemies of truth, with degradation in this life and punishment in the Hereafter.
mufaaraqah fis-salaahindependence in prayer
Acting independently from the leader in a congregational prayer, under certain conditions.
mufassalaat al-- / al- mufassalshorter chapters
Literally, this means the detailed ones. The reference is to chapters of the Quf an from suurat Qaaf (chapter 49) to the end of the Quran (chapter 114).
mufassirinterpreter, exege te
The person who interprets the Quran and explains its meanings, according to the rules and conditions stipulated for the task.
muflihsuccessful, prosperous
This word is used in the Quf an in the plural form (
Expounder of the law, or a religious authority officially assigned the job of expounding the laws of Islam and giving official opinion on various religious and legal matters.
muftirnot fasting
This refers to someone who is not observing the fast for whatever reason. It is the opposite of
mughallazah yamiin / aymaan--very emphatic oath(s)
Swearing, for example, to Allah and many of His Attributes to emphasize or confirm something.
mughnii al--The Supreme Enricher
A Divine Attribute of Allah. The One Who makes others self- sufficient.
muhaajir pl. muhaajiruunimmigrant
Someone who migrates from a place (usually of disbelievers) to a place (of believers). The term
muhaasabat an-nafsexamination
of conscience Evaluating ones actions and deeds to himself, in the light of the teachings of the religion.
muhaddithhadeeth teacher
A scholar who teaches prophetic traditions.
Somebody who does something to make legal an illegal act. The typical example is when a man marries an irrevocably divorced woman so that after divorcing her she may get remarried to her first husband.
Something forbidden by the religion.
muharram2sanctified, sacred
It is also the name of the first month of the Islamic calendar. The correct name is
muharram pi. muharramaatforbidden act, thing
Something forbidden by the Quran or the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
muhaymin al--The Supreme Controller
A Divine Attribute of Allah. The One Who controls all things in the universe and watches over them.
muhdithritually impure / unclean
Someone who has done something that makes him ritually impure or unclean. (See
muhdith 2innovator
A person who introduces innovations into the religion.
muhkam muhkamaatexact in meaning
Usually, this word is used in contrast to
muhrimwearer of iHraam
A pilgrim wearing the pilgrimage garb,
muhsanmarried man
A man previously married.
muhsanahmarried woman
In the Quran, the term is used to refer to a married, free or virtuous woman (the Quran, 4: 24-25).
muhsanah 2chaste / virtuous woman
This is one of the three main senses of the word found in the Quran and Islamic writings. (See the Quran, 4: 24-25).
muhsanahfree female
This is one of the three main senses of the word found in the Quran and Islamic writings. (The Qu? an 4: 24- 25).
muhsii al--The Numberer
A Divine Attribute of Allah. The One Who keeps record or takes account of everything.
muhtadardying person
A person on his death bed. Usually, we should try to prompt him to say
muhtasibnot expecting reward
Someone who does not wait for rewards from people, but does things for the sake of Allah alone.
muhtasib2market inspector
Someone appointed by the state to make sure that merchants and tradesmen are honest in their dealings.
muhyii al--The Quickener, Giver of life
A Divine Attribute of Allah. The One Who gives life.
muiid al--The Supreme Restorer
A Divine Attribute of Allah. The One Who returns the living to their former existence and gives life to the dead.
muizz al--j_ni
The Supreme Honourer A Divine Attribute of Allah. The One Who gives honour and esteem to His servants.
mujaahidfighter for the Cause ofAllah
Someone who fights for the Cause of Allah.
mujaahirbold sinner
A sinner who does sinful acts publicly or announces them, without a sense of shame.
mujiib al--The Supreme Answerer
A Divine Attribute of Allah. The One Who answers the prayers and calls of His servants.
Clearly superhuman and extraordinary, such as the Qurans content, language and style.
Something supernatural performed by a prophet, for example, such as the changing of the rod into a snake by the Prophet Moses (PBUH).
mujtahidindependent le gist
A legist formulating independent decisions in legal or theological matters, based on the interpretation and application of the main principles of derivation of Islamic law.
mukhaalahseeking divorce
The woman seeking divorce from her husband, often by compensating him, for example, for the expenses he had incurred. Another term is
mukil ar-ribaafeeder of usury
The person who borrows money with interest / usury is conisdered a culprit in the crime of usury; therefore, he is called the feeder of usury.
mulaaanahmutual cursing
A procedure in which a husband who accuses his wife of adultery, without having witnesses, swears four times to Allah that he is telling the truth, and fifth time that he deserves Allahs wrath if he is telling a lie. The wife then may, if she claims innocence, swear four times that he is telling a lie, and the fifth time that she deserves Allahs wrath if he is not telling the truth. (See the Qur1an, 24: 6- 9).
muihid pl. malaahidahatheist
A person who does not believe in the existence of Allah.
multazam al--The Multazam
The area adjacent to the portal of the Kabah (between the black stone and the portal).
multazim pl. multazimuunconservative / committed
person This is a fairly recently coined term, meaning someone who tries to meticulously observe the teachings of Islam.
mumiit al--The Supreme Death-Causer
A Divine Attribute of Allah. The One Who actually controls life and death.
mumin al--The Source of Securily
A Divine Attribute of Allah. The One Who provides His righteous servants with security and safety from Hell Fire, and provides all His creation with security from injustice to them.
mumin pl. muminuunbeliever
In Islamic terms, this means someone who believes in Islam with firm conviction.
munaafiq pl. munaafiquunhypocrite
Someone who pretends to be a believer, while he is not, in order to deceive others.
munaajaahintimate talk
Usually the word is used for the pious persons talking (praying) to God in a fervent manner in a state of solitude.
Islam teaches its followers not to resort to astrologers nor believe what they say.
As a term this usually refers to someone who spends money for the sake of God.
munkar pl. munkaraatabominable act, evil
Anything that is forbidden by Islam may be considered
munkar wa nakiirMunkar and Nakeer
The two angels assigned to interrogate the dead in their graves upon their burial.
muntaqim at--The Supreme Avenger
A Divine Attribute of Allah. The One Who punishes the persistent wrong doers or sinners.
Taking someone to court.
Giving something and receiving another for it at the same time.
muqaddim al--The Supreme Advancer
A Divine Attribute of Allah. The One Who advances and brings people and things nearer to each other.
muqatlaaat al--disconnected letters
These are the letters that are found at the beginning of some chapters of the Quran, such as ALM (alif-laam- mum) and YS (yaa- sun). They are called disconnected because we read the letter (their names) separately, rather than treat the combinations as single words.
muqiit al--The Supreme Nourisher
A Divine Attribute of Allah. The One Who provides nourishment, or Who is in control of everything.
muqsit al--The Supreme Equitable
A Divine Attribute of Allah. The One Who is never unjust or unfair.
A person who follows a certain
muqtadir al--The Most Efficient
A Divine Attribute of Allah. The One Who has total command over His creation.
muraabahahprofit sharing
Technically, this term is used short
muraabitMuslim frontier guard
The person who is posted at the borders of Muslim lands to protect them from the enemy.
muraaqabat an-nafsself monitoring, watching
Watching oneself in order to prevent it from doing wrong things.
murdiah pl. murdiaatwet nurse
A woman who breast feeds a baby other than her own.
muriidsufi disciple
A person who is under training as a Sufi.
A Muslim who leaves the fold of Islam.
murtashii al--seeker of a bribe
Someone who asks for bribery. Both the seeker and the giver
A person is considered on travel, technically, if he is about 80 kilometers away from his normal place of residence.
musaakanahsharing a dwelling
It could be same house or room.
musaaqaahwatering partnership
This is the arrangement in which the farm owner makes a deal with someone to take care of the plants, and they share the produce or crops.
musallaaprayer place
Any place designated for
musawwir al--The Supreme Fashioner
A Divine Attribute of Allah. The One Who fashions or gives perfect shape to His creation.
Misguided Muslims who draw resemblances between Allah and His creatures, which is a clear contradiction to the Quranic statement:
mushaf al--written text of the Qur an
The written/ printed text of the Quran.
mushaf al-- al-uthmaaniyyOthman s copy ofthe Qur an
The standard copy of the Quran which was compiled upon instructions from the third Righteous Caliph in order to protect Muslims from fighting among themselves regarding their modes of recitation of the Quran and the order of the chapters.
mushaf al-- al-imamt4t .A,L.4it
The standerd copy of the Quran The copy of the Quran compiled at instructions by the Caliph Othman, whose rules of dictation are observed in other copies printed up to the present time.
mushrikpolytheist, pagan
A person who worships more than one god, or associates partners with Allah.
muskir pl. muskiraatintoxicant
Anything that causes intoxication to a person. Alcoholic beverages and drugs are typical examples.
musnad 1traceable
to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) A tradition or text traceable to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
musnad 2book of hadeeth
A book of hadeeths collected by one person, such as
mustaminsecurity seeker
A member of an un-Islamic hostile area who enters a Muslim territory and claims safe conduct and immunity from hostilities. If the Muslim state agrees, then he becomes a
mustahaadahfemale with false menses
A female that has vaginal bleeding other than her regular period.
mustahabb pl. mustahabbaatrecommended act
An act recommended by Islam, not required nor regularly observed by the Prophet (PBUH).
mustalah al-l-hadiithscience of hadeeth
This term, which literally means
mutaaalii al--The Supremely Exalted
A Divine Attribute of Allah. The One Who is above any reproach.
mutaddahwoman in waiting period
A woman in a waiting period, after her divorce or death of a husband.
mutakabbir al--The Supremely Proud
A Divine Attribute of Allah. The One Who is above every type of deficiency or imperfection.
mutakifin a state of
mutamatti eaenjoying pilgrim
A pilgrim who makes
mutamirperformer of
mutaraddiyahdead from a fall
An animal whose flesh is edible, but dies from a fall; hence, it is not slaughtered. It is forbidden for a Muslim to eat its meat. (See the Quran, 5: 3).
mutasawwifA follower of a Sufi order, or
simply someone who is living a simple way of life full of devotions.
mutashaabih mutashaabihaatpolysemous,
with many meanings The word is used to refer to verse(s) of the Quran which have more than one possible interpretation or application. (See the Quran, 3: 7).
mutawaatirof good chain (of narrators)
A hadeeth is considered
mutazilah al--Mu tazilites
A sect of Muslims who called to the imposition of human rationalization on theological issues, such as predestination, Divine attributes, the Quran, etc. Their views often contradicted those of Islamic orthodoxy.
mutii al--The Supreme Giver
A Divine Attribute of Allah.The One Who gives with no bounds or limits.
muttafaq alayhjite
agreed upon This refers to a
muttaq in pl. muttaquunAllah-fearing, pious
Someone who remembers that Allah is watching him all the time; therefore, he conducts himself in the best manner that pleases Allah. He is also someone who fears Divine punishment, and seeks to protect himself from it.
muubiqaat al-- sg. muubiqahdestructive sins
Mj or sins that cause the destruction of the person who commits them, both in this world and the Hereafter.
muujib pl. muujibaatnecessitating
cause Something that makes something else necessary, such as menstruation that makes it necessary for a woman to have
A prophet of Allah sent to the Jews. The Quran is full of references to the Prophet Moses (PBUH), his encounters with the Pharaoh of Egypt arid his story with the Jews.
Someone who does not recognize nor worship anyone except the One God, Allah.
muwaalaah1befriending, showing loyalty to
Befriending and showing loyalty to (which has to be Muslims).
muwaalaah 2immediate succession
Doing things after each other immediately, such as washing the hands, rinsing the mouth, sniffing water and rinsing the norstrils ... immediately after one another, without any appreciable pause in between them, when we do the ablution.
Having sexual intercourse.
muwalta al--the Muwatta
The book of hadeeths compiled by imam Malik ibn Anas of Medina.
muzaarahfarming partnership
An arrangement in which the owner of a land provides the land while another takes care of the farming, and they share the crops.
A place between Arafah and Mina, where pilgrims spend the night before the tenth day of Dhul-Hijjah (
naafi an--The Benefit Giver
A Divine Attribute of Allah. The Only One Who can give benefits or withhold them.
naafilah pl. nawaafiloptional practice
Optional practice, usually of worship, such as extra prayers or fasting.
naajiyah al-firqah an--the saved group (sect)
The reference is to the Muslims that will gain salvation on the Day of Judgment as a result of following the Quran and the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) meticulously, as opposed to those groups that strayed from the path in different ways.
naashizinsubordinate wife
A wife who rebels against her husband unjustifiably. She may be deprived of financial support.
naasikh pl. nawaasikhabrogator
A decree or revelation that abrogates a previous one or modifies it.
nabiyy pl. anbiyaaprophet
A man chosen by Allah to guide a group of people to the ways of Allah and teach them His message. According to some scholars, a prophet may be a messenger of Allah; he may not be a messenger.
nabiyy an-- al-ummiyythe illiterate prophet
The reference is to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) who could not read nor write. Some scholars say that the word
nadhara yandhurTo make a promise to Allah
to do something.
nadhr pl. nudhuurA promise one makes to
Allah to do something, usually good.
nafaqah pl. nafaqaatalimony, expenses
The money usually paid by a former husband to his divorcee for her support during the waiting period or for the support of his children from her, who are in her custody. The word also means expenses in general.
nafrah an-- min arafahrush from arafah
Pilgrims move immediately after sunset of the ninth day of hajj from the plain of arafah to Muzdalifah where they spend the night before going to Mina on the tenth.
nafs an-- al-ammaarahthe tempting self
The side of the human self that keeps tempting man to do bad things, usually to find pleasure in them. (cf
nafs an- al-iawwaamahconscience
Literally, this means the blaming self which prevents one from doing wrong things, as opposed to the tempting self that prompts one to do bad things.
nafs an-- a!-mutmainnahthe soul at peace
The soul of a believer.
nahaar pi anhurday
Day, as opposed to night, which begins with sunrise and ends with sunset.
nahara yanharto slaughter a camel
To slaughter a camel, ususally while it is in standing position.
Originally, the word means slaughtering a camel. But in the expression
nahy an al-munkarforbidding the wrong
Forbidding or stopping wrong actions, including sinfl.iI deeds and words. This can be done in action and through words.
najaah an--salvation, deliverance
The case of being saved from something bad or evil. Often we hear the word in expressions like
najaasah pi najaasaatritually unclean / impure thing
Something that has to be removed from the body or the clothing of a Muslim before he can pray.
najasritually unclean / impure thing
Something that has to be removed from the body or the clothing of a Muslim before he can pray.
najashdeceitful outbidding
Outbidding with the sole purpose of leading others to pay a higher price for something. Naturally, this is forbidden in Islam according to the Prophetic hadeeth on the subject.
najisritually unclean
najjasa yunajjisto defile, impurijj
To make something ritually unclean or impure.
nakaha yankahto marry
The name of one of the two angels who come to the dead person in his grave for questioning. See
namiimahtalesbearing, calumny
Reporting bad things said by someone against another person, which is strongly condemned by Islam.
nammaamtale bearer, telltale
A person who reports bad things said against someone to another person.
The tyrant pagan king who ordered Prophet Abraham (PBUH) to be thrown in the fire built for the purpose. In the Quran we read one of his encounters with Abraham (2: 258). In Arabic the name is used to indicate rebellion and arrogance.
Doing something that makes something invalid, such as passing water which makes the ablution invalid, or breaking a promise. . . etc.
naql an--the Text
The text of the Quran and prophetic traditions. A contrasting word is
nasaaraa sg. nasraaniyyChristians
nasab pl. ansaablineage
The family tree of a person; i.e. names of his forefathers.
nasakha yansakhuto abrogate
This refers to a verse of the Quran that was revealed after another one with a different ruling. The latter is called
nasiiahpostponed debt
A debt whose payment is postponed at the request of the indebted person. The interest charged for the postponement is called
The process by which a new decree, e.g., abolihses or modifies an earlier one.
The name of a deity worshipped by the people of Prophet Noah. (See the Quf an 71:23) ..
nasraaniyy pl. nasaaraaChristian
A follower (or rather, a worshipper) of the Prophet Jesus (PBUH).
nasraaniyyah an-Christianity
Originally, the religion of Jesus, but now refers to the beliefs of Christians, which Muslims believe contradict his teachings.
nasuuhpure, sincere
Usually this adjective is used with the word
natiihahdead by goring
An animal that is dead due to being gored by horns of another anima! or its head. The meat of such an animal is forbidden to be eaten by a Muslim, because it is not properly slaughtered. (See the Quran, 5: 3).
nawaaqid sg. naaqidahinvalidators,
invalidating acts Acts, including verbal ones, that make a certain state (such as ritual purity) invalid. So we hear of
nawaasikh sg. naasikhabrogators
nifaaschildbirth, confinement
nihlah pl. nihalsect, creed
In Islamic writings we sometimes find the term
nihlah 2 ,,1 nihalfree gift
This term is found in the Quran in this special sense in one verse (Chapter 4: 4).
nikaah ankihahmarriage
nikaah faasidinvalid marriage
Marriage that violates the basic requirements of proper marriage, such as marrying a first degree relative.
nikaah al-mutahtemporary marriage
Literally, this means marriage for pleasure. The marriage arrangement in which both parties agree to stay married for a specified time. This is forbidden according to main stream Islam.
nikaah ash-shighaarmutual marriage arrangement
An arrangement in which a person gives a female in his trust to someone who does the same, without either paying the
niqaab anqibahveil
A veil which covers the whole face with the exception of the eyes.
nisaab pl. ansibahminimum taxable amount
The minimum amount of anything for which one should pay
Wailing is forbidden in Islam. A Muslim woman may weep for losing someone, but she should not wail nor tear her clothes or the like.
niyyah pl. niyyaatintention
Intention is a prerequisite for any act of worship. In fact, according to the Prophet (PBUH), deeds are judged by the intentions behind them.
nubuwwahprophethood, prophecy
The state of being a prophet; something foretold.
nufasaanew mother, confined woman
A woman who has recently given birth to a baby. The term is used mainly to refer to her during the post natal bleeding period, when she is not supposed to pray or fast or touch the Quran.
nushuur yawm an--Day of Resurrection
nushuuzwife insubordination
Insubordination or refusal to give the husband his marital rights. We also find this word with reference to husbands to mean ill-treatment. (See the Quran, 4: 34 and 128). (See also
nusuk pl. ansaakrite, ritual
Religious ritual to be observed. Vety often we find the synonymous word
A major prophet of Allah who lived more than 950 years preaching the message of Allah to his people. They were drowned in the Flood, while he and the few believers with him were saved in the ark he built. (See the Quran, i i : 35-48 and 71).
nuun at-tanwiinn of nunation
The In! which is pronounced but not written in Arabic, as an indication of indefiniteness for nouns.
nuun mutaharrikahvocalized n
The inl which is followed by a vowel. (cf
nuun saakinahunvocalized n
The In! which is not followed by a vowel in any word.
nuur an--The Light
A Divine Attribute of Allah. The Source of all light in the universe.
nuzuul al-quraanrevelation of the Quran
The process by which the Quran reached the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) from Allah, through Archangel Gabriel.
qaabid al--The Restrainer
A Divine Attribute of Allah. The One Who withholds whatever He likes, or the One Who takes life.
A son of Adam and brother to Cain who killed him.
qaadii pl. qudaahjudge
Nowadays, we hear the expression
qaadir al--The Ever Able
A Divine Attribute of Allah The One Whose ability is unlimited.
qaanitsubmissive, humble
Normally, this is used with reference to a person, being submissive and humble in his supplications or prayers.
qaari pl. qurraareader
Someone who is a professional reader of the Quran, normally a
qaarincoupling haj/ and umrah
Someone who performs both
The ungratefbl Israelite who was known for his great prosperity, but boasted
qaasir pl. qussarunder age
Someone who is below the age of legal responsibility; therefore, requires a guardian.
qaati rahimseverer of kinship relations
Someone who does not respect kinship relations.
qaati tariiqhighway robber
Someone who stops travellers to rob them.
qabuul 1acceptance
In a marriage ceremony, this means the grooms accepting the offer of someones daughter (or other female trustee) to him in marriage. (See
qabuul 2acceptance
The term is usually used in conjunction with
dadaa 1 yaqdiito rule, decree
To make a ruling. For Allah, it usually means to decree / ordain.
qadaa 2 yaqdiito pay (a debt)
It is considered a sin for an able person not to pay back a debt.
qadaa 3 yaqdii baynato arbitrate
To settle a dispute between two parties.
qadaa ad-daynpaying back
Paying back money borrowed from someone.
qadaa al-haajahrelieving oneself
Going to the toilet.
qadaa al-hajaat/al-hawaaijfulfilling the needs
Doing things, usually for others in the way of helping them.
qadaa as-salaahmaking up the prayer
Praying a
qadaa wa qadarDivine decree, predestination
Something decreed by Allah beforehand, and one could not do anything about it.
qadar pl. aqdaarpredestination, exact measure
Allah s assignment of ends to all processes of life and existence on earth. In this case, the term is conjoined with qaDaa. The word is also used in the Quran (45: 49) to mean exact measure.
qaddara1 yuqaddirto give measure
In this sense the word originally means to calculate or estimate. But when it refers to Allah in the Quf an it is used to mean to give exact measure as well as decree. (See below).
qaddara 2 yuqaddirto decree, to predestinate
In this sense the word is used with reference to Allahs decree or predestination of the things that happen in the universe.
qadariyybeliever in absolute free will
Someone who believes in absolute free will; therefore, he denies any form of Divine predestination. He is the opposite of the fatalist.
Technically, this means slander by accusing someone of fornication (sexual intercourse out of wedlock).
qadrhigh esteem
qahhaar al--The Supreme Vanquisher
A Divine Attribute of Allah. The One to Whose power everyone and everything has submitted and submits.
qaiqalahslight vocalization
Adding a very brief vowel- like sound to certain garaamilah consonants when followed by other consonants, while reciting the Quran, to make their enunciation clearer. These consonants are: iq!, It!, lb!, iji, idi.
Accepting whatever comes to one or is given to him.
qanata yaqnutto despair
The Quran instructs believers not to despair of Allahs mercy and forgiveness. (See the Quran, 39: 53).
qanata yaqnututo humble one s self
To show humility and submission, or to supplicate with such a spirit.
qaraamitah sg. qurmuliyyKaramathians
A Shiite sect who ransacked the holy mosque in Makkah and took away the black stone, to be returned only at the orders of the Fatimite ruler of the time.
qardhasangood loan
Loan according to the mies of Islam; that is, without interest, but for the sake of Allah.
qariin pl. quranaaconstant companion
The companion referred to could be an angel, a human or a genie. In Islamic traditions we read of every human being having a
qariinah pl. qaraain 1It could be linguistic or
qarilnah qaraain 2circumstantial evidence
Evidence that can be drawn from the temporal and spatial and any other circumstances.
qarn al-manaazilQarn al-Manazil
Name of a place in the Arabian Peninsula where prospective pilgrims from Najd or those who pass by that location should start their
qasaamahtaking an oath
Technically, this means swearing to Allah when accusing or being accused of murder in order to confirm or deny the accusation.
Swearing to Allah.
qasm bayn az-zawjaatdivision of time
Equitable allotting of time (especially at night) among ones wives.
Shortening a four-
qat ar-rahimbreaking family ties, allie nation of relatives
To treat relatives as strangers, or ignore ones duties to his relations, sometimes by mistreating them, which is a great sin. This is the opposite of
qal at-tariiqbrigandry, highway robbery
This is a major crime in Islamic law. The Quranic ruling I 73 gati ai-amd regarding the punishment is given in Chapter 5: 33.
off the hand The punishment for stealing worthy objects from a safe place for the sake of stealing or making money is chopping the right hand off from the wrist. If any of the preconditions is not ftilifihled, such as stealing out of hunger, then the thief s hand may not be chopped off.
qataailand grants
Land grants usually given by the ruler to some of his subjects.
qatiiat ar-rahimalie nation of relatives
qati al-amdmurder
Intentionally killing someone. This is considered not only a major crime but also a major sin. Capital punishment or payment of
qatl al-khatamanslaughter
Unintentional killing of a person. For the ruling on this, see the Quran, 4: 92.
qawadretaliatory punishment
qawiyy al--The Omnipotent
A Divine Attribute of Allah. The One Whose power knows no limits.
qayyuum al--The Ever-Subsisting
A Divine Attribute of Allah. The One Who is Eternal and ever supports the existence of others.
When the term is used in anunqualified manner, it usualy refers to the direction of the Kabah, which a Muslim should face when praying.
Gambling is forbidden by Islam, and it is considered a work of Satan. (See the Quran, 5: 90).
qintaar pl. qanaaliirtalent
A weight equivalent to 1200 ounces of gold.
qiraaaat al-- as-sabseven modes of recitation
Specialists in tajweed talk of seven and ten modes of recitation of the Quran. These are simple variations in the pronunciation of certain words, attributed to the different dialects. (See
qiraanwedlock, coupling
qisaasretaliatory punishment
Punishment, both retributive and compensatory. It includes killing the murderer, the ruling of
qiwaamahcharge, guardianship
Being in charge and responsible for support of family.
qiyaamstanding position
In formal prayers, the standing position, as opposed to bowing, prostrating or sitting.
qiyaam al-laylnight vigil
Spending the night in devotions, usually praying.
qiyaamah al--The Resurrection
Islam emphasizes the concept of physical resurrection, when the whole creation will be brough back to life in body and soul. (See the Quran, 22: 1-7; 75: 1-13; 78: 17-40; 80: 3 3-34, 42).
qiyaasLiterally, it
means measuring, but technically it means analogy, which is one of the main sources of Islamic law.
A suburb of modern Medina (al-Madinah al -Munawwarah) in Saudi Arabia, which lies to the south of the town. Prophet Muhammad stayed there upon his arrival to Medina from Mecca in the
genitalia The male or female sex organ.
qudduus al--The Most Holy
A Divine Attribute of Allah. The One Who is All-Pure and Blemishless.
qunuuthumility, submission
A common expression with which this term is associated is
qur pl. quruumenstrual period
Quranic commentators have differed whether this word means the time of menstruation or the time between two menstruations.
quraan al--The Qur an
The Exact Words of Allah revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). It consists of 114 chapters. The word
qurahcasting lots
Usually, we hear the expression
qurayshQuraysh tribe
The noblest of Arab tribes, who lived in Makkah and were considered the guardians and keepers of the Kabah. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) belonged to this tribe.
qurbaan pl. qaraabiinoffering
Usually, an animal slaughtered as an offering to Allah. A large portion or all of the meat is normally given to the poor and needy.
qurbah pl. qurubaatgood deed
A deed performed by a Muslim to become nearer to Allah.
qurraa sg. qaarireciters, readers
Usually, this refers to people who know the Quran by heart and recite it well.
Sifting position, synonymous to
raafi ar--The Raiser
A Divine Attribute of Allah. The One Who raises the position or status of those who obey His commands.
raafidah sg. raafidiyyrejectionist
A term used to refer to Shiites who reject the right of the first three righteous caliphs to the caliphate, claiming that Ali (RAA) was supposed to be the first successor to the Prophet (PBUH).
raahib pl. ruhbaanmonk
Though the word may be translated as monk in general, in Islamic terminology it is used to refer to Christian monks who led lives of devotion in monasteries.
raai n pl. ruaahperson in charge
Lexically, the word means a shepherd, but it is used to mean anyone in charge of others.
raaishbribery mediator
The person who mediates between the bribing and bribed persons. He is a sinner like them.
raakibowing (in prayer)
A person in the bowing position. See
raashii ar--briber
A person who offers a bribe to another. He is a partner in the crime, which is a great sin. The other two sinners are the culprits:
raawii pl. ruwaat al-hadiithnarrator, transmitter
The person who reports a prophetic tradition.
raaziq ar-- / ar-razzaaqThe Best Provider
A Divine Attribute of Allah. The provider for every being in the universe, Whose bounties have no limits.
rabb pl. arbaablord, master / owner
In the Quran the word is found both in the singular and plural forms. It is used in the sense of deity or Allah as well as lord and master.
rabli al-aakharRabi the Second
Another name for
rabil al-awwalRabi the First
The third month of the Islamic calendar. It was in this month that the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was born, most probably on the 12th day of that month in the year 570 AD.
rabii ath-thaaniitdi
Rabi the Second The fourth month of the Islamic calendar.
radaabreast feeding
Breast feeding (especillay five or more times) makes the woman a foster mother to the baby if it is not her own. This has legal ramifications in the area of marriage. The foster brothers and sisters in this sense caimot marry each other.
radah pl. radaatbreast feeding once
Every time a woman breast feeds a baby this is called
radd as-salaamre turn a greeting
radd at-tahiyyahreturning the greeting
The Quran teaches Muslims that when they are greeted they should return the same or with better greeting.
radhiilah pl. radhaailvice
Sinful act.
radiya allaahu anhuMay Allah be pleased with him
A prayer often said after mentioning the name of a companion of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). If it is a female then we say
The word has been translated into obscenity, lewdness and sex act all of which arc forbidden for the pilgrim during pilgrimage.
Devoting ones life to worshipping Allah. The term is often used with reference to Christianity.
With reference to a Muslims relation with Allah, this term means fear of disobedience to Allah.
rahiim ar--The Most Merciful
A Divine Attribute of Allah. The One Who shows special mercy to the believers. (cf
rahim i pl. arhaamwomb
rahim 2 pl. arhaamblood relative
rahmaan ar--The All-Merciful, Beneficent
A Divine Attribute of Allah. The One Whose mercy encompasses the whole universe, including the disbelievers. This name or attribute is never used except with Allah, unlike most of the other attributes that may be used with others.
rahmahmercy, kindness
This word means not just mercy, but it means kindness, tenderness, caring and the like as well.
People under the charge of a certain person, be it a ruler, a father or a mother. (See
The seventh month of the Islamic calendar.
rajahrevoking the divorce
rajah 2return, change of mind
rajiyy talaaqrevocable (divorce)
First time and second time divorces are considered revocable in the sense that a divorced wife may go back to her ex-husband within the waiting period (three menstrual periods). After that waiting period they may not go back unless they remarry. This ruling is contrasted with
rajiim ar--The outcast
This term is used to describe Satan who is cursed and outcast from Divine mercy, due to his rebellion against Allah and His commands.
Throwing stones at sth. or sb. But often it refers to stoning to death of the adulterer and adulteress.
rajm bi-l-ghaybconjecture
Making a baseless statement or conclusion.
rakah pl. rakaata bowing
Technically, this covers noi just bowing, but a set of actions that are done in
The ninth month of the Muslim calendar which is the month of fasting.
ramal ar--jogging
Walking fairly swiftly in the first three rounds of circumambulation around the Kabah, to be done by men only. This is observed only in the
ramythrowing, stoning
The term refers to throwing seven pebbles at the pillar of the jamrah
This is often found in the context of liberating slaves. So we find the expression
raqiib ar-- r The Ever-Watching
A Divine Attribute of Allah. One Who is constantly Watchful of His creatures actions.
rashiid ar--The Ever-Right
A Divine Attribute of Allah. The One Who never ens in His decisions or actions, and Who guides others.
Paying undeserved something to someone for favours or services. Bribery is strongly condemned in Islam. In fact, the Prophet (PBUITI) is reported to have condemned the giver of the bribe, the receiver and the mediator.
rasuul pl. rusulmessenger, apostle
In the religious context, this usually refers to a prophet sent by the Almighty Allah to a certain nation or to the whole world (as in the case of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
rattala yurattilto recite carefully
rauuf ar--The Ever- Compassionate
A Divine Attribute of Allah. The One Who is Most Kind and Merciful.
rawaa yarwiireport, narrate
The word is used in its general sense as well as technical sense, which means to report a Prophetic tradition.
rawdah ar-- ash-shariifahthe holy Rawdah
The name of the section in the Prophet Muhammads Mosque which lies between the tomb of the Prophet and his pulpit. Reference is made in a tradition of the Prophet PBUH) that this part is a
ribaausury, interest
Taking interest on loans, which is forbidden in Islam and is strongly condemned in the Quran where it is sharply contrasted with charity. (See the Quran, 2: 275-276).
ribaatguarding Mus um frontier
Guarding the boundaries of Muslim lands against possible attacks from the enemies. It is considered one of the highly praiseworthy forms ol worship.
ribawiyyusury related
A transaction that involves usury.
ridaa ardiyahupper torso cover
The sheet used by a male pilgrim (for example) to cover the upper part of his body, as opposed to the
Abandoning ones faith. Islam forbids this for a Muslim; the penalty being death.
ridwaanpleasure, satisfaction
Very often, this term refers to Divine Pleasure. In other words, it refers to Allahs being pleased with someone, which should be the ultimate goal of a believer s actions and deeds.
Name of the angel in charge of guarding Paradise.
rihaansecurity, pledge
Something a borrower, for example, leaves with the lender for security. This meaning should not be confused with the modem usage which is betting.
rijaal al-hadiithnarrators of the hadeeth
The term refers to all the people involved in transmitting the Hadiith (prophetic tradition). Knowledge about them helps determine the degree of its authenticity.
Something most detested in the sight of Allah, which implies prohibition. (See the Quran, 5: 90).
rikaaz pl. arkizahburied treasure or minerals
Natural or buried treasures found in ones land, including minerals and precious stones. There are certain regulations regarding the
risaalah pl. risaalaat(Divine) message
The message given to Allahs messengers to convey to mankind. In this sense, it is synonymous to religion.
riwaayat al-hadiithnarration of the hadeeth
Reporting prophetic traditions. The science of hadeeth authentication stipulates that a
riyaamaking show, sanctiminy,
sanctiminiousness Doing something good to get attention and admiration of people, not to please Allah. This is considered a case of
rizq pl. arzaaqprovision, sustenance
Normally, the term is used in the context of Allahs provisions for His creation for their sustenance, since He is the true Provider.
ruyaadream, vision
Usually, a good dream.
ruyaa saalihahgood dream
A dream whose meaning may come true.
ruyat al-hilaalsighting of new moon
Since the Islamic calendar is based on the lunar month, it is important to look for the new moon (crescent) to determine the beginning of the month.
rubuubiyyahLordship, Sovereignty
rukhsah pl. rukhaslicence,permission
Licence to do something. For example, an ill person has the licence to break the fast during Ramadan, and make up for the day(s) later.
rukn ar-- al-yamaaniithe Yamaanii (Southern) Corner
The Comer of the Kabah just before the Black Stone. The person doing
rukn pl. arkaancorner-stone, pillar
The supporting element of a structure. The term is used in many contexts to mean somethingabsolutely essential, such as
Rukuu in the
ruqyah pl. ruqaaIslamic incantation
Verses from the Quran and/or prophetic prayers recited for cure from various types of illnesses, psychological and physical.
ruuh ar-- al-amiinThe Trustworthy Spirit
The term refers to Archangel Gabriel, who brought the Divine messages from Allah to His messengers.
ruuh pl. arwaahsoul, spirit
The essence of life whose departure means death. According to Islamic teachings, the soul does not die, but it leaves the body, and it will come back to it upon Resurrection.
ruuh al-qudusHoly Spirit
A reference Gabriel.
ruum ar--Romans, Byzantines
In Islamic history, the term is used to refer to the Romans, especially the people of Byzantine or Eastern Roman Empire.
saaa yasaato walk between Safa and
Marwah. See
saaa yasaa 2to work for, pursue
We have this verb in expressions like
saaah as--The Hour
The Time of Resurrection.
saa pl. aswaaSa
An Islamic unit of dry measure. For wheat, it is roughly equivalent to 2.172 kg.
saabiah as-- j as-saabiuunSab jans, Sabaeans
A group of people in the Fertile Crescent who are believed to believe in stars and to worship them, or they worship the angels. In the Quran, they are grouped along with Christians and Jews. (See the Qu?an, 5: 69).
saabirpatient, perseverent
This terms refers to the person who shows patience and acceptance of misfortunes and / or perseveres in the doing of good deeds.
Someone who is telling the truth.
saahib al-huutman of the whale
The reference to Jonah. See
saahib pl. ashaab an- nisaabholder of
saahir pl. saharahsorcerer
saailbeggar, questioner
The term could mean either, depending on the context.
saaimah pl. sawaaimgrazing cattle
In the calculation of
saajid pl. sujjadprostrating person
saala yasalto question
In a technical sense this means to ask in the form of interrogation, for example in the grave or in the Hereafter.
saala 2 yasala an-naasto beg
This is considered by Islam a detestable act, since it degrades the person who does it. In fact, the Prophet (PBUH) warned those who beg needlessly.
saatihSale h
Name of a prophet who lived in North - Western Arabia, mentioned in many verses of the Quran. (See 27: 45-53). His people were called
saalih pl. saalihaatgood deed
The word is short for
saalih pl. saalihuungood, righteous man
Very often, the term is used to refer to a pious person.
saamiriyy as--the Samaritan
In the Quran, the word is used to refer to the Israelite who misled the followers of Moses, during his absence, to worship the golden calf (See the Quran 20: 85-91.) ..
The name of the wife of Prophet Abraham (PBUH) and mother of Tsaac. She is not mentioned by name in the Quran.
sabat ah rufseven modes
Quranic study specialists say this expression, used by the Prophet (PBUH), refers to seven dialects, modes or variations in reading/ reciting the Quran. Naturally, these variations apply to a limited number of words or groups of words in the Quran.
sab as-- al-mathaaniithe seven oft-repeated
The reference is most probably to the Opening Chapter of the Quran which consists of seven verses, and it is recited at least 17 times in a Muslims five daily prayers. Muslims also recite this chapter on many occasions for blessing.
sabaa yasbarenounce one s religion
This expression was frequently used by polytheists to refer to conversion to Islam, because they looked at it from the point of view of renouncing the religion of their forefathers.
sabab pl. asbaab an-nuzuuloccasion of the revelation
The occasion on which certain verses of the Quran were revealed. Knowledge of such occasions is necessary for the correct interpretation of such verses.
sabbaha yusabbihto glorify (Allah)
To glofly Allah in general, or to say:
sabiil allaahway (cause) ofAllah
Normally, we have this phrase as a part of the expression:
sabiilaan as--the two outlets
This refers to the outlets of urine and stool (private parts). Anything that comes out of them, as well as touching them, makes one ritually impure. Ablution is necessary before one can perform
sabrpatience, perseverance
The term is fairly comprehensive, implying forbearance, endurance and persistence. It is a highly recommended trait for a Muslim.
sabuur as--The Ever-Patient
A Divine Attribute of Allah. The One Who never gets impatient, even with the sinners.
The money or gift paid by the groom to his bride, normally specified in the marriage agreement. Often, people specifij an instant amount (
sadaaq muajjalldeferred dower
The part of the dower agreed by the bride to be paid to her at a later date, usually upon separation from her husband.
sadaaq muajjalimmediate dower
The dower to be paid by the groom to his bride at the wedding time.
sadanat al-bayt/al-kabahkeepers of the Ka bah
People who are in charge of the Kabah and take care of it. Officially, there has been one family which has been keeping the key to the Kabah, since it was given to them by the Prophet (PBUH), it is said.
sadaqa yasduquto be truthful
To be truthful here includes telling the truth (not lying) and being truthful in action; that is, ones actions reflect his words.
sadaqah pl. sadaqaatcharity
Charity or charitable act. According to Islam, any good deed that helps someone is a charitable deed for which a Muslim will receive rewards from Allah. More specifically,
sadaqat al-fitrfast breaking charity
Sometimes, it is called
sadd adh-dharaaiprevention of means (to sins)
Closing the door against possibility of committing illegal things. Sometimes, a permissible act may be forbidden by the law, because it leads or may most probably lead to illegal actions.
sadr al-islaamearly Islamic era
Usually, it refers to the time of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
safaa as-- wa al-marwahoj}Sj ti4ii
Safa and Marwah Mounts The two rocky hills adjacent to the Hoy Mosque of Makkah, between which the pilgrim perfoms the
The second month in the Islamic calendar.
safiih pl. sufahaaimbecile, foolish
Sometimes, this word is used to mean vulgar.
safiyyallaahAllahs chosen
A person especially chosen by Allah to receive special favours, such as Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). One of the Prophets names is
safk ad-dimaablood shed, killing
Normally, this refers to senseless killing or mass murder.
saghirrah pl. saghaa1rminor sinor
Sins which are committed by a person, often inadvertently, and are not criminal in nature. There are no specified punishments for them. Unless they hurt others, then
sahaabah sg. sahaabiyyCompanions
Companions of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH); i.e., Muslims who met him. Many struggled with him and defended him, and were responsible for carrying his message after his death. Therefore, they deserve a special consideration and respect.
sahaabiyy pl. sahaabahCompanion
of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). (See
saharah sg. saahirsorcerers,
magicians Practitioners of black magic. (See
sahilfat al-amaalrecord of deeds
The record kept for everyone wherein the recording angels write every deed and word one does or says anywhere and at any time. On the Day of Judgement this record will be produced for him.
One of the degrees of authenticity of the hadeeth text, based on the evaluation of the transmitters of the text.
sahiih pl. sihaahauthentic /sound book
A book of prophetic traditions compiled on the basis of very strict rules of sifting and authentication procedures, such as
sahiih al-bukhaariial-Bukhari Authentic Book
The book of prophetic traditions compiled by Imam al-Buhkari (8 10-870 AD), according to his extremely stringent rules of sifting and authentication procedures. Naturally, what we have in his book, which consists of a few volumes, represents only a small portion of the hadeeths he had examined. This book is considered the most authentic compilation of hadeeth, due to the very meticulous ways of the compiler.
sahiih muslimMuslim Authentic Book
The book of prophetic traditions compiled by Imam Muslim (820-875 AD), according to his strict rules of sifting and authentication procedures. Naturally, what we have in his book, which consists of a few volumes, represents only a small portion of the hadeeths he had examined.
sahiihaan as--The Two Authentic Books
The two books of authentic prophetic traditions, one compiled by Imam al-Bukhari (
sahm p.,ashumshare
In the distribution of war booties, the term
sahwforgetfulness, inattention
Basically, the word means inattention or not paying attention to something. But it is also used to mean neglecting something inadvertently.
saiidtayyibclean dust
The reference here is to the dust that one gets from touching the earth in a spot that has not been soiled by any
sajdah pl. sajdaatprostration
once See
sajdat at-tilaawahrecitation
prostration A prostration one makes upon reciting specific verses from the Quran, such as 96:19. There are a few places in the Quran where this prostration is recommended.
sajada yasjudto prostrate
Technically, prostration (sujuud) in Islam means putting one s forehead and nose on the floor, supporting the body with the open palms, the knees arid the toes, all of which should touch the floor.
sakhat-allaahDivine wrath
Anger of Allah, brought about by disobeying His commands and/or causing destruction and harm to iimocent creatures.
sakiinahcalmness, tranquility
The feeling of peace and tranquility or the observance of such an attitude.
saktah pl. saktaatpause
salaah as-- al- ibraahiimiyyahAbrahamic blessing prayers
The second part of
salaah pl. salawaatfomral prayer
The prayer that one performs, not just says, like the regular five daily prayers, as opposed to
salaah as-- al-wustaathe middle prayer
This refers to either dawn (
salaah faaitahmissed prayer
The obligatory prayer not performed in its regular time for some reason or another. It is considered like a debt, to be performed as soon as possible.
salaah maktuubahobligatory prayer
Any of the five daily prayers which must be observed by a Muslim.
A key word in Islam, to which the word Islam is lexically related. One of the Divine Attributes of Allah is
salaam as--The Supreme Peace
A Divine Attribute of Allah: the Only true Source of peace and tranquility.
salaat as-- alaa an-nabiyyprayer for blessings on the Prophet
salaat al-iidayntwo Eid prayers
The two Eids of
salaat al-fadhdh /al-fardpraying alone
Usually, this refers to performing alone the prayers which are normally held in congregation.
salaat al-fardobligatory prayer
Each of the five daily prayers.
salaat al-istikhaarahprayer for guidance
This consists of two
salaat al-istisqaarain seeking prayer
A special service held to ask Allah for rain. It consists of a sermon and supplications for rain and a two-
salaat al-jamaaahcongregational prayer
Performing (the obligatory prayer) in a group of people. Sometimes, even two worshippers could be considered a group for this purpose. In the hadeeth we are told that praying in a group is 27 times better than praying alone.
salaat al-janaazahuneral prayer
The prayer for the deceased person is done in the following maimer. The
salaat al-jumahaoA4 oLc
Friday service The Friday service consists of a two- part sermon, followed by two
salaat al-khawfprayer of the fighters
Literally, this means the prayer of fear or danger. It means praying in the battlefield while the worshippers are in danger of being attacked by the enemy. There are certain procedures to be followed in such a ease. (See the Quran, 4: 102).
salaat al-kusuuf wa al- khusuufeclipse prayer
The prayer is performed upon the eclipse of the sun (kusuuf) or the moon (khusuuf). Special procedures are observed in this
salaat al-laylnight prayers
This usually refers to the supererogatory prayers one performs during the night. The best time is the last third of the night.
salaat al-mariidthe prayer ofthe ill
Depending on the nature of the illness, certain types of licences are given to the ill person in performing the
salaat al-musaafirtraveller s prayer
A person on travel may shorten the four
salaat al-qiyaamlate night prayer
The optional prayers performed by some people late at night, preferably towards the last third portion of the night. Sometimes, the term is used to mean
salaat an-naafilahvoluntary / supererogatory prayer
salaat as-sunnahsunnah prayer
The prayer observed by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), before and after the regular obligatory prayers.
salaat at-tahajjudlate night prayers
Prayers performed usually very late at night by a devout believer.
salaat at-taraawiihtaraaweeh prayer
The special prayers performed during Ramadan after the late evening prayer. It may consist of any number of two-
salaat at-tatawwusupererogatory prayer
Prayers performed by a Muslim above and beyond those required and/or specified by the religion. Another term is
salaat al-witrwitr prayer
The salat performed at the end of the night, usually consisting of one or three rakas (an odd number); hence the name
salaf as-- as-saalihthe good predecessors
Often, this term is used to refer to the first three generations of Muslims, though it simply means the pious predecessors or earlier generations. The word
satas al-bawlincontinence
Inability to control urination, especially the passing of drops of urine.
salawaat as-- al-khamsthe five prayers
The reguair daily prayers to be observed by a Muslim at their specified times (fair, Zuhr, aSr, maghrib, ishaa).
salla-llaahu alayhi wa- sallamBlessings and peace ofAllah be upon him.
This is the expression a Muslim often says after mentioning the Prophet Muhammad or his name. Every time a Muslim says that he receives blessings from Allah too. Sometimes, this expression is shortened to
sallaa yusalliito pray
To perform formal prayers (
sallaa yusallii alaa an- nabiyyto pray for blessings on the
Prophet Saying something like
sallama yusallimto greet
Literally, it means to say:
saltama 2 yusallim amrahuto surrender oneself
To put oneself in the hands of someone. Very often, the expression is used in the context of leaving ones affairs to Allah (
sam as-- wat-taaahhearing and obeying
Full obedience.
samaahat al-islaamIslamic tolerance
The spirit of tolerance Islam teaches its followers to observe in dealing with non- Muslims. It is also used to refer to the easy, uncomplicated nature of Islam.
samad as--The Everlasting Refuge
A Divine Attribute of Allah. The One Whose protection al! creatures seek.
samad as-- 2eternally Besought of all
One of the unique attributes of Allah, and means that everyone and everything seeks His help in all affairs all the time.
samia-ilaahu li-man hamidahAllah hears whoever thanks Him
This is the expression a Muslim normally says upon raising his head from the bowing position in formal prayers.
samii as--The All-Hearing
A Divine Attribute of Allah. The One Who hears everything, however low or inaudible it might be.
sammaa i yusammiito say:
sammaa 2 yusammiito name
To give someone or something a name.
sanad al-hadlithhadeeth chain of authority
Chain of transmitters or narrators of a prophetic tradition, which should normally go back to a witnessing companion of the Prophet (PBUH).
sanam pi asnaamidol
Idol used for worship by idolators.
Another name for Hell-fire.
sariyyah pi saraayaamilitary expedition
In Islamic history, the term was used to refer to an expedition sent by the Prophet (PBUH); therefore, he was not part of it.
sariyyah 2 pi.saraayaaconcubine
A slave girl treated as a wife by her master. So the relationship is a legal one, because her children will be legitimate children.
sarraa as-- wad-darraaease and difficulty
The expression
satr al-awrahcovering the private parts
Covering the parts that have to be covered by a Muslim man or woman in the presence of strangers or when performing the formal prayers. (See
In Islam, fasting means complete abstention from food, drinks and sexual intercourse from pre-dawn time (about 2 hours before sunrise) until sunset.
sawm at-tatawwuvoluntary fasting
Fasting days other than those of Ramadhan on a voluntary basis. For a married woman, permission from husband may be required since this means that he could not have sex with her during daytime.
Walking between the Mounts of Safa and Marwah (seven times) as a part of umrah and pilgrimage rituals. Walking in each direction is counted one.
sayd al-bahrcatch of the sea
Any animal caught from water. The ruling is that catches are permissible to eat for a pilgrim in a state of
sayd al-barrhunting game
An animal caught by hunting. lt is forbidden for a pilgrim in a state of
sayf allaahthe Sword of allah
This is a title given to the military genius and companion of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), Khalid ibn al-Waleed who was responsible for many victories against the Byzantines and others. This title was given to him by the Prophet (PBUH).
sayyiah pl. sayyiaatsin, demerit
Sayyiah (opposite of
A follower of Imam al- Shafiiyy, the leader of one of the four major schools of Islamic law, which is common in South Arabia, Egypt and South East Asia.
shaahid pl. shuhuudwitness
Someone who sees or has seen something or testifies to it.
shaari ash--The Legislator
The legislator in Islam is Allah and, by implication, His messenger.
shaarib al-khamrdrinker of alcoholic beverage
sha banThe eighth month of the
Islamic calendar, which precedes Ramadan.
shafshaf prayer
Technically, this refers to the two rakahs one prays before the
Interceding on behalf of somebody with someone in authority.
shafaaah ash-- al-kubraaThe Greatest Intercess ion
The intercession that will be performed by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) on the Day of Resurrection on behalf of all mankind, when all the other prophets excuse themselves of doing it.
shafaqevening glow / twilight
The soft light (normally reddish) one sees in the sky after sunset. The time of
shafiiintercessor, intercessionary
Someone who intercedes on behalf of others.
shahaadah ash--the Shahadah
The declaration that one bears witness that there is no deity except Allah (and that Muhammad {PBUH}is His messenger). Sometimes, it is called
Offering testimony to something.
shahaadat az-zuurfalse testimony
False testimony is considered one of the major sills; it violates the Quranic teachings on justice and fairness, which emphasize telling the truth even if it is against oneself and nearest of kins. (See the Quran, 4: 135) The Prophet (PBUH) strongly warned against it.
shahaadataan ash--the two testimon
Testifying that (1) there is no deity except Allah and (2) that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.
shahiid ash--The Ever- Witnessing
A Divine Attribute of Allah. The One Who witnesses His creatures actions and deeds.
shahiid pl. shuhadaamartyr
Someone who dies for the Cause of Islam. The term is extended in the prophetic traditions to include victims of natural disasters and people who die while defending their honour or possessions. (For the status of the first category, see the Quran, 3: 169-171).
shahr ash- al-haraam pl. al-ashhur al-hurumthe sacred month
The months during which Muslims were not supposed to initiate fighting: Dhul- Qi dah, Dhul-Hijj ah, Muharram and Rajab (1 1th, I 2th, st and 7th months of the Islamic calendar).
shaiirah pl. shaaairrite
A religious rite or ritual.
shakuur ash--The Ever-Thankful
A Divine Attribute of Allah. The One Who accepts the minimum of good deeds from His servants and rewards them generously for these deeds ..
shar ash--shari ah
Islamic law.
According to
sharaa yashrato legislate, ordain
To issue a command or make a law.
shariiah pl. sharaaishari ah
Body of the canonical law of Islam.
shariik pl. shurakaapartner
Someone, for example. worshipped with Allah. From this comes the words
sharr pl. shuruurevil
Something bad and forbidden by the religion.
shart pl. shuruutrequirement, prerequisite
Something that is necessary. for example, for the validity of certain deeds.
shart 2 pi. shuruutcondition, term
Something agreed upon in a contract.
The tenth month of the Islamic calendar.The first day of the month is
Relgious scholar. Originally, the word means an elderly man, but in modem religious literature it is oflen used to refer to a religious scholar. There are other uses for the word as well.
shaytaan ash--Satan
The Evil One who was cursed by the Almighty Allah for his rebellion against Him, and who has determined to lead astray everyone he can and to make people do evil things.
shighaar nikaah ash--mutual marriage
arrangement See
shiiiyy pl. ash-shiiahshiite
A believer in the doctorine that the fourth Righteous Caliph, Ali ibn Abi Talib, was supposed to be the first Caliph (successor to the Prophet Muabmmad (PBUH)), rather than Abu Bakr, who was chosen by the Muslim Community at the time.
partners, polytheism The act of worshipping someone or something besides Allah.
shirk akbarmajor polytheism
Worshipping others with Allah. This includes praying to saints and other dead men of piety, with the belief that they may intercede for the worshipper. Islam does not recognize the principle of intermediaries between Allah and His servants. A Muslim can, naturally, ask a living pious man to pray for him I her.
shirk al-aadahpolytheism of customs
The keeping up of un-Islamic superstitious customs, such as belief in charms and bad omens.
shirk al-ibaadahpolytheism in worship
Worshipping others besides Allah, such as praying to the graves or shrines of saints or seeking help from the dead, regardless of their identity pr position with Allah5 including the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
shirk al-ilmpolytheism of knowledge
The claim that some people. such as prophets, imams or holy men have knowledge of
shirk asgharminor polytheism
This means taking partners with Allah in an indirect way. such as swearing to someone other than Allah or doing pious deeds to gain peoples admiration, rather than for the sake of Allah alone.
shirk at-tasarrufpolytheism of disposal
Ascribing power to others besides Allah or claiming that there are beings who share the power of the disposal of affairs with Allah.
shirk khafiyyhidden polytheism
An act which involves taking partners with Allah, without a Muslim realizing it, such as swearing to others besides Allah or doing righteous deeds to be praised by people, rather than seeking Divine pleasure.
shuaybShu aib
A prophet of Allah mentioned in the Quran (See 11: 84-95).
ehubhah pl. shubuhaatsuspicion, suspicious case
Sometimes, the term is used to mean allegation or misconception.
The priority to purchase a property, usually given to the neighbour.
shurb al-khamrdrinking an alcoholic beverage
is an important institution in Islamic government. (See the Quran, 42: 38).
siddiiq as--the trusiing friend
The reference is to Abu-Bakr, the Prophets closest friend, because he always showed unflinching trust in the Prophet (PBUH) and in his words.
As opposed to falsehood.
Telling the truth.
sidrat al-muntahaaLote-tree of the Boundary
The tree next to the Divine Throne beyond which no angel could go. Reference to this tree is given in the Qur!an, Chapter 53: verses 14 and 15, in the context where the Qur an speaks about the Ascension of the Prophet (PBUH) to heaven, known as
sifaahfornication, extra marital
A child whose father is unknown is sometimes called
sihaah as-- as-sittahthe six authentic books
The term is used for the best known compilations of the
sihaah as-- as-sittahThe Six Sound Books
The six books of hadeeth compiled by leading scholars. These imams are: al- Bukhaarii, Muslim, Abuu Daawuud, al-Nasaaii, at- Tirmidhii, Ibn Maajah.
sihaaqlesbian sex act
Sexual act between females. This is strongly condemned in Islam, and it is considered a major sin.
sihhahauthenticity, soundness
In the science of hadeeth terminology this means whether a certain hadeeth i s authentic or not.
sihrsorcery, witchcraft
Black magic in which the sorcerer usually resorts to help from evil jinn to do mischievous things to people and to perform various types of tricks and unusual feats. Sorcery is forbidden by Islam.
surah as-- an-nabawiyyahbiography of the Prophet
Life story of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), which should not be confused with the
silat ar-rahim / al-arhaamgoodness to relatives
Being good to ones relations on both the father s and the mothers side. Literally,
sinn al-buluughage ofpuberty
sinn ar-rushdage of maturation
The age at which one is considered mentally mature.
sinn at-takliifage of accountability
The age at which a person becomes legally and religiously accountable. Normally, this is also
sinn at-tamyiizage of discrimination
Another term for age of maturation.
siqaayahproviding water
This used to refer especially to the practice of providing water to the pilgrims by the Makkahns.
siraat as-- al-mustaqiimThe Straight Path
The right way that leads to Divine Pleasure.
siraat as--The Narrow Bridge
The bridge over Hell-fire which everyone has to cross after the Judgment. Depending on ones beliefs and deeds, some cross it swiftly, others slowly. Still others do not make it, and they fall into the fire.
sirriyyah salaah --secret prayer
The term refers to the two prayers performed during the day: Zuhr (noon) and aSr (late afternoon). The word secret means that the worshipper recites the Qu? an in a manner not heard by others.
siwaaktooth brushing
Brushing the teeth, usually with a
siyaam ad-dahrcontinuous fast
Observing the fast every day of the year; i.e. , one fasts during the day and breaks the fast at night every day.
siyaam daawuudDavid s fasting
The manner in which the Prophet Daawuud (David) (PBUH) used to fast: fasting alternative days all the time.
siyaanat al-irdprotecting one s honour
Protecting ones honour is equal to protecting ones own life; whoever kills an aggressor in a fight to protect his honour it is considered a case of self-defence.
Very often this connotes some form of interrogation ..
subhaan-allaahGlorUled be Allah!
Roughly equivalent to
subhaanahu wa taaalaaGlorified be He and exalted
An expression commonly used after the mention of the word Allah as a sign of reverence.
subhaanak-allaahummaGlor41fied are You my Lord
subhah pl subahprayer beads
String of beads, normally of 33 or 99 beads, used by Muslims to count the number of certain prayers, such as
Usually, a females unveiling especially her face and head or ignoring the rules of Islamic dress in general. This is usally contrasted with Hijaab.
suht pl. ashaatillicit gain
Something that one gains through illegal means.
suhuf sg. sahiifahHoly Books or Writs, records
In the Quran (Chapter 87: 18- 19) this term refers to books revealed to messengers of Allah.
suhuurpredawn meal
The meal a Muslim takes before dawn when he intends to fast that day. It is recommended that one delay it as much as possible. This would lighten the burden of the fast for him.
sujjaadah pl. sajaajiidprayer rug
A rug often used by Muslims to pray on, usually as a precaution that the spot of prayer is ritually clean (
The act of prostrating. In Islam, this is done in the following manner: one kneels on his knees, puts his face ori the floor (forehead and nose), while supporting his body on the hands which are placed almost parallel to the head. with the palms down. The elbows are raised from the floor.
sujuud as-sahwprostration for forgetting
Two prostrations made just before the end of the
sujuud ash-shukrgratitude prostration
The prostration one makes upon receiving good news. for example, to show gratitude to Allah.
The condition of being intoxicated, usually by drinking an alcoholic beverage.
The Prophet Solomon (PBUH), who was also a king endowed by Allah with many special powers. (See, e.g., the Quran, 21: 81-82 and 27:16- 44, where his story with the Queen of Sheba is told).
suh al-hudaybiyyahThe Truce of Hudaybiyah
The agreement or pact (of reconciliation) made between the Prophet (PBUH) and the Makkahns at Hudaybiyah near Makkah in the sixth year of Hijra.
Authority or control over somebody. It is this sense that we often see this word in the Quran.
sultaan pl. salaatiinsultan
sunanhadeeth collections
The word sunan is the plural of
sunan abii daawuudAbu Dawood Hadeeth Collection
sunan an-nasaaiyyAl-Nasai Hadeeth Collection
sunan at-tirmidhiyyTirmidhi Hadeeth Collection
The !IHadiithll collection compiled by Imam Abu Isa Muhammad at-Tirmidhi (279 A.H.).
sunan ibn maajahIbn Majah Collection of Hadeeth
sunnah as--sunnah
Practice of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Sometimes, the term is used to mean all his teachings. Alternative terms are
sunnah pi sunanway, practice
Way or practice in general.
sunnah filiyyahpractical tradition
This refers to the practices and deeds of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
sunnah muakkadahemphasized sunnah
A practice of the Prophet (PBUH) that was emphasized by him, through his meticulous observance of doing it.
sunnah qawliyyahverbal tradition
The refers to the sayings of the Prophet (PBUH).
sunnah raatibah pl. sunan rawaatibregular sunnah prayer
The sunnah prayer which is regularly observed before and/or after the obligatory five daily prayers: two
sunnah taqriiriyyahreported tradition
This refers to the reports on the reactions of the Prophet (PBUH) to something said or done in his presence, such as indicating approval or disapproval.
A member of the majority of Muslims who agree, among other things, that Abu Baia, Omar, Othman (RAA) were as legitimate successors to the Prophet (PBUH) as Ali (RAA), and in that order, since they were all elected by the Muslim Community.
The navel is considered the upper boundary of the private parts. For example, for men decency requires covering the parts from the navel to the knees. This is the minimum for him to cover before parying, for example.
sutrat al-musallilworshipper s barrier
Anything that is made to stand in front of a worshipper so that people do no walk directly in front of him. It could be a wall, a pillar or simply a portable object of reasonable height (one foot high, for example).
suufiyy pl. suufiyyahSufi
Originally, a person who lives an ascetic life of devotions seeking spiritual purification. But often, this refers to a member of a Sufi order.
suufiyyah as--SufIsm
suur as--the Trumpet
The Trumpet which is blown (for the second time) to announce the Rresurrection. (See the Quran 6:73; 18:99; 20:102; ..
suurah pl. suwarchapter
Chapter of the Quran, which comprises 114 chapters. Ali the chapters of the Qu?an. with the exception of 9, begin with
taaah pl. taaaatgood deed
Literally, obdience. deeds that obedience to Allahs commands.
taabbudiyyritual, by Divine command
Something a Muslim does because he has been so commanded by his religion.
taabi at-taabiiinfollower of the Followers
This refers to the third generation of Muslims, the Companions of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) being the first generation.
taabiiyysecond generation Muslim
This refers to a Muslim who came in contact with a companion of the Prophet Muhamad (PBUH), most probably being born after the death of the Prophet or near that time.
taabuut pl. tawaabiltark of the covenant
See the Quran 2:248.
taaddud al-zawjaatpolygyny
The practice of having more than one wife at the same time. Some people mistakingly use polygamy which can mean having more than one wife or husband.
taafa yaluufcircumambulate
To go around the Kaba. Circumambulating the Kabah seven times is considered an act of worship, like the
taaghuut pl tawaaghiitfalse deity
Anyone who is worshipped besides Allah. A despotic tyrant is also sometimes called Taaghuut.
taahirimmaculate, ritually pure,
A person is ritually pure if he fulfills certain requirements, such as not having any urine, stool, or blood on his body or not being in a state that requires
A repenting person. See
taalaa-llaahAllah be exalted!
A common expression Muslims use after the word Allah is
taalib pl. talabah al-ilmseeker of knowledge
Often, a student of religious knowledge.
The king chosen by Allah for the Israelites to fight Goliath. (See the Quran 2: 241-25 1.) ..
taarik al-salaahneglector ofprayer
Someone who does not perform the (five) daily prayers. Naturally, this violates one of the five corner-stones of Islam.
taawwadha yataawwadhseek refuge (with Allah)
taawwudhseeking refuge
Generally, this means seeking refuge with Allah. A common prayer is
tabaaraka-ilaahHallowed/Blessed is Allah
This expression is often used to express admiration for something. In general use, it means something like Allah bless! ..
tabannaa yatabnnaaadopt
tabannii al--adoption
Adopting someone to be ones child, to carry his name and be treated like a natural son or daughter is not permissible in Islam. (See the Quran 33:4-5). However, kindness to orphans is strongly recommended.
tabarrajat tatabarrajdisplay finery or beauty
tabarrujdisplay offinery or beauty
Technically, this means showing any part of the womans body (except the face and hands) and her ornaments to strangers (marriageable males) and wearing make up or perfumes in public.
tabarrukseeking blessings
Doing something to gain blessings from someone or something.
tabattala yatabaftaluTo be pious and chaste.
To retire from the world and devote ones life to the worship of Allah.
tabattuldevotion to Allah
Retiring from the world and devoting ones life to Allah.
Squandering ones money or possessions is forbidden in Islam, because these gifts from Allah should be properly made use of for the benefit of the individual and society. (See the Qur an 17:26-7) ..
tabu pl. tibaaone year calf
A male calf that has completed one year of age. tabiligh conveying (a message) Another word of the same root is balaagh which has the same meaning.
tadarraa yataoarrato supplicate in humility
To pray in a humble and earnest manner.
tadarruhumble supplication
Praying in a humble and earnest manner.
tadbiir ar-raqiiqposthumous manumission
The decision to set a slave free upon masters death.
tadwiirnormal recitation
Reciting the Quran at average rate of speed, while observing all the rules ol correct enunciation (
tafaqquh fii al-diinlearning the religion
The act of studying to learn and understand religious matters.
The raising of the back part of the tongue towards the roof of the mouth while pronouncing certain consonants like the Saad and Taa (always) as well as the and r (sometimes).
tafsuirexegesis, interpretation
Explaining the meaning of Quranic text and loi commenting on it.
taghriibexile, banishment
Banishing someone who commits certain crimes to a distant land.
tahaarahritual purity or cleanliness
The state in which one can pray and touch the Quran.
tahajjudlate night prayer
This is short for
tahallulfreedom from iHraam
Doing something (like cutting the hair or shaving the head) at the end of Hajj or umrah to indicate finalization of the state of
tahannuthdevoting time lo worship
A process of devoting oneself to worshipping Allah and seeking religious purification.
tahiyyaat al--salutations prayer
The prayer which starts
tahliilpermitting making lawful
Making or considering something permissible or lawful.
recitation Fairly slow and deliberate recitation of the Quran, observing all the rules of correct enunciation. Usually, this is done in teaching situations. (See also
of meaning Misinterpretation of a text or word.
Making or considering something unlawful.
tahriim bi-imusaharahan due to marriage
Ban on marrying certain in- laws, such as mother and daughter in-law or two sisters at the same time. (See the Quran4: 23.) ..
tahriim bi-nnasabban due to lineage
The ban on marrying ceratin blood relatives, such as sisters and their daughters and aunts... (See the Quran 4: 23.) ..
tahriim bi-rradaaban due to suckling
This term is used in the context of deciding marriageable persons in Islamic law. According to Islamic law, a Muslim cannot marry someone who shared suckling from the same woman at 5 times. (See the Quran 4: 23.) ..
tahriir raqabahmanumission of a slave
Setting a slave free is one of the highly recommended acts of devotion.
tahuurritually purifying
Clean water is normally ritually purifying. Other liquids, like juices i�r example, may be clean and pure in themselves, but they are not ritually purifying: they cannot be used for ablution, for example.
tajarruddivesting oneself
Divesting oneself physically in the sense of removing his ordinary clothes, for example. and mentally in the sense of paying no attention to worldly gains and affairs.
tajawwuz fii al salaahhurrying in prayer
This means that a person recites and performs the minimum requirements of proper Salaah, without violating the condition of properness, or reading short chapters of the Quran, usually for an urgent reason.
tajmiiraromatizing a shroud
Using insence or the like to give a shroud of a dead person good smell.
This word comes from
takbiirat al-ihraaminitial
takbiir Saying
takfiinenshrouding the corps
Wrapping the corps of a dead person in clean sheets of cloth after washing the body. lt is also recommended to scent the body and the shroud with perfume.
takhliilpassing thejingures through
In the context of ablution, this means passing wet fingers through the beard (al-liHyah) and the toes (al-aSaabi) to make sure that water reaches the different parts.
In theology, qualifying an of Allah by
divorce in Islam is considered a necessary evil or a last resort, when the husband and wife try everything, including arbitration, to get along. The divorce is done by the man declaring his wife divorced. There is a chance of reconciliation after each of the first and second times, without any formal procedures, provided that it is done within three menstrual periods of the wife after the divorce. The wife should stay in the home during this period, which makes it more conducive to a quiet reconciliation.
talaaq al-bidahimproper divorce
Divorce that is done in violation of
talaaq as-sunnahProper divorce
Divorcing the wife in accordance with the teachings of the Prophet (PBUH): (1) It should be during a menstruation cycle (between two periods) while she is free from bleeding and provided he did not have sex with her during that period. (2) No more than one divorce during any cycle.
talaaq baainfinal divorce
The divorce after which a woman may not go back to her former husband, except with a new contract or unless she manies another man. consummates her maniage, then gets separated by divorce or death from the second husband. (See
talaaq rajiyyrevocable
divorce The ease in which a man and his divorced wife may return to each other without remarrying (a new marriage contract). This happens after the
The primary source of Jewish law.
tajqah uulaafirst divorce
Divorcing the wife for the first time, which is considered a revocable divorce.
taiqah pl. taiqaatdivorce once
A Muslim is allowed divorce three times. After either of the first two times the wife and husband can go back to each other within a three (menstrual) periods. (See
taiqah thaalithahthird divorce
This is the third time a man divorces his wife, which is considered final. The) may not return to each other except after her marrying another man, consummating the marriage, then getting separated from the second husband by divorce or death. Naturally, a new marriage contract is required.
taiqah thaaniyahsecond divorce
Divorcing the wife for the second time, which means that the man takes back his wife after divorcing her the first time during the waiting period (
taiqiin al-mayyitprompting the dying person
The word
tamiimah pl. tamaamtalisman, amulet
Something one keeps and usually wears for protection against evil spirits for example. Islam forbids this, because truc protection is provided by Allah Alone. One may read verses of the Quran (e.g. 2:255; Chapters (113 114) for that purpose.
tamjiidglori cation
Though the word means glorification in general, it is often used in the context of glorifying Allah and praising Him.
tamth al--menstruation
Regular monthly vaginal bleeding.
tamthiilcomparing, likening
In theology, this means comparing the acts and attributes of Allah with those of humans, which is considered a blasphemy. since the Quran tells us that
The pronunciation of an ii after the last vowel in an idefinite noun in Arabic, such as kitaab(un) a bookt. In Arabic this is indicated by doubling the short vowel diacritic mark ..
This means that we should not ascribe any human qualification to the Divine attributes of Allah, because
taqarrub ilaa allaahseeking
Divine Pleasure Doing something good in order to please Allah and be closer to Him.
taqiyyah al--concealing identity
A Shiite principle of behaving in a manner acceptable to others in order to conceal ones true identity.
taqliid al--imitation, emulation
In religious terms, this means following the views and /or practices of a certain imam or school of thought.
taqsiir al-sharshortening the hair
Cutting some hair from various parts of the head for men and culling about 2 centimeters from a womants hair at the end of
The Arabic term covers many concepts that include Allah- fearing, righteousness and piety.
taraawiihtaraweeh prayers
tarahhumpraying for mercy for s. o.
Often, this can be in the form of
tarliqah suufiyyahSufI order
An order is very often named after its leader, such as Naqshabandiyyah, Tiijaaniyyah. . . etc.
tarjiisaying: innaa lillaahi wa innaaa
Saying the expression which means To Allah we surely belong, and to Him we shall return, usually, upon receiving bad news or meeting an unfortunate incident.
tark al-saalahneglecting formal prayers
Not performing the obligatory five daily prayers. This act is considered an act of disbelief by the Prophet (PBUH).
Pronouncing a consonant, especially the r and 1, without raising the back of the tongue. It is the opposite of
tartiilrecitation, reading
Usually, this refers to reciting or reading the Quran in a slow and deliberate manner. observing all the rules of correct enunciations (
tasaddaqa yatasaddaqgive out charity
tasadduqgiving charity
Doing a charitable deed can be through giving out something, for example, or offering help to someone who needs it.
tasawwafa yatasawwafbecome a suji
tasawwufbecoming stift, Sufism
In general, this means living a simple life of devotions. But Sufism has taken many forms, some of which are considered objectionable by the orthodox Muslims.
Glorification of Allah. The usual expression is
tashahhudsaying the
tashahhud2sitting prayers
The prayers one says in the sifting position during the Salaah (formal prayers). (See
In theology this means attributing human qualities to Allah,or comparing Divine attributes and actions to human ones, which is a grave blasphemy. (See tanziih.) ..
responding to the sneezer Saying
tashyil al-janaazahaccompanying the funeral
Walking along or behind the bier and helping in carrying it. All these are strongly recommended acts for a Muslim to do for fellow Muslims.
tashyii at-mayyitescorting the deceased
Walking along or behind the bier and helping in carrying it. All these are strongly recommended acts for a Muslim to do for fellow Muslims.
tastiim 2 2surrendering
something or someone to somebody.
tasmiyah al--saying
taswiyat al-saffstraightening the line
In congregational worship this means making the lines! rows straight, usually by making sure the feet and the shoulders of the worshippers are next to each other.
Purifying oneself by removing impurities and making ablution or washing the body.
tatawwaa yatatawwato volunteer
Doing a voluntary act of worship, such as optional prayers or fasting.
talayyubwearing perfume
Prophet Muhammad used to like perfumes, and he encouraged his followers to wear them, especially before going to the mosque.
talayyurbelieving in bad omens
A Muslim is encouraged to have faith in Allah and believe in good omens (
tatiilnegation of attributes
In theology, this refers to the claim that we should negate all attributes from our concept of Allah.
tawiidhah pi taaawiidhtalisman, incantation
Something worn or recited over someone for protection against evil. In Islam one should seek only Divine help, not of amulets and charms, which have no power to help or protect anyone. (See
tawiil al-quraaninterpretation of the Quran
Technically, this often refers to unconventional interpretation of the Quf an, as opposed to
tawiil / tabiir al-ruyaainterpretation of dreams
This is one of sciences Muslims pioneered in. Usually, a Muslim schoiar would resort to the Quran, hadeeth, conventions and other sources in interpreting the dreams.
Going around the Kabah seven times, starting with the black stone and ending there.
tawaaf al-ifaadahIfaaDah circwnambulation
tawaaf al-quduumCircwnambulation of arrival
The Tawaaf the pilgrim performs upon arrival at Mecca.
tawaafal-widaaFarewell Circumambulation
tawaaf al-ziyaarahziyaarah circumambulation
tawaddaa yatawadoamake ablution
tawakkala yatwakkal ala-llaahto trust in Allah
To depend on Allah and put ones trust in Him. tawakkaltu ala-Ilaah J trust in Allah I am putting my trust in Allah and depending on Him. Sometimes, this expression and its alternative
tawakkultrusting and depending
Normally, this refers to putting ones trust in Allah, and stop worrying.
tawallhi al-qadaabecoming a judge
To have the job of a judge.
tawarruksitting on buttock
Sitting in the
tawassulentreaty, fervent plea
Normally, this is used with reference to praying to Allah, which should be direct, not through anyone.
tawbah nasuuhsincere repentance
There are three conditions for sincere repentance: (1)stop doing the wrong act, (2) regret having done it and seeking Divine forgiveness axd (3) resolving not to repeat the wrong doing.
tawhiidmonotheism, Islamic theology
The belief in the absolute oneness of Allah and behaving accordingly in ones supplications and worship. Sometimes, the study of theological issues in Islam is called
tawhiid al-rubuubiyyahmonotheism of lordshif
Belief that there is only One Lord and Sustainer of the whole creation.
tawhiid al-uluuhiyyahmonotheism of deity
The belief that there is only One Allah Who is Unique. He has no partners, no wife or children, and none is equal to Him. (See the Quran, Chapter 112) ..
tawhiid al-ibaadahmonotheism in worshif
Devoting and directing worship to Allah alone, without intermediaries or partners.
tawqifiyydecided by the religion
Something that is not subject to debate and argument, because it has been decided by the religion in a command by Allah or instructions from His messenger.
The Book that was revealed to Prophet Moses. Some scholars say that it is the Mosaic Law or the Pentateuch.
tawwaab al--The Ever Relenting
An Attribute of Allah. The One Who constantly accepts the repentance of His servants.
tayaamungoing righiward
Starting something with the right hand side (such as washing the right arm first or entering a mosque with the right foot first) or moving in that direction.
tayammumwiping with dust
The symbolic act of wiping the face and the hands with light dust instead of ablution in the case of emergency, such as absence of water or its extreme rarity. It is also permissible for someone who cannot use water for some reason or another.
tayammunseeking blessings
Considering something a source of blessings.
taziirdiscretionary punishment
Punishment the nature of which is not specified in Islamic law; therefore, it is left to the discretion of the judge or ruler.
taziyahoffering condolences
Usually, this is used in terms of offering condolences for someone who had death iri the family.
thabt pl. thubuutreliable
In the context of evaluating the narrators of the Hadeeth, this refers to the fact that a narratori transmitter of the text is reliable, with a remarkably retentive memory.
thaqalaan al--humans and jinnis
The term refers to the two main categories of responsible beings, the visible humans and the invisible beings known as jinn.
The opposite of
thayyabnot virgin
A woman that was previously married. In some aspects of Islamic law she is treated differently from a virgin.
thiqah pl. thiqaattrustworthy
With reference to a Hadeeth narrator, this means that he is trustworthy, due to his impeccable character.
thubuut al-shahrconfirmation of the month
The official aimouncement regarding the beginning of the lunar month, such as Ramadhan.
tub pl tuyuubperfume
Perfumes were among the favourite things to the Prophet (PBUH).
tilaawahrecitation, reading
Usually, this refers to the careful recitation or reading of the Quran.
tiyarahbelief in bad omens
Islam is against believing in bad omens, because a Muslim should have faith in Allah.
tuhrreedom from menses
The time when a female is not menstruating.
Peace and serenity. It is sometimes used to mean smooth movement, in a respectful manner, when we talk about performing formal prayers.
tuubaali...May Allah grant Paradise to
An expression of encouragement for people to do or undergo something. It is a form of prayer for them to earn Paradise if do or undergo what is specified.
tuur jabal at--Mount Sinai
The mountain in Sinai which is mentioned in the Quran in the context of the story of Moses. (See the Quran, 23:20, e.g.) ..
tuur siinaa /siiniinMount Sinai
Nowadays, it is called
ubuudiyyahservitude, slavery
In religious terms, this is usually used to refer to the relationship of man to Allah. He is a slave and servant of His Lord Who is the Master of the Universe. This includes worshipping Him and obeying every command of His.
udhiyah pl. adaahiianimal offering, sacrflce
The animal offered for sacrifice especially during pilgrimage. This could be a goat (not less than one year old), a sheep (at least six months), a cow / ox , or a camel (both not less than two years old). A goat or sheep is offered for one pilgrim while a cow / ox and camel may be offered for seven people. For non-pilgrims, these animals are offered per family, not individual.
udhr pl. adhaarexcuse
Reason for not doing or observing a required act. Often, we hear the expression
uhsina yuhsanugot married
The verb in the passive form is used in the Quf an to refer to marriage.
to the Hereafter Any matter related to
ukht min ar-radaa ahfoster-sister
We also read
uluu al-azmmen of resolution
This term is used in the Quran to refer to certain messengers of Allah. According to some scholars, these are: Noah, Abraham, Moses and Jesus. But the term basically means people who are resolute, persistent and patient in carrying out their mission.
uluu al-albaabmen of understanding
Another translation of this term is men possessed of minds.
uluu al-amrauthorities
People in charge of community affairs.
uluu al-arhaamrelatives
Blood relatives of various degrees.
uluuhiyyahdivinity, Allahhood
Being a deity or Allah.
umm al-kitaab1the Opening Chapter
One of the meanings of this term is the Opening Chapter of the Quf an, being the most important.
umm al-kitaabthe Preserved Tablet
umm pl. ummahaat almuminiinmother of the believers
This term refers to any of the wives of the Prophet (PBUH) (See the Quran, 33: 6). The\ should be shown due respect, and a Muslim was not allowed to marry a formet wife of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
umm al-quraamother of towns (Ma kka h,,)
One of the names used flu Makkah al -Mukarramah ..
umm al-watadMother s child
In legal terms, this refers to a bondswoman who gives birth to a boy from her master. She automatically becomes free upon the masters death.
ummah pl. umamnation, community
Though the general meaning of the word is someone who cannot read or write. lt is found in the Quran to mean both illiterate and non-Jew (gentile).
umrahlesser pilgrimage
Lesser pilgrimage means wearing the pilgrims garb, making the
umuur sg. amraffairs, issues
Very often this word is found in the plural form to mean matters of all sorts.
The males inability to perform sexual intercourse. The wife has the right to seek divorce on this ground.
uqdat an-nikaahmarriage contract
uquuq al-waalidayndisobedience to parents
Showing disrespect to parents and disobeying their commands, or mistreating them.
urf pl. araafconvention
Common practice by people in a certain community. In Islamic law, we often find reference to these practices in the absence of clear legislation regarding certain practices or worldly duties. Naturally, these should not conflict with any injunctions of the religion.
uruud at-tijaarahcommodities
Things prepared for trade. There are special rules regarding the alms paid on them.
usaah sg. aas in]sinners, rebellious people
usuul sg. asiprinciples
usuul ast 2lineage
usuul al-fiqhprinciples of jurisprudence
Literally, the term means origins of fiqh (jurisprudence). It has been defined as the
usuul al-hadiithprinciples of the hadeeth
The principles of hadeeth (traditions of the Prophet [PBUH]) authentication, such as methods of text verification and the critical evaluation of the narrators. uSuul at-tafsiir Jyi science of Qur anic exegesis This is the science which deals with the issues and rules to be observed in interpreting the Quran, such as full knowledge of the Quran anti the Prophets traditions, the Arabic language, history of the revelation of different verses.. .et ..
uswah hasnahexemplar model
The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is supposed to be the exemplar model for all Muslims. They should emulate his conduct. (See the Quran, 33: 21).
There are two types of ounce in traditional Islamic terms: one for silver (119.4 grams) and another for other types of substance (127 grams). Both should not be confused with the modern use of ounce (28.349 grams).
The Quf an points out that some Jews claimed that Ezra was a son of Allah. (9:30).
Celibacy is not recommended by Islam, since it is considered against human nature.
uzzaa al--the Uzza
One of the female deities worshipped by the pagan Arabs.
waahid al--The One
A Divine Attribute of Allah. The One Who is Absolute in oneness and uniqueness and has no partners.
waaiz pl. wuaaZ"
Required by the religion.
waajib 2 pl. waajibaatduty, obligation
Something made obligatory by the religion.
waajib al-wujuudinevitably existing
The term is used to refer to Allah Whose existence is inevitable.
waajid al--The Finder
A Divine Attribute of Allah. The One from Whom nothing is hidden or lost.
waal in pl. wulaahgovernor
A governor appointed by a caliph or king to rule a certain part of the country.
waalil al--The Patron
A Divine Attribute of Allah. The Bestower of bounties and protector from evils.
waaqaa yuwaaqito copulate
To have sexual intercourse with someone.
waarith al--The Inheritor
A Divine Attribute of Allah. The True Inheritor of things, because He is the only Eternal Being.
waarith pl. warathahheir
Someone who inherits.
waasi al--The All-Embracing
A Divine Attribute of Allah. The One Whose knowledge and mercy embrace everyone and everything.
to do something good for someone. wafaa fulfillment, loyalty Fulfilling ones promise, or showing loyalty to someone.
wafaa ad-daynpaying a debt
Paying back the money one borrowed from somebody.
wafaa bin-nadhrfulfilling a vow
Doing the act one vows to do, such as fasting or giving out charity. However, if one vows to do something wrong he should not do it, and atone for it instead. (See
wahhaab al--The Highest Bestower
A Divine Attribute of Allah. The One Who gives with no bounds, and expects no reward from anyone.
wahhaabiy pl. wahhaabiyyahWahhabi
A follower of Sheikh Muhammad ibn Abdul- Waithab of Najd, who was a Muslim revivalist that emphasized in his teachings the importance of fighting all sorts of
wahhaabiyyah al--Wahhabism
Teachings of Sheikh Muhammad ibn Abdul- Wahhab, a strict Islamic revivalist, which emphasized the return to the pristine teachings of the religion and fighting all sorts of poytheistic practices.
Warning or threat to do something bad to someone.
wajhaltaah1pleasure ofAllah
We find this phrase in expressions like
wajhallaah2the Face of Allah
The direction which Allah has accepted for you. (See the Quran,2: 115).
wakaalahproxy, power of attorney
Appointing someone to act on ones behalf, giving him the power of attorney.
waklil al--The Ever-Trustee
A Divine Attribute of Allah. The One Whom we should always trust, and Who takes care of us.
wakiil pl. wulalaaproxy agent
Someone who has legal authority to represent someone else. Sometimes, we have
walaa al--loyally, show of solidarity
The term is sometimes used in the sense of a Muslims show of solidarity in his relationship with other Muslims, considering them as brothers and friends, different from non-Muslims.
walilmah pl. walaaimwedding banquet /party
It is recommended for a Muslim to have a wedding party as a means et announcing the marriage. Invited people are urged to attend it.
waliyy al--The Ever-Patronizing
A Divine Attribute of Allah. The One Who patronizes His loyal servants and protects them.
waliyy pl. awliyaaholy man, man ofAllah
This is the Islamic equivalent to a saint. A
waliyy pl. waliyaa al-amrguardian, person in charge
This term means both the person in charge of the community as well as a guardian of a person.
waqf pl. awqaafendowment
Allocating part of ones possession for a certain good purpose; it should not be sold or disposed of except under the conditions stipulated by the endowing person, or with the aim of perpetuating it.
waqfah pl. waqfaatin tajweed, a pause or stop
while reciting the Quran.
waqfah al--stay
waswasah pl. wasaawisevil suggestion
Often this term refers to the bad suggestions made by Satan to mislead people into doing forbidden things. It is also used to mean constant doubting.
Having sexual intercourse.
wathan pl. awthaanidol
A statue or icon polytheists pray to or worship.
wathaniyyidol worshipper
A person who worships idols.
The practice of worshipping idols, statues, icons and the like.
waduud al--The Most Loving and Beloved
A Divine Attribute: One Who loves the believers and is beloved by them. (See the Quran 11:90 and 85:14).
Offering advice and giving warning to others for doing wrong things.
wilaayahguardianship, wardship
The power and/or responsibility to supervise the affairs of someone else.
wisq pl. awsuqwisq
A unit of measurement of quantity used for food. It is equivalent to 60
witrodd in number
Of odd number, usually one or three. The term
Washing the hands, rinsing the mouth, sniffing water and rinsing the nostrils, washing the face, washing the arms up to the elbow, wiping the head with wet hands and washing the feet. All of these, with thc exception of wiping the head, are done three times, starting with the right hand side first.
position in formal prayers during which one would normally read at least
wuquuf al-- biarafahstay atArafah
Staying at the plain of Arafah on the ninth day of the month of pilgrimage (Dhul-Hijjah) is considered the most important single rite of
The name of a deity worshipped by the people of Prophet Noah. (See the Quran 71:23) ..
yahuud sg. yahuudiyyJews
yahuudiyy pl. yahuudJew
A member of the Jewish faith. According to Islam, Jews are members of the people of the Scripture.
yahuudiyyah al--Judaism
The religion originally taught by the Prophet Moses, but greatly tampered with after him Its holy scripture is
A prophet of Allah, son of Zachariah born to him miraculously, since his father was very old and his mother barren. (See the Quran, 19: 2- 15).
yajuuj wa majuujGog magog
A nation of a highly destructive force. (See the Quran, 18: 94).
The name of a port in Yemen where al! prospective pilgrims from Yemen or those passing by it should start their status of
yamlin iright hand side
A Muslim should start all important and good things with the right hand side or do them with the right hand. such as greeting, eating and drinking with the right hand, or with the right foot first, such as entering a mosque. Believers are called
yamiin 2 pl. aymaanoath
In Islam an oath should be in Allahs name only; i.e., one should not swear except to Allah.
yamlin al-laghwunintentional oath
An oath said in passing without the intention of swearing to Allah, such as saying,
yamiin ghamuusfalse oath
An oath made to deceive the hearer and convince him of a lie. It is called
yaqiin al--certitude
Absolute certainty. In the Quran, sometimes we find the phrase
The Prophet Jacob whose name was also
The old name for the city later called
yatiimtah pl. aytaamOrphan
A child who has lost its father especially. The Quf an and the sunnah strongly recommend kindness and fair treatment of orphans, even sponsoring their upbringing.
The name of a deity worshipped by the people of Prophet Noah. (See the Quran 71:23) ..
yawm pl ayyaamday
In Islamic texts, this word is frequently used in the sense of day as opposed to night. (See
yawmad-diinthe Day ofJudgement
The Day on which people will be resurrected and judged according to their deeds in the present life. (See, for example, the Quf an, 82).
yawm al-- al-aakharthe Last Day
The Day of Judgement.
yawm al-bathDay of Resurrection
The day on which all creatures are resurrected arid made to account for their actions in this world. See
yawm al-faslDay of Judgment
The Day of Judgment on which the doers of good are separated from the wrong doers.
yawm al-hash rthe Day of Gathering
The day when the whole creation will be resirrected and gathered together for the Judgement. (See